Welcome To My
Personal Web Page

Well, it has been way to long since I updated
my website so I thought it about time that
I gave it an overhaul. Okay, maybe just an update.

Picture Page - not updated yet!

What's Going On . . .


9-11 events were sad and difficult for everyone to bear and understand,
but was also a time for all Americans to come together and help fight the war against terrorism.

Although 9-11 seems like only a memory, terrorism still exists
and we must support our troops and our government in the daunting
and dangerous tasks that they face every day!

More importantly, we should never lose site during these times
of what is important in life, and should consider how we live our daily lives,
treat people and ourselves. Be good to one another.

I want to send out a special prayer for my friends that are in various units of the U.S. Army
stationed across the world, but more specifically my heart and thoughts are with my friends
in the 1st / 75th Army Ranger Battallion... "Rangers Lead the Way !!!"

And to Bear over in Germany... "keep that bird up in the sky".

When looking through some photos, I came across these
two from my first visit to my home away from home, New York City.
It was erie to remember how many times I had been by
and through the Twin Towers.

Gizzie, Meesa and Max's
Corner of the WEB

HEY THERE!!! We've updated our web page with all the latest happenings.
We are on the move and in the groove,
so check out our stories, pictures and "woofs of wisdom".
There are also buddy links for our pals. It's a trip!

Hey Lacey dog, where's your web page?
And what about yours Action Jackson? You to T.C.
Tell your humans to get busy... You're not cool unless you've got your own page!

Gizzie, Meesa and Max's Page - not updated yet!

Now The Important Stuff . . .

Listen up guys... this is the Gizziepuss talking. Awhile back my mom picked up a prior passion of hers' which is really important; furbaby rescue. In fact, at 1/2 of a pound and almost 8 years ago, I was her 1st rescue and look at me now. God I'm gorgeous... oh sorry...

Well, you know how my mom "Ellis Mae Clampett" is, she leaves food for wild rabbits that keep coming back for more, buys pounds of cracked corn for those ducks around the corner from our house but she won't take us anymore to feed them because Max won't quit chasing them. Idiot, he tried to jump in the duck pond. Like I'd get my feet wet in the poop water. Anyway, aren't you suppose to eat those things, instead of feed them... oh well, that's my mom for you.

Anyway, back to the furbaby rescue. She's on the Board of Directors of Lhasa Happy Homes Rescue, Inc., a 501c3 non-profit organization, who work hard to save Shih Tzus (we rule!), Lhasa Apsos and small other small breeds.

Since Lhasa Happy Homes is a non-profit, charitable organization, my mom isn't to shy to ask for financial assistance with the funding of it's special needs furbabies, or donation to help bail the furbabies out of those grody, cold cages, assist in getting them healthy again, and more importantly getting them into "forever" homes, here's how you can help.

Clicking on the PayPal button below. We need all the help we can get, and rely on donations to help our little ones. As well, all donations are tax deductable.

They also have an agreement with Ralph's grocery store if you live out this way. Every time you use your Ralph's card, Lhasa Happy Homes gets money donated by Ralph's. My mom will post the form soon if you want to sign up. Doesn't cost you a thing, and Lhasa Happy Homes benefits emmensely.

Just so you know how bad the shelters are out here in California, all the furbabies, big and small, sleep outside in the cold on the cement. And contrary to popular belief, it does get very cold here at night in the winter time.

If you want to find out how you can volunteer, foster, or assist in transporting rescued animals in your area, mom can get you in touch with rescue groups in your neck of the woods. Some of the rescue stories and links to rescue groups are on my webpage... they even bring tears to my greedy heart.

Head over to my site by clicking here! - not updated yet!

My Projects and Stories. . .

Life in So. Cal.
Living in sunny, Southern California has been an experience to say the least. Even after being here for just short of 4 years. When they call it the land of fruits, flakes and nuts, they aren't joking. However, for all the weird people there are here, California has it's great qualities... 15 minutes to the Beach, two hours to the snow covered mountains for skiing. Doesn't get much better... although I miss the East Coast more and more each day.

I also have to add that although the people seem strange, they really are normal underneath. I always use my friend Dennis Rodman as an example... YES, I said Dennis Rodman. Mr. wild, crazy, obnoxious, extreme, who can't stay out of trouble Rodman. It's funny to hear people talk about him, when underneath I've seen the warm, considerate person that Dee really is. I first met Dennis when I ruptured the disk in my spine. He saw my arm and shoulder taped and had to know what was wrong. Of course, he added his two cents about his injuries and experiencing the same thing I was going through. Since then, we consistently run in to each other in restaurants, bars, and he always goes out of his way to make sure I'm in his V.I.P. section, and having fun. In one of his obnoxious moods he got the urge to sing to me at the House of Blues, and the group of people I was with were shocked. They still talk about it to this day. To me, it's just Dennis, being Dennis, and a clear understanding that people are not always what they appear to be on the surface.

School Days
Noticed I left this one for last. Hmmmm.....
Well let's see, I got my AA/BA and graduated summa cum laude, got my BS/BA and graduated magna cum laude, and wil be graduating with my MBA in June 2004, and still have a 3.75 GPA. I'm already contemplating going back to law school in the fall. We'll see!

Carol's Hot List Pics

Here it comes... Summer will be here before you know it, which means bathing suit time. While I need to lose 30 lbs before I'll consider putting on a swimsuit, a few years back I found a website for swimwear, bought from them, and loved it so I wanted to pass on the website to you. Their swimwear is sewn per your specific wants and needs, and mine came out perfect! I highly recommend NorthShore Swimwear.



Being a Carolina girl, I had to add Charleston at it's best, check out - Jettstarr.com

Here's a couple of great site if you're looking for household items. Crate and Barrel Spiegel


Order the best beignets in the world from the famous Cafe Du Monde in New Orleans

Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter

I'm still looking for some more Hot Stuff! If you have anything you'd like to recommend, please let me know.

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Contact Information

My email address is: carolhill@yahoo.com
(949)483-9926 Direct Office Number - (949) 433-4366 Cell Phone Number

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Last Revised (at least partially): February 4, 2004