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Aiyana's Journal Continued

Aiyana's Journal Continued


Journal you're so thick now and so many pages are written most are in sections. Does it matter though if it's a bit's the way I want it laid out, besides I am the only one who reads you. (REMEMBER only MUNS read this not CHARS) Anyhow I decided since most of my Journal is of my life, experiences and relationships...the important ones have thier own sections. But these next few pages will be dedicated to all the men in my life, some new some old and some already mentioned. This will not be in any order.

Alterac: The most unusual man, I met him in August (98) so cold lacked emotion. As we got to know each other he began to HAVE emotion. He said he wanted to take care of me, so he planed to marry me to help. I didn't want to Vlad being dead only a month, but I need a father figure for my child. But it was not to be as he disappeared and I have not seen him to this day.

Kagato An annoying man who is arrogant but intelligent met him in the summer, don't know exactly when (98) but we argue and I leave and come back, do I love him...I dunno.
UPDATE: a year later (99) much happened...I do love him but he's married, then he got divorced, then he left completely, I miss him, he's actually sweet
CURRENT UPDATE: Another year later (2000) He has matured and has changed...I have always admired him, but now I respect him more. He told me he loved me but I am with Darien now....we are just ill fated no? (more on Kagato HERE

The Beginning of her Journal