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Boba Fett

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Real Name: Boba Fett

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 1.78 meters

Homeworld: Kamino

Political Affiliation: Free-lance bounty hunter

Weapons of choice: Mandalorian battle armor and Blas Tech EE-3 rifle

Vehicle of choice: Kuat System's Engineering limited-production, high-speed Firespray-class ship Slave I; MandalMotors Pursuer enforcement ship Slave II

First Appearance: Star Wars: The Holiday Special (1978)

He didn't socialize. He rearely spoke. None of his bounties ever saw his face. Thus Boba Fett encouraged fearful speculation about his past, which sprang up in the abscence of facts. Many legends and stories have arisen over the years, but few facts are known of the man called Boba Fett, or of his inextricable link to Han Solo.

Some said he was Jaster Mereel, a journeyman protector from Concord Dawn who'd been exiled for killing a fellow officer. Others pegged him as an adult during the Clone Wars, fighting as one of the supercommandos on the planet Mandalore. The true facts, buried beneath a mountain of falsehoods, are that Boba Fett was an unaltered clone of his "father" Jango. Unlike other clones, Boba did not undergo the gene tampering that would lead to docility and growth in acceleration. Jango Fett accepted Boba in addition to payment for services he renderedto the Kaminoans, and he raised Boba as his own son.

Ten years after his birth in a clone incubator, Boba Fett met Obi-Wan Kenobi when the Jedi came to Kamino. Possessing Jango Fett's natural instincts, he instantly knew Kenobi was trouble. The Fetts fled Kamino after a skirmish with the nosy Jedi, then eluded him in the asteroid ring of Geonosis. But more Jedi invaded Geonosis' execution arena. Jango Fett died in single comboat with Jedi Master Mace Windu, and Boba left Geonosis in his father's ship, amid the confusion of the battle between Republic forces and Count Dooku's army.

The Clone Wars erupted. The Jedi Order Died. Palpatine assumed the throne and authority of the Emperor, and Boba Fett became what he'd been bred and trained for. He possessed Jango's reflexes, Jango's Ship, Slave 1, and a set of Mandalorian Armor that had once belonged to Jaster Mereel, his father's mentor. Boba Fett seemed predestined to become the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Fett wears the armor of the Mandalorians, a group of evil warriors who were defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars. Fett's modified Mandalore armor includes a helmet that has a macrobinocular viewplate, motion and sound sensors, infrared capabilities, an internal comlink to his ship, the Slave I, and a broadband antenna for intercepting and decoding transmissions. Wrist gauntlets house lasers, a miniature flame projector, and a fibercord whip/grappling device; a backpack jet pack includes a turbo-projected magnetic grappling hook with twenty-meter lanyard. Fett also carries kneepad rocket dart launchers, spiked boots, a concussion-grenade launcher, and a Blas Tech EE-3 rifle. Braided Wookiee scalps hang over his right shoulder to complete the outfit.

It soon became obvious Boba Fett wasn't the only one operating with a suit of Mandalorian armor. Fenn Shysa and Tobbi Dala, supercommandos from Mandalore, patrolled their planet's space and seldom interfered with Fett's hunts. Jodo Kast, but contrast, competed with Fett for bounties and wore his mandalorian armor partly to cash in on Fett's Reputation. Prowling the outer rim territories, Kast wears armor with much of the same external weaponry that fett utilizes. It is unlikely, however, that he has as much hidden weaponry and modified circuitry in his suit. In the past, Kast has allowed people to believe HE was Fett, adding even greater mystery to the legends surrounding the older hunter.

Throughout his life, Fett has worked as a mercenary, a soldier, a personal guard an assassin, and, most frequently, as a bounty hunter - the most expensive bounty hunter in the known systems. He collected 150,000 for the capture of pirate Feldrall Okor, and took a record 500,000 credits when he caught the religious Ffib heretic Nivek`Yppiks for the lohrans.

He once rescued Luke Skywalker, when he crashed on the red water moon of the Panna system. Luke and Han were knocked out by a virus, so Boba Fett and Chewie searched for an antidote. While doing that, Fett contacted Lord Vader, informing him of the presence of the rebels and especially Skywalker. That message was intercepted by R2-D2 and C3PO, so they knew what he was up to. After curing Luke and Han, Luke offered him a place in the rebellion, but the droids told Luke about the contact Fett had with Vader. Boba Fett's plan had failed, and he had to run off.

