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Katsucon Photo Gallery, Anything else!

Here are a few more photos that I just happened to miss. These were some of the most memorable moments for me at this year's Katsu. Yosha!

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The genius himself, Mikimoto Haruko, creator of such works as Macross, Megazone 23, and others. Here he is, signing my program.

Oh yeah, I seemed to have made a "fanclub" over the weekend. Apparently, these girls, all Tasuki fans followed me around the convention. I didn't really think they meant it when they told me I had a fanclub.. I really didn't! But all is good, and nobody's pissed. :D

Saving the best for last, This is probably my favorite picture taken during the entire conveniton. My two favorite mikos, Amy and Carolina, whom I was absolutely glad to have met over the weekend, took a brief moment before they left to take one last photo with 'ol Gen-chan. It's been real, and Animazement bound! :)

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