Windows Of Distruction Improving
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Windows of Distruction Improving

Hi there ! Glad you could come see my
page.When I first started this web page I was just going to
put a few poems up that I had written over the years, but
then that looked to plain *LOL* so then I decided to add a few images,
well as you can see I've gotten a bit carried away with it.*Smile*.

Anyways, I thought it was time to update a bit since
it's been about 8 years now since i updated.
( i've been too busy )
My hobbies have changed as i've grown up. So, look
for the new buttons and find out what i've been doing.

Enjoy your viewing and take care. :)

""ATT: Poetry pages have been moved to the link below.""

Poetry pics pics 2 awards

these are pics of me with my neice

May98 - January 1998 - August 91

((Please sign my guest book ))

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

""ATT: old guest book is below. I don't know why I needed a new one ""

sign view


Graphics from Castleberry Arts


All poetry and photo's on this website are the expressed property
of the owner and are copywritten BY: Þëçç¥ ( the author)
therefore cannot be copied, used or reposted without written
consent of the author unless full credit
is given to the author whenever used.