What Does The Bible Say?

Foot Notes for Trinity: God or gods?

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Chapter One

1)Clark's Commentary, Genesis-Esther; Adam Clark, Abingdon Press, Nashville Tn, 1824 (emphasis his)
2) Cush is Chaldean in its original form and is written qush of Khush. As in Hebrew, the sh can also be s giving us Khus, which in pronunciation becomes Khawos. With the digamma dropped, it becomes Khaos, which is also spelled Chaos.
3) Oannes was half man, half fish. During the day he would walk among men instructing them in the arts and sciences in much the same role as Hermes, then at night he would return to the ocean.
4) The name Nimrod comes from the Chaldean root nin, which means offspring and marad, which means to be rebellious which would come out as The Rebellious Son, or Son of Rebellion
5) It is evident that more then just a successful hunter is meant in the epitaph of Nimrod. Nomrod was a mighty tyrant in the face of God, hunting out men's souls.
6) Semiramis was suppose to be the daughter of the fish goddess Derketo (whose husband was Dagon, the fish god), who was conceived out of wedlock by a young man. After her birth, her mother discarded her and the chief of the shepherds who's name was Simmas took the babe in and raised it as his own. When she grew up, she becme the wife of the first governor of Nineveh. His son, the first king of Babylon, took her as his wife after the death of his father. All legend can be traced to fact and here is no exception. Dagon can be traced through Cush to Noah, therefore Derketo must be Noah's wife. It is evident from the curse placed upon Canaan by Noah that Ham's offence was far more then laughing at his father's nakedness. There are some who theorize that his offense was to have sexual relations either with Noah himself or with his mother. If the latter is the case and if she became pregnant from this incestuous act, then it is possible that the child from this incest was Semiramis, her name coming from shamat to release, drop, discard; mamzer child of incest; and ramut lofty, high stature. In this case, Shem would naturally be the shepherd chieftain Simmas who took her in and the first governor of Nineveh can be shown to be Cush, with his son Nimrod the first king of Babylon.
7) Revelation 17:5
8) Ninus: from nin, which means offspring, is rendered The Seed. The hieroglyphic symbol for The Seed is a circle, derived from the Chaldean word zer, which means to encompass (from where we get our word zero). Since The Seed was the incarnation of the sun and the most logical emblem for the sun is a circle, it should be evident how the hieroglyph of the circle came to represent both the sun and The Seed.
9) Semiramis' emblem as a goddess was a dove.
10) Jeremiah 7:18; 44:17-19; :25

Chapter Two

1) (4483)menah men-aw': to count; appoint; number (see Is 65:11, 12; Ge 13:16; Ps 90:1, This particular usage is the only time found in Bible
2) (8625)teqel tek-al': corresp. to (8254) to balance; be weighed only time used in Bible
3) (6537) peraq peras': to split up only time used in Bible
4) The Two Babylons: Rev. Alexander Hislop; Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey
5) ibib
6) triune the state of being threefold in nature
7) The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: James Strong, LL.D, S.T.D.; Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tn
8) Da 11:37-39; Hab 1:11
9) Ge 31:30; Ex 20:3 (gods); Ps 8:5 (angels); Ex 22:8 (judges)
10) Ps 30:8, 9; Pr 7:1; Jb 39:1, 2
11) Jn 5:18
12) Ep 5:23, 24; Phil 2:8
13) Jn 14:26, to go in someone's name is to go under their authority, or to be submissive to them.

Chapter Three

1) Ex 3:18; 5:3; 10:25
2) This must be the physical appearance of Christ since He is called God and accepts that title (v. :13)
3) l'nephish hayah, living being; it is the Spirit that gives true life
4) the word lust in its Biblical context does not have a negative connotation
5) Ge 2:19, 20
6) Is 1:18
7) IPe 1:20; Re 17:8; IITi 1:9
8) Ac 13:33; He 1:5, 5:5
9) Mt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32
10) Jn 8:58
11) Lk 4:21
12) Mt 3:16, 4:1; Mk 1:10-12; Lk 3:22, 41; Jn 1:32
13) Ge 48:16

Chapter Four

1) Mt 27:60 (4351) proskulisas to roll to lithou megan; Mk 16:4 megas sphodra.
2) Mk 16:4 (0617) apokekulistai 3rd person singular to roll off, or away.
3) Lk 24:2 apokekulismenos
4) Jn 20:1 (0142) ermenou ek to raise up from the ground and take out of (ek) the way; (see Jn 8:59)

Chapter Five

1) 1Pe 2:21
2) Jn 5:19; 8:28
3) Jn 8:7
4) Re 21:8
5) Lk 1:19, 26
6) Ps 80:17; 110:1; 118:16; Mt 26:64; Mk 14:62; Lk 22:69; Acts 7:55, 56; Ro 8:34; Co 3:1; He 1:3, 13; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1Pe 3:22
7) see preceding Definition of Words
8) Ro 8:34; He 7:25
9) Ge 1:1; Jn 1:1-3
10) Jn 14:6
11) Jn 6:63
12) J 6:63
13) 2Co 4:14
14) see 1:7
15) Ja 5:16
16) 1Co 12:13. Ga 3:27
17) Acts 2:14
18) Jn 14:26
19) Ep 4:16
20) Acts 9:22, 16:10
21) Jn 4:24; Lk 24:39
22) Re 1:8
23) Re 1:13-16
24) Re 21:11
25) Ex 28:20
26) from'odem to be red, a dark red the color of blood. This is the same root word from which we get Adam.
27) Ex 28:17
28) Re 5:6

Chapter Six

1) see Pr 8:22-36
2) Ps 49:4, 78:2; Pr 1:6; Mt 13:11-17. 34, 35, 51, 52; Mk 4:11, 34
3) Jn 8:33-59
4) Ex 3:14; see also Ec 20:3; 2Ch 13:9
5) Acts 4:10; 1Co 6:14; Ga 1:1; 1Pe 1:21
6) Ro 1:4; 6:11
7) Mk 10:35, 37
8) Ju 18:19
9) see Mt 24:29-31
10) Mk 13:32; Acts 1:7
11) Jn 14:16, 26
12) Jn 20:30, 31
13) Ex 20:3; De 4:35, 6:4; 2Ch 13:9; Ge 1:26, 9:6
14) Is 7:14 (immanuel means God is with us [it comes from `amam to associate, nu usually a suffix with the meaning us or of us (our), and 'el God]), and is a reminder to Israel of God's covenant promise to always be with them (Ge 17:7. 28:15; Ex 3:12; 19: 5, 6; 23:20; Job 1:5; 2Sa 7:9), and He had always revealed Himself in various visible forms through out their history, but now He would be with them in His incarnate Son to be born of a virgin): Lk 1:31-35; Jn 1:18; Ph 2:5-7
15) see the entire chapter espec. the last few verses
16) Amplified Bible

Chapter Seven

1) abba from the Heb. ('ab (1))it's a term of affection: the acctual wording is 'abba o' prater Daddy the Father
2) 2Co 11:31; Ep 1:3, 4:6; 1Pe 1:3
3) Ex 20:3
4) parakletos: intercessor; it is the same word used in John, chapters 14-16 for the Holy Spirit (Comforter)
5) 2Sa 7:14 and Ps 2:7
6) Christ, see Jn 1:1-4
7) theo'pneustos God breathed, or God inspired: from theos; god (2316) and pneo; to breathe hard (4154): comp. Ge 1:2 "spirit"
8) 2Ti 3:16; 2Pe 1:20-21