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Shades of our souls

It is always impotant to note that with good there is always evil, with night there is day, with love there is always hate. I am sure my bestfriend, Cupcake, would agree that we both have have had felt the touch of life at its best, and its worst. With that in mind we hope to present elements of our personalities and parts of our souls through this website. This site will not only showcase the musical art of the Japan (and Korea eventually), but also Japanimation. We both also incorperated our poetry that we had written at various points in our lives. Cupcake and I hope that you enjoy this page as much as we enjoyed creating it. Please keep checking back for new developments and updated links. If you have any questions or comments please email us.

You can reach hide here

or Preidotprincess here

Links that are active and Links to come

Poetry by Cupcake
Poetry by Hide
Peridot Princess' Personal Info
hide's Personal Info
Idols of Jrock
Japanimation Station
Message Board
