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Name :
Fred Lieder

Alias :
Cello Man

Birth sign :
The Cross

Favorite films :
Bull Durham
Field of Dreams
(I love Baseball)
Bambi Meets Godzilla

Favorite quote :
"So, there you have it!" - ?

Personal heroes :
My Mom and Dad, wife - Connie Lieder, kids - Miles and Jonathan, Jesus, Pablo Casals

Memorable books :
The Bible
Tuesdays with Morrie
The Phantom Tollbooth

Most inspiring memory :
The day I proposed, and the births of my two kids.

Top five albums of all time :
Joni Mitchel - Blue
John Coltrane - A Love Supreme
Frantz Schubert - Quintet in C Major
as performed by Yoyo Ma and the Cleveland String Quartet
Bach - Unaccompanied Cello Suites,
- performed by Pierre Formes
Jimi Hendrix - Band of Gypsies

"You gotta have a dream . . ." :
. . . Or perish!

Personal aspirations (realistic or not) :
To live a faithful life.