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As you see problems with fossil fuels like pollution and now sparatic supplies,
you may now want an option to power and heat your home... like with Wind and Sun power...
If not you can do some simple things to save lots of energy, like compact florecent blubs,
sure the cost more (about $2) but they use only 1/4 the power, oh and they don't always fit
in all lamps and fixtures, if you have a bulb that stays on for more than 10 minutes at a time
they are well worth it!!!
An other great device for saving a ton(ok,a few Qts.) of energy are those "LimeLite" and "IndiGlo"and "Elumina"
nite lites... they are so economical you leave them plugged in all the time and cost about $0.03 a year!!!
They cost about $2-3 each when you get 2,3 or 4 packs, if not I seen them go as hi as $5 each, wow!
watch out your back in the dark... I have several they give a soft even blue or green glow to find your way by
Well with my on going project, I got off eBay a used/demo Air403 marine unit, its a 12Vdc model and
seems to work fine!(Hope to trade for a 24Vdc one someday when I'm ready to grow; anyone want to trade now?).
Now I need to get a pair of 6V golf card batteries from Sams club ($74 ea.) and
I'll be almost ready to go, I also have a Morningstar Sunsaver 10amp charge/load controler w/LVD (also from eBay).
and a couple (for now) solar panels about 7-9 watts each (also from eBay). I picked up at a flee market a
150w and 300w inverters at about 1/2 discount store prices ($15 & $34 respectively).
Well my project will be put on the hold pattern untill I get some real time off... maybe in 2 yrs...
Why you ask... well I'm in the Navy, and will be stationed away from home for some time.
and taking care of batteries and adjusting panel angles are a bit much for my Wife or Son...
not that he would not want to, but anyway that gives me more time to surf eBay for more goodies...
The Source of Alternative Energy = Home Power Magazine !

tons of Great online info and more links Earth Toys
Great info and more links Fla. State Edu
Great info and more links N.C. Solar Center
Great info and more links NorthEast Sustainable Energy Association
Great Catalog and Planning Guide= Sunelco
Great Catalog and Planning Guide= Back Woods Solar Systems
Good info and catalog= AltEnergyStore
Good info and catalog= WindSun
Good Catalog and info= Creative Energy Techs
Good Catalog and info= Mr. Solar
Solar Electric Power Association
Americal Solar Energy Society.
Great Alternative Fuel info... from the .GOV
More Great .Gov info...
Solar Buzz...
The EcoMall...
Air403 Air403 Go Solar! Mac Rules!

in progress!
Kilroy, was here! Recycle!
God bless our troops! Go Linux! Back <<

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