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The Jellicles Meet the Pollicles

It's a whole new RPG but I need your help to make it come alive! Sign up! Hurry!


Okay, first we need a setting to make this organized and less confusing. So here's a brief story you all should read.

We all know dogs and cats don't seem to get along. But in this RPG, they do! Pack up your things jellicles, we're moving out of the junkyard and into the big apple with our good nieghbors, the pollicles. Munkustrap is leader and it's about two years after the jellicle ball and Old Deut has passed on. It's time to fend for ourselves in the big city now. Now I need your help in making the pollicle tribe! We need a brave strong leader, and well...basically a pack! Macavity is still our arch nemisis but now we have a bigger problem. A group of pollicles called the Canines roam the city streets as well.

Positions that are needed and are still available:

The Jellicles:

Tumblebrutes-Skimbleshanks & Tumblebrutus

Jewel-Bombalurina & Victoria

Tsarmina-Pouncival & Ectetera

Madhava-Demeter & Mistoffelees

All of the rest are available! Go for it! Remember, there is no Old Deuteronomy.

Made up jellciles:






The Pollicles:

Pack leader-Max





Make up the pollicles people! (they can be like the jellicle tribe) ex/ a stud male like the Tugger

Positions that are needed and are still available:

The Canines:

leader -Shivator =Tumble

the henchdogs




Yes people there are rules in every RPG. Sorry.

1.) You can have TWO musical CATS and up to three made up ones. You can also have up to TWO pollicles. I realize that's a lot of characters. You DONT have to have that many. That's just the limit.

2.) Keep the profanity to a limit. This RPG is rated PG13.

3.) No bashing others when out of character.

4.) You MUST Email me your character's and they're description.

5.) No cats or dogs are allowed to be more powerful than Misto.

6.) If you want to be related email that person. (Hopefully we all know that dogs CANT be related to cats)

That's it. Remember, if I have any problems with this RPG, which I KNOW I won't, keep your eyes peeled for changes on this list of rules.

Now that that's all said and done, this RPG is taking place in New York City so go on in and have fun! The cats and pollicles roam around in the alleys, living in whatever you can find whether it be a cardboard box or an apartment with your master.

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