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400th Anniversaries


1606 1st Virginia Charter (Completed: 2006)
1606 RESOLUTION Va Gen Assembly (2006)
1606 RESOLUTION SC House of Reps (2007)
1607 1st Va Charter 401st (Completed: 2007)
1607 Jamestown Island 400th(Completed: 2007)
1609 2nd Virginia Charter (Completed: 2009)
1611 Citie of Henricus (Completed: 2011)
1612 3rd Virginia Charter (Completed: 2012)
1215 Magna Carta PROCLAMATION (2015)
1616 1st Private Property (Completed: 2016)
1616 409th Newport's 1607 Cross (24 May 2016)
1616 397th History Cruise (31 July 2016)
1616 Pocahontas to England (Completed: 2016)
2017 RESOLUTION VGA: "1606" (Feb 2017)
1617 Pocahontas' death: Age 22 (25 Mar 2017)
1617 410th Newport's 1607 Cross (21 May 2017)

Upcoming 400th Anniversaries
1617 M. Luther's "Here I Stand" (TBA: 2017)
2017 25th Anniv Revived Colledge (31st July)
1618 The Virginia "Magna Carta" (TBA: 2018)
1619 HENRICUS COLLEDGE (31st July 2019)
1620 Mayflower/Plimouth // N.Va (TBA: 2020)
1624 James I "Takes" the Va Co. (TBA: 2024)