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The Little Birds of Summer!

Because you asked me to post these again, here are the pictures of the Ellie Womack in the process of banding some of the little hummingbirds that we feed.

One of eight feeders we fill. When the hungry little guys show up in force - early morning and early evening - they get busy enough to "wait in line". I've seen two drinking from the same hole while another waits. That is 48 holes total average...The hummers won't stand still so I get get an accurate count, so I simply multiply...On an average I believe we feed about 150 ++. Another way to tell is that I use 1 to 2 quart feeders. During the heavy part of the season I am using 1 1/2 - 2 gallons of nectar a day. This is why I ask for 10# of sugar from my kids on mother's day!

Ellie and Bill Womack visit several places each year banding the tiny birds and keeping accurate records of migratory habits. They have records indicating the length of life on one of the little guys at 6 years. This may have been one of the older birds banded, since records indicate approximate length of live at about 5 years.

Ellie weighs the bird in a mesh bag and, of course, with a tiny scale! Wing measurements and body measurements are taken, as well as approximate age, with the youngest birds being listed as "immature". Records are made for new birds, then if caught at later times, the band is compared with records and the bird can be tracked and age, etc., recorded.

The record keeping process doesn't take long, approximately 3 minutes for each hummer caught, but the process does create stress for the little guys. Each hummer is given a bit of nourishment after submitting to the record keeping process.

A close-up view of one of the tiny birds just before release.
