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Just My humble Opinion

There is something I have wanted to talk about for a long time but never had a place where I felt comfortable doing so.  I can just hear the conversation now:  Hi Pastor, I want to spank my wife, is that Christian?  Ugh, depart from me ye unclean monster of iniquity!!

    I think I would have a hard time talking to my pastor about this also.  Even though I have talked to him about many embarrassing things in the past (masturbation, sex).  Jeff, our pastor (if you met him you would understand why it is hard to call him Pastor Jeff, he is just too cool to be a pastor), would probably smile at me, nod his head a lot and then tell me to go pray about it (his famous words). 

    IMHO there is no right or wrong answers here. This is between you, your spouse and God only. No body should be telling you what is right for you. No where does it say in the Bible that a husband has the "right" to spank his wife on the other hand, no where does it say that he shouldn't. It does say that a husband is the authority figure of the house and that he is responsible to God for his wife, family and himself.

    What I am trying to say here is this, I do not believe that corporal discipline for wives goes against the word of God. I also do not believe that a wife who has done a wrong should always be expected to give complete consent to the punishment they receive for their wrongs (though there should be some sort of mutual agreement in the very beginning of the relationship). If this were so our judicial system would not work. I believe that when the word says wives be submitted to your husband in everything, if that husband chooses to spank for discipline then the wife should do her best to submit to him.......NOT beatings or other abuses. He does not have the authority to beat, harass, or abuse her in any way. He does have the authority to lead his house in a way that is honoring to God. 

    In my opinion an over the knee spanking is not abuse even if it is without the total consent of the recipient. If we are going to say that non-consensual spankings are abuse then we must all give up spanking our children as well because I have yet to meet one that gave their consent. And as a side note I am bewildered over the fact that some think nothing of spanking a small child with limited experience and learning without their consent but are repelled in horror at the thought of spanking a grown woman who is suppose to be mature enough to have control over herself without her consent. The Bible instructs husbands to live with their wives and honor them as fellow heirs of the kingdom. The Bible also says anyone that causes even one of these little ones to stumble; it would better that he be drowned. If a husband does something to his wife that goes against these principals I firmly believe that he will be held accountable by God and should be held accountable by man. I also want to state here that although a man is the head of his house and is held accountable for that house this does not relieve a wife of duty to behave in a Godly fashion. In fact if she loves God and her husband it would seem that because she knowing the burden he bears she would strive that much more to be pleasing to both. Both Adam and Eve were punished for their sin. Eve because she did what was commanded her not to do and Adam because he did not stop her but joined her in her sin.

    How does this bring us closer to God you ask? Well to be honest, BDSM doesn't bring us closer to God. What is does is bring us closer to each other which makes us want to do things together like daily Bible reading, prayer, going to church, and going to bible study. Not everything has to bring us closer to God, example; eating doesn't bring you closer to God, but it is what is in your heart that brings you closer to God. You may give 50% of your earning to the church, but if your heart isn't in it, it doesn't mean much.



I don't think there will be any BDSM in heaven, how then do  we justify it here on earth?

 I think I answered this question above, but in case it fell short of an answer I will go ahead and answer this. What makes you think there won't be BDSM in heaven? What Master and I believe is that heaven will be different for everybody. What your idea of heaven may not be mine. The Bible says that there is a mansion for each and everyone of us in heaven, but it didn't say that they will all be the same. My idea of heaven maybe in the country with trees, mountains and a river, but for someone else, that might not be how they picture heaven. It maybe living in the city. There may not be the sexual BDSM in heaven (I am still not sure about sex in heaven) but there will be all men and women submitting and worshipping God all mighty for eternity. Kneeling down before him.

    God created sex for our pleasure. He knows what makes us "tick". I believe that the things that "turn me on" are from the Lord. As long as it doesn't go against the things that he has stated is a sin. God is very distinctive in what is a sin, everything else I believe is between God and that person.

    Take tattoos for instance (I am not trying to get into a discussion about this), it states in the OLD Testament that we are not to have tattoos, but we are no longer live under law, but by grace. So is it wrong to have a tattoo? Master and I know a man that is in our worship team at our church who has tattoos all over. They are of Christian things. Because of his tattoos he has been able to witness to many people that otherwise would not open up there heart and listen.

    Because of this, God has shown me that tattoos might not be right for me, but for this man it was. God was able to use the tattoos on this man to reach people that no one else could.

    What I am trying to say is that not everything is black and white. God made gray, too.


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