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Idols of Jrock

Jrock, or Japanese Rock, is a very popular genre of music in Japan. These bands have a very unique look, and distinctive sound. While they only have a cult following in America, there are certain bands that would probally make it big here in the states if they ever pursued in that direction.


From left to right, starting from back row: Ken [Guitarist], Yukihiro [Drummer], Tetsu [Leader/Bassist], Hyde [Vocalist]

L'Arc~en~Ciel, which means "rainbow" in french and pronounced "Lakuru" in Japanese, would probably have the most success in the states of all Jrock bands. Each of their albums have a distinctive sound to them. Their earlier works, from the album "Dune," have a very dark, celtic, yet beautiful, sound to it. There was some Latin influence dispersed throughout the album but it was not as evident as it was in their "Tierra" cd (listen to a song like "Nemuri ni Yosete," to see what I mean). Their album, "Heavenly," shows the most range of their musical abilities (there are variations of pop, latin, euro-beat, and other styles on this album). While other albums like "True" and "Heart" are almost completely pop (although "True" contains a few euro-beat type songs on it). "Ark" is mixed bag of styles. It has pop songs including "Dive to Blue"(my favorite Lakuru song) and "Heaven's Drive." It also has a completely techno track called Larva (Hyde doesn't sing in this song). "Ray" is an amazing album ^^ This album has the same feel as "Heart" in nearly every aspect. The fact that it has songs like "Honey," "Snow Drop," and "Kasou" is reason enough to purchase this album. My personal favorite albums by L'Arc~en~Ciel are "Dune," "Heart," and "Ray." Those 3 albums are simply magnificent. Not too long ago they released their "Real" album. That album seems more or less like Ray, but had a slighty harder edge to it. The song, "Finale," off that cd is probably the best L'Arc~en~Ciel song since their indies days. That song is beautifully dark. L'Arc's attempt to break into the American maninstream has also officially begun!! They released a "Clicked best 13" cd which was composed of songs that fans in Japan and other parts of Asia hand picked to be on the album. While the album is more or less a mesh of L'Arc during their pop high, the songs work well together. That album was not only released in Japan and Asia, but also at Tower Records stores in America. (Too bad my store, The Wall, doesn't carry it, but we get asked for it still) They hate being labeled as a "visual rock band," even though Hyde goes a bit heavy on the makeup at times (See their video for Niji to see what I mean). During their earlier days as a band, Hyde looked like a little spanish girl ^^

Luna Sea

From left to right, starting from back row: Sugizo [Lead Guitarist], Shinya [Drummer], J [Leader/Founder/Bassist], Inoran [Co-Founder/Rhythm Guitarist], Ryuichi [Vocalist]

Luna Sea was my favorite Jrock band since the break up of X-Japan, and the abrupt breakup of hide with Spread Beaver. But as of late 2000 they officially broke up, fearing that they could not top their "Lunacy" album. They temporarily broke up in '97, just to return as a band in 1998. They are among an elite group of bands who have been able to release singles that has consistantly ranked in the top 10 of the Oricon charts. Their music use to range from Hard Rock, Gothic, Progressive, Pop, Alternative, and even elements of drum&bass. Some their most recent releases has been completely pop sounding. During their seperation in 1997, each band member went to pursue solo careers. Ryuichi's solo works were pop/easy listening music. J's solo works were punk rockish. Sugizo's solo works were ambient/drum&bass songs. Inoran's solos works were sort of rap sounding. While Shinya's solo works were animeish pop sounding. Of all the members, Ryuichi achieved the most success as a solo artist since his music attracted an older audience. When they reformed in 1998, each member brought along their solo tastes to the band which some fans feel has contaminated their music. The singer doesn't even sing the same anymore. He use to have a voice that stayed in mid-tone, but now his voice is VERY high ALL of the time. My personal favorite Luna Sea albums are their indies self-titled album, "Luna Sea," "Lunacy," and "Image" album. All their albums sound different from each other. "Luna Sea," is all hard rock, "Image" speed rock/gothic, "Eden" sounds like a darker version of "Image," "Mother" is pop/dark, "Style" is dark/gothic/pop, "Shine" is ALL pop, and Lunacy is a very wide range of music that displays the band coming together better than any of their other cds. If you get only one Luna Sea cd, please get "Lunacy." While some may argue that "Mother" is their finest work (which I partly agree with), the growth and greatness of this band is fully displayed in "Lunacy." That album had elements of pop, progressive rock, alternative rock, hard rock, and with the help of DJ Krush, hip-hop. Just listen to the track "4 AM" and you would begin to hear how far the band has progressed in terms of musical complexity and how well the members of the band compliment each other. Their album "Singles" is just a compilation of their singles on 2 cds, and "Never Sold Out," is 2 cd live album. They were one of the 1st visual bands in Japan. Although they have toned down their look quite a bit, Sugizo has kept some of his visual look.