Boba Fett met Skywalker again when he was trying to capture "the Mole", a wanted man because he left the service of Darth Vader. Piloting a TIE fighter, Fett was chased down by Luke Skywalker in an X-wing. Luke chased the mercenary's ship through ice canyons of the frozen world of Ota, and both ships crashed. Fett got the drop on Luke, but both of them were captured by the apelike Snogars. The Snogars' city was growing colder, and they were convinced the off worlders could restore their heat-providing machines. Meanwhile, Han, Chewie, Leia Organa, and the droids had come to Ota to find Luke. While Luke and Boba made a break from the Snogars, Han himself was captured. Ever the opportunist, Boba agreed to go with Luke to rescue Han, planning to capture the smuggler for profit. In a wild sequence of events, the Rebels and "the Mole" were caught between the Snogars and Fett. When Fett tried to take both the Mole and Han prisoner, the Mole used a giant magnet to pin the bounty hunter to the wall. The Rebels and the Mole made their respective escapes, Fett swearing vengeance yet again.

When Jabba the Hutt raised a bounty on Solo's head, Boba Fett was the first to chase him. Working on both sides made more profit, this was the first time Fett met Vader in person. Darth Vader manipulated more Bounty Hunters and made them work together, so Bossk, Dengar, Skorr and Boba Fett made a team. They captured Han Solo and Luke Skywalker and took them to the planet Ord Mantell. But Fett underestimated the power of the force and was taken by surprise by Luke's powers. So Han Solo escaped him again.

Now it was Darth Vader, who called in the help of the best Bounty Hunters in the galaxy. They came to the Super Star Destroyer "The Executor", where Darth Vader asked them to turn Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon in for an enormous bounty. Fett had already studied Han Solo and knew what he was going to do, so he followed him to Cloud city. There he captured Solo with assistance of the Dark Lord and received his bounty from him. But Jabba also wanted Solo, because of that Fett had to go to Tatooine. Getting his first double bounty. On his way he was troubled by some fellow Bounty Hunters who were a bit jealous. But they were no match for Boba Fett. This wasn't the first time he had trouble with other hunters since he is a truly freelance hunter, he has been in some trouble with the Guild for a long time. Getting out of hyperspace he was awaited by IG-88 C, since he killed IG-88 B, he wanted revenge, he shot the ship, and saw that it was nothing more than a decoy, at that same time, with droid accuracy, the real IG-2000 came from hyperspace. Blaster fire was hitting the Slave I and Boba Fett was outmaneuvered. But, he speeded up his ship, going for the Tatooine desert with dazzling speed. His ship was almost falling apart, IG-2000 followed, and suddenly Boba Fett stopped his ship, destroying most parts of the hull, but IG-2000 raced past the Slave I. Now Boba Fett had a perfect target, shooting the Slave I's blasters, he easily destroyed the IG-2000, taking IG-88 with it.

Fett delivered Solo to Jabba, his some-time employer, and was many thousands of credits richer. Fett stayed at Jabba's palace, and was present when Solo's friends attempted to rescue the carbon-frozen smuggler.

Jabba, enraged at the attempted prison break, brought his captives out to the Tatooine desert, to execute them in the Great Pit of Carkoon. In the sandpit lay the immense Sarlacc, a vile creature that would digest its prey over thousands of years. Rather than let themselves be thrown in the Sarlacc's maw, Solo's friends, led by Luke Skywalker, fought against their captors. In the chaos that followed, Fett entered the fray.

Solo, free of the carbonite and suffering blindness from hibernation sickness, wildly swung a vibro-ax into an inattentive Fett's rocketpack. The pack activated, and the bounty hunter soared into the air, out of control. The airborne Fett slammed into the side of Jabba's sail barge before tumbling into the Sarlacc's mouth. With a sickly belch from the desert creature, it seemed as if Fett's career as the galaxy's most notorious bounty hunter was brought to an end.

Fett's armor and body were extremely battered by his ordeal in the Sarlacc. When he plunged into the beast, he was kept alive by numerous fibrous suckers that attached themselves to his body. This was part of the Sarlacc's horrible metabolic process; it would keep its prey alive for thousands of years, all the while slowly feeding off it. Fett almost lost his identity in the swirling dementia brought about by the Sarlacc's toxins. His resolve held, and he used his weapons to blast free of the beast.

Naked, wounded, and defenseless on the sands of Tatooine, Fett was rescued by his fellow hunter Dengar, who nursed him back to health. Fett reclaimed his armor and his reputation, returning from the "dead," and again taking on bounties./font>

The Bounty Hunters Guild

The Official Star Wars Site
The Official Boba Fett Site
The Boba Fett Fan Club Page
Bounty Hunters
Episode II official Site
Naboo Online...Do you Naboo??

Boba Fett with a Women Friend
Boba Fett
Cool Picture Of Fett
Boba Fett On Bespin
Boba Fett On The Sail Barge
Boba Fett Flying
Boba Fett Standing With Lord Vader
Card of Boba Fett

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This Boba Fett website has been compiled primarily from two books, "Star Wars: The Essential Guide To Characters" and "Star Wars: The NEW Essential Guide To Characters". All pictures I have were taken from sites which I have linked.