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The Conner Family Home Page

Our Family's Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Ebay Auction - have you ever been in a bidding war?
Links to Christian pages!
Were you a member of BHBC? Check out the reunion website!!

Click here to see our photo album!

Do you like Veggie Tales? Our family sure does!! We now own every Veggie Tales video ever made, plus we even taped the Christmas Spectacular when it was on PAX TV!! We are definately hooked!!

Click on the picture to go to the Veggie Tales website where you can get aquainted with all the characters!

What's happening with us?

Well, our family is now complete with the arrival of Kenneth Gideon Conner on April 10, 2002. He has had some medical problems due to a chromosome deletion, but we are having so much fun with him and he is a joy to have as a part of our family. Patsy (12 in January) was invited to join the IB program at Winston Churchill Middle School this year and is enjoying it so far. She just finished the season on the school volleyball team and is involved in Girl Scouts and church choir. Rachel (5) started Kindergarten this year at Carriage Drive Elementary School. She is having a wonderful time -- too much so at times when she gets in trouble for talking too much! Otherwise, she became a Daisy Girl Scout this fall (Mom is the leader) and sings in the church choir. John (2 1/2) is built like a linebacker and we are sure he will try out for the 49er's any day now. He loves to run and play and watch videos. He is even learning to operate the VCR. Valerie is now an official stay at home Mom and spends her time keeping the kids on their schedules as well as being the Daisy troop leader and a Mentor Mom. She is also teaching the 3 year old Sunday School class at church. Bill is still working at AT&T Wireless and has recently taken up bike riding again. He is planning a coastal bike trip for next summer, so he's working on getting in shape for that.

We would love to hear from you and catch up on what's going on in your lives too! E-mail us at Hope to hear from everyone soon and often!

The Conner Clan -- Bill, Valerie, Patsy, Rachel, John & Kenny

Click on mailbox to send Patsy an E-mail! She loves to get mail!

Updated 11/13/02