Dir en Grey

From left to right: DIE [Guitarist], Shinya [Drummer], Kyo [Vocal], Kaoru [Guitarist/Leader], Toshiya [Bassist]

Dir en Grey are currently my favorite band that still exists at the moment. I don’t even know where to begin with the many things I enjoy about this band. They are a very hard, yet a very dark band. Most of the members (DIE, Shinya, Kyo Kaoru) came from the now disbanded indies band, La:Sadies. But after losing their bassist and acquiring Toshiya they renamed their band. With the new name seemingly brought the band new ambitions. The name itself literally means “Grey coins” in German. Their first indies releases were the singles “I’ll” and “Jealous.” Both of which were amazing songs that showed the new band had potential in the J-rock scene. I’ll had more of Luna Sea “Eden” sound to it since it was dark, but not very hard. While “Jealous” was a hard rock song almost boarding Death Metal. They then released their 1st indies EP album, “Missa.” That album could best be described as Hard Rock with a touch of Death Metal. That album also got dark at times. Their next album I consider an essential album for anyone getting into J-rock music. “GAUZE” was a masterpiece album. It combined the elements of hard rock and death metal from their “Missa” album and refined it. At the same time they made their songs even darker than before. Everything about this album is mind-blowing. Great musicianship and songwriting abilities. The album is broken up into 2 sections. About half of it the band did on their own with the direction of the songs totally under their control. The next half of it was produced and directed by YOSHIKI (leader of X-Japan). He saw the groups potential after hearing their “Missa” album and decided to produce their “GAUZE” project. You can even hear YOSHIKI playing piano in tracks like “Cage,” which was arguably the best song on the album. Their next album, “MACABRE,” saw the band entirely under their own musical direction which showed the band at the top of their musical creativity. Fans reaction to their newest album is a very mixed bag. Those like me would argue that this band shows the true potential of the band since every track is drastically different from what they did on “GAUZE” and each track sounds more focused, some would argue that Dir en Grey is becoming soft and on the verge of selling out. “MACABRE” as a whole is not as hard as “GAUZE,” but the music is more complex overall with the tracks being a bit longer than those found out “GAUZE.” Just listen to the title track to hear how creative the band can become. This is also the first album that the band incorporated elements of progressive rock and funk into their repertoire. Overall, I say that “GAUZE” is their masterpiece, but “MACABRE” shows what the band is fully capable of.

Aliene Mariage

From left to right: Ray [Bassist], Kyoka [Vocal], Mast [Guitarist]

Aliene Mariage are currently my favorite indies band around. The main thing that drew me to them was there above average lyricism. While very dark, they are very expressive. However, they are not a band that is for everyone. Fans of Dir en Grey would probably really enjoy this band since they are incredibly dark. Their setup as performers is also very unique. Ray is the “evil” King, Mast is the “evil” Queen, while Kyoka is the “evil” Prince. Kakkoi, ne  As of right now they have 2 albums out, but I only own their 1st album, “Les Soiree.” It’s a great album, and it shows the cool affects that Kyoka can do to his voice. He has a quivering soft voice for one moment, then screaming like a woman for the next. It all come together very well for the studio recording. I highly recommend their “Les Soiree” cd to fans of Dir en Grey’s “Missa” album.


From left to right: Kazuki [Guitarist/Leader], Yuki [Vocal], Hiro [Drummer], Yukito [Bassist]

