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The Lord Loves You!

He loves you much more than you realize... He calls your name every day. He's calling you right now. "Will you listen to him? Will you answer him?" If so, please pray this prayer with me:

"Lord, I confess to you right now, that I am a sinner. I ask you, Lord, to please come into my life. I invite you into my heart. Lord Jesus, I confess to the whole world that you are my God and my Savior. Please come and change my heart, my life, and my mind into a holy vessel that you can use for your will. In your name, I pray, Amen!"

"I say unto you, that joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons which need no repentance."

Luke 15:7

PRAISE GOD! We have a new family member!

Please let me know if you prayed this prayer and gave your life to the Lord.

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