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Power Rankings

Special Preseason Edition

First update Sunday, for any of you maniacs who read this garbage.

1) Tom Santi
Has legitimate NFL prospects. That's pretty tough to top.

2) Fleenor
Rhodes Scholar nominee? Whaaaat?

3) Naseh
He's already registered for classes. And he could buy you. Nuff said.

4) Mike
APOh, wow. Like this kid needs his ego stroked anymore: 2 consecutive poker wins, and the Redskins aren't miserable this year.

5) PJ
Political mastermind and an all-around nice guy.

6) Jeff
The sickest triple major ever and he operates a business. The torn ACL is a setback.

7) Jenni
She lives on the Lawn this year, and she's perty.

8) Scott
Plays on the football team that beat FSU, and hopefully Tech in a week or so. And he's got his secret weapon... the Scott Smile.

9) Brandon
He's depressed, but he drives a 350Z.

10) Brad
E-School + ROTC, how does he do it? 10 bucks says Thomas still thinks about him at night.

11) Susan
Pretty well known, and she started her own CIO. Really, REALLY fucking active.

12) Margaret
She actually remembered my birthday and sent me a birthday card, maybe the bubbliest person at UVA?

13) Austin
Quite monstrous at Halo, but where did the poker game go?

14) Ben
He'll be reading my Brown College application... that gives him quite a bit of power on its own.

15) Tyler
Newsflash, bro: Your ridiculous bouts of schizophrenic cake icing facepaint aren't amusing, just unsettling.

16) Whitney
She was really nice to me last time I saw her!

17) Jenn
She was pretty mean to me last time I saw her.

18) Khalid
Has a totally ridiculous social life, and manages to keep a job and his classes up.

19) Joe
Fleenor 2, just not as likable. Or popular. Diet Fleenor, if you will.

20) Thomas
First thing I heard him say after a few weeks of not running into him was, "Dude, I'm in this auction for a totally kickass wand." And he stalked me in Newcomb.

21) Brodie
Haven't heard too much from him, but he gave me a ride to the Corner a while back. Jeff and I still owe him and Brandon a Halo rematch.

22) Shawn
I have no godly clue where he is, or what he's doing, besides being in an acapella group.

23) Laura
Riding injuries are tough, especially when they keep you from riding for any amount of time.

24) Abi
She and Elissa are in a tough living situation, so tough, in fact, that it hurts to breathe.

25) Elissa
A mid-semester move is a tough thing for anybody to deal with.

26) Zarina
She's from Philly, that alone gets her above Gooch.

27) Sarah
Said she was gonna play beer pong with me, then didn't. Therefore, she's a dirty liar.

28) Logan
A mid-semester move is, however, quite preferable to living in Gooch/Dillard.

29) Garrett
Transferring home to Texas, getting addicted to WoW, and leaving what is described to me as a massive female following... is still good for beating Connor.

30) Ryan Connor
Is kind of a big deal.

31) Tom Elliott
Enough of a loser to actually spend time out of his life to make such a thing? Impossible!

Unranked: Mo
There's no way I could put a number on somebody this awesome. I love you!

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AIM: bigmeanie2003
email: twe9s