This was another great band that had fallen to tragedy. The band currently has 2 albums, and a slew of maxi-singles under their belt. Kazuki was the band’s main composer and leader. He also conceptualized the band’s theme. He had hoped that his music would make people happy and heal their souls. For many of their fans it did. Musically, Raphael was a pop band with a heavy emphasis on synthesizers. The synthesizers brought the band’s sound out and put together a style unlike any other. In some ways this band reminds me of Malice Mizer, mainly because of the vocal range of the singer of Yuki. Although, he doesn’t sing as deep as Gackt he sings just as high, and higher. His voice has this angelic tone that is very distinctive. Yuki has an opera style of singing, very much like Gackt. As much as I enjoy listening to this band Kazuki has a bad habit of repeating the same guitar riffs over and over through several different songs. That causes many of Raphael songs to sound similar in structure, which gets boring sometimes. However, Kazuki’s compositions at his best creates great fast songs like “Sakura” and “XXX Shyou.” Those songs perhaps best display how well the synthesizers best compliment Kazuki’s guitaring and Yuki’s vocals. Lyrically, practically all of Raphael’s songs are uplifting with very hopeful messages. Their lyrics alone set them apart from most jrock bands, who usually have sad and dark lyrics. Tragically, Kazuki overdosed on tranquilizers at the end of 2000, thus ending the seemingly bright future to the band. But more importantly it ended Kazuki’s vision to deliver music that could heal people.


From left to right: Jiro [Bassist], Takuro [Leader/Rhythm Guitarist], Teru [Vocalist], Hisashi [Lead Guitarist]

Glay is currently THE most sucessful Jrock band out. Between 1997-1998 this band has increased in popularity and record sales more than any other band. In fact, their album, "Review," was the 3rd highest selling album in Japanese history by any asian artist/group at one time. Their music has a pop sound to it. This group was influenced by the Beatles, and it's apparent in a few of their songs. Like Luna Sea, they were one of the 1st visual rock bands in Japan. They have maintained their visual image through the years, and in some aspects become more visual. Many japanese girls try to copy Hisashi's hairstyles ^^ My favorite Glay album is "Heavy Gauge," but their singles "Rain" and "Winter Again," are must haves!


From left to right: A.O.I. [Guitarist], Izam [Leader/Vocalist], Niy [Bassist]

Shazna is a Japanese band that has completely changed their style of music since their indies days. MANY fans, including myself, are disappointed with this band's latest album, "Gold Sun and Silver Moon," because they have completely lost the raw edge they use to have. They are simply too polished sounding for their own good. Visually, they have maintained their look through the years, which is rare for a visual rock band to do after they've become mainstream. Although all the members tend to look flashy when performing live, Izam is always the center of attention. In fact, this band's most distinguishing feature is Izam's appearance. With his small physique, he looks VERY MUCH like a female. He even sings a bit like a female. Izam also has a fashion line in Japan which many female japanese teens try to mimic Izam's look. However, Izam usually looks better than them ^^ My favorite Shazna albums are definetly "Rasberry Time," and "Promise Eve." Those 2 indies albums is alot better than their debut major album, "Gold Sun and Silver Moon." Those 2 albums have the raw pop edge that once gave them their distinctive sound, while not suffering from Izam's singing problems in their 1st 2 indies albums "Sophia," and "Melty Case," and also not sounding TOO polished like in "Gold Sun and Silver Moon."

Malice Mizer

From left to right: Yu~ki [Bassist], Mana [Leader/Founder/Lead Guitarist/Synthesizer], Gackt [Vocalist/Pianist], Kami [Drummer], Kozi [Co-Founder/Rhythm Guitarist/Synthesizer]

Malice Mizer is one of the most elaborate looking visual rock bands in Japan. They have many costumes ranging from war solidier outfits, S&M outfits, french barque outfits, and many more. While their music has often been described as neo-classical, it can be very rockish at times. Their live concerts are absolutely amazing. They are more like plays than concerts. Each member has an on stage role that he acts out while playing his instrument. Often times Mana and Kozi won't even be playing their instruments so they can act on stage more freely. An excellent buy to see them perform live would be their "l'espace" video. On that video they perform all the songs off their merveilles album (their best album), and a few extra songs. They have THE MOST elaborate concerts I have EVER seen. Mana is another jrocker that sports the female image. Mana says he dresses that way as an art form. This entire band has increased in their elaborate visual appearance as their popularity increased. Unfortunately, in January of 1999, Gackt officially quit Malize Mizer. So right now they are looking for a new vocalist. Gackt is currently doing his solo project and has released a single entitled "Mizerable." In even more tragic news, Kami died on 6/21/99 from a subarachnoid hemorrhage. He was only 25 years old. So young, so talented. He will be sorely missed. Since then the band has released a new album with the 3 surviving members, and 2 new vocalists (one female, and the other male). I haven't heard it all the way through yet so I can't give a fair opinion on it yet, but from what I've heard Malice Mizer should just be called Mana, since he's doing practically everything. In fact, I wonder if Mana just composes the music, then calls the other guys to the studio to hear it briefly before sending them home. Not that I mind hearing Mana having total control over Malice Mizer, but I miss the "group" feel of the old Malice Mizer.

