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Henricus Colledge (1619)®
399th Anniversary Events ~ 2018 a.d.

Tuesday evenings: 7:00-8:30 p.m.
15th May ==> 31st July
(399th Anniv)
Virginia Christian Alliance Meeting Rm,
8659 Staples Mill Road (Henrico Va)
Reservations not required. Free.

................ TEACHING TALK ........................
803rd Anniversary of Anglo-American Liberty Under Law:

At the core of America's grand Civil & Religious Freedoms are
these two Bible-based documents which protect citizens against
abuses of governmental powers. They guarantee: Church is not
under State; women may own property; taxes/laws/war set by the
people; even a King is under the law; plus freedom of the press/
religion/speech/assembly; to petition government for redress of
grievances; no "takings" of property without just compensation;
innocent until proven guilty in a trial by jury of one's peers; no
cruel or unusual punishment; court to meet in set place & time;
. All of
these protections are from the 1215-'25 "GREAT CHARTER".
~ ~ ~
Right to be secure in one's property calls for a careful consider-
ation, & is given special attention in the law. BTW, "FOREST"
is not only about trees, but fields, ponds, homes,
offices, cell phones, as well as intellectual property (ideas), etc,
"owned" by the government for its exclusive use ... &, so often,
its abuse, especially bad if through corrupted courts of justice.
"1217 CHARTER OF THE FOREST" dealt with correcting the
maladministration and violations of property rights, especially
thru arrogant, unelected and/or unaccountable court officials.
The Ministry of State is responsible for proper property, & is
thoroughly Biblical, for here and now. Ministry of Church is
co-equal & responsible for preaching & teaching re Salvation.
This Teaching Talk is for average American Bible-believers,
not lawyers (tho lawyers are welcome to attend, & learn, also).
~ 12th June 2018 ~

(19th June): .....................(cancelled)....................................

(26th June): .....................(cancelled)....................................

Cruising Classroom: (TBA)
Study historic sites from the James River.
(1607 Jamestown; 1611 Henricus; Fall Line)
"English Maritime Missionary Mandate"
NOTE: Boat is being updated (in drydock).
NOTE #2: We can teach you from your boat
399th ANNIV. of COLLEDGE: 31st July 2018

(This page: 6th June 2018)
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Completed Programs

~ Completed ~ History-Site Walk
"The 1607 Christopher Newport Cross"
The purpose of the voyage from London
to the James River Fall Line (Richmond).
Viginia Company: "Sail upriver 100-miles"
Crosses: Cape Henry, Jamestown, Henricus.
27th May (Sunday, 3-4 p.m.) History Walk:
Commemorative Program (at the Cross Site)
Downtown: Richmond Canal Walkway Park
Corner of S. 12th & E. Byrd Streets
City Parking lot next door.
(22nd May)

~ Completed ~ Teaching Talk
"25-yrs: "1992-2018,
Henricus Colledge & Va General Assembly

Fascinating Journey to win recognition
of the 1606 First Virginia Charter as the
Birth Certificate of American Civilization.
- State Law requiring Public Schools to Teach History;
- Five specific Virginia General Assembly Resolutions;
- Governor's "Christian Heritage Week Proclamation".
The historic 1606 First Va Charter authorized all three:
1607 Jamestown; 1611 Henricus; and 1620 Plimouth.
Plus: What's up for the 400th Anniversary: 2019 a.d.?
15th May 2018

~ Completed ~ History-site Walk
Henricus Historical Park (Dutch Gap Bluff)
- Visit: Monument to Henricus Colledge (1619)®
- Re-enactment: Osborne’s Landing Battle ~ 1781
(Free on the Bluff...Ticketed inside Fort)
~ 21st & 22nd Apr; 10am–2pm ~

~ Completed ~ Display Booth
Youth Career Day and Job Fair:
Henrico Police Athletic League (PAL)
Eastern Henrico Recreation Center
1440 N.Laburnum Ave, Richmond
~ 21st Apr 2018 (Sat) 10am-2pm ~

~ Completed ~ Teaching Talk
HJ-530: 25th Anniv. Revived Colledge

Va Christian Alliance (Meeting Rm)
8659 Staples Mill Rd, Henrico Va
~ 10th April 2018 (Tues), 6:30 p.m. ~

~ Completed ~ Teaching Talk
HJ-530: 25th Anniv. Revived Colledge

Williamsburg City Library (Rm B)
515 Scotland St, Williamsburg Va
~ 7th April 2018 (Sat), 2:00 p.m. ~
(Legislative Legerdemain: Virginia & South Carolina)
1992: Henricus Colledge (1619)® ~ Revived (Exempt: Va Comm Higher Ed)
1992: HJ-32 Commends Restoring of the 1611 Citie of Henricus (Watkins)
1995: SB-1102 State Law: Public Schools must Teach 3 Va Charters (Earley)
2006: HJ-304 Commends 400th Anniv: 1606 First Va Charter//America (Cox)
2007: [SC HJ-26] Commends Va. Gen. Assembly for 2006 HJ-304 (Harrell)
2015: [SC H-4290] Proclamation re 800th of 1215 Magna Carta (Clemmons)
2017: HJ-1068 Commends the Teaching of the 1606 First Va Charter (Pogge)
2018: HJ-530 Commends 25th Anniv. of Revived Henricus Colledge (Pogge)