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My name is Brent Hundley. I am a 20 year old graduate of Bassett High School, located in southern Virginia. The main focus of this web page will be my school and my graphics design class, for which I made this page. Here is a little information about myself, as far as school goes:

-Graduating Class of 1999-

-Gifted & Talented student since 1986-

-Member of S.A.V.E., an anti-violence organization founded here at Bassett-

-Former member of Future Business Leaders of America-

I also enjoy many hobbies and activities, mainly music and computers. I like all kinds of music, everything from rap to rock, with a lot of others in between (except country). I listen to a lot of music in my car, at home, at a friend's house, or pretty much anywhere with a radio. I also use computers everyday. I use a Macintosh computer everyday at school, and an IBM compatible at home. So without further hesitation, WELCOME TO MY PAGE!! Please follow the link below to continue to my graphics page...

Graphics Page

Or go on to:

My Interests Page

My Personal Resume

Here is a list of my classmates' pages. Enjoy!

Adams, Jason
Baliles, Tierra
Byrd, Jason
Byrd, Justin
Craig, Mandy
Fizzano, Nicole
France, Jonathan
O'Dell, Tamara
Plaster, Stephanie
Seidle, Amy
Shelton, Marty
Shephard, Ty
Shively, Lindsay
Underwood, Lori
Walsh, Jason
Newnam, Kemp
Preston, Natalie
Rose, Shauna

R.I.P. LAYNE STALEY, frontman of Alice in Chains

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