hide with Spread Beaver

From left to right: D.I.E. [Keyboards], Chirolyn [Bassist], Joe [Drums], hide [Leader/Founder/Vocalist/Guitarist], Kiyoshi [Guitarist], Kaz [Guitarist], I.N.A. [Manipulator]

This band had alot of promise. Tied with X-Japan (formerly known as X) they are my favorite Jrock band of all time. They released hit after hit shortly after their debuted. As an official band, hide with Spread Beaver only released 1 album, "Ja,Zoo." However, the members of Spread Beaver contributed to Hide's first 2 solo albums, "Hide Your Face," and "Psyence." I.N.A. also contributed to Hide's other band, Zilch. hide with Spread Beaver won the MTV People's Choice Award for Japan in 1998 for their 2nd single, "Pink Spider." For a few seconds, American audiences tuned into the MTV music award show were able to see and hear one of Hide's best songs ^^ That was a very joyous moment for hide with Spread Beaver fans all around the world. They had a wide range of sound including elements of Industrial Rock, Pop Rock, Punk Rock, Hard Rock, and even Techno. Tragically, Hide was found dead in his apartment on May 2, 1998. He was only 33 years old. Millions mourned the loss of not only a creative musical genious, but also a great human being. After his death, the band dissolved since no one could ever replace Hideto Matsumoto (aka Hide). Many members of Spread Beaver contributed to the Hide tribute album that was released in the beginning of May 1999. If anyone is interested of hearing any hide with Spread Beaver-ish music, then I strongly recommend hearing the band "Dope Headz." You would immediately recognize Heath (ex-XJapan), Pata (ex-XJapan, and Spread Beaver), and INA (ex-Spread Beaver). His amazing mixing abilities are again used to bring out the band's style (which coincidently sounds very much like Spread Beaver, with X-Japan type guitar solos)


From left to right, starting from back row: hide [Lead Guitarist], Toshi [Co-Founder/Vocal], Pata [Rhythm Guitarist], Taiji [Bassist], Yoshiki [Founder/Leader/Drummer/Pianist]

Anyone who listens to Japanese Visual Rock knows about X. They were the fore-fathers of Visual Rock in Japan. This group combined their hard rock sound with powerful lyrics to make a unique sound that millions could relate to. This group simply needs no introduction. They were flamboyant to watch live, and soothing to listen to from your radio. Their songs ranged from 80s rock (ex. Celebration, Easy Fight Rambling, Miscat) , to a love ballads (ex. Forever Love, Endless Rain, Say Anything), to a mixture of 80's rock/ballad (ex. Silent Jealousy, Rose of Pain, Art of Life), to hard rock with an industrial edge (Scars, Drain, Wriggle). All of their albums are very distint and different than those prior. They each show progression as a band. Their earliest album, "Vanishing Vision," best displayed their raw edge and the energy this band had. "Blue Blood," has their most powerful songs. Nearly every song has a powerful meaning, although a bit depressing. "Jealousy," is my favorite X album. Taken song by song, "Blue Blood" is better, but "Jealousy" displayed the personalities of each of the band members. This was the only album that wasn't dominated by Yoshiki. Every member of the band wrote at LEAST one song for the album. This album has the best range of music of all their albums. "Art of Life," is a maxi-single of what I believe is the best song ever written. The song runs at about 35 minutes long and is entirely in English. The music is powerful, the lyrics are powerful, and the song itself is an epic. No words can describe how great this song is. This was released after Taiji left the band, and Heath replaced him as the bassist. "X" was also renamed to "X-Japan" after they wanted to become big in America. This band's last album, "Dahlia," is almost entirely all love ballads. This is the only album to display an industrial side of X-Japan. The album showed the most maturity of all their albums. They officially broke up in 1997 after Toshi wanted out of the group. They gave one last concert together and released their last song entitled "The Last Song." Since their breakup, Hide had a VERY successful solo career, founded a few bands (Zilch, Spread Beaver, Zeppet Store, Oblivion Dust), then died in May 1998. Toshi went solo and joined a Masaya cult (he reportedly does not look healthy anymore). Pata went solo and formed a band called PAF. Heath went solo. Taiji formed a few bands (Loudness and DTR), while Yoshiki still produces other Jrock/Jpop bands (Dir en Grey, etc.). X-Japan was the greatest band of all time in my opinion. Their music was so meaningful and related very well with my life.

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