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The Common Room

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Drinks and Food
  • Alcoholic
  • Non-Alcohoic
  • Meals

Ah the large, wide spaced Common Room! The main bustle of activity happens here. Having a clear walkway to the bar, there are many beverages to choose from. Water is free, and the rest are money manageable. Wines, a wide variety, from the classic red and white to the fruity and rare exotic flavors brought from afar. Plain beer or Ale..Ask Aiyana for her special homemade brew.
Little ones, giving you trouble? We have small wooden cups, that will not break and a completely replaciable. Juice or milk? Always received fresh daily and that is a Guarantee.

Perhaps you are a bit weary and hungry...then request meals and a room. The food is prepared when you it is always hot and fresh. The air is always mouth watering here. The Rooms are comfortable and clean. You will be given a certain key and a room number and now you are all set to sleep! Sweet dreams.

The atmosphere is pleasant and cozy. Everything is well furnished and organized. Cushioned chairs make your seat more comfortable, the stone hearth keeps things warm and there is a stage for musicians to play if you want to set the mood for something. Preparing for a special occasion? Make a reservation and we will set you up in the extravegant. Let us know how you want it decorated, the meals you want and which quarters you wish to occupy. This all must be done two weeks in advance. Now sit by the fire and listen to the tales told, letting go of your worries. May the SylverShyne Inn help you have a pleasant stay.

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