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WTBC Site For Students

West Tennessee Business College Home

FAFSA on the Web

Tennessee's Government Site

The Jackson Sun


Students Get Together

For Future WTBC Website Plans

Three students in Mrs. Taylor's Intro to Computers Class (Leesa Taylor, Sandra Britton, and Michelle Blackwell) have studied other college websites along with other information to help come up with ideas to improve WTBC website. Below are the ideas:

1. Create a feedback page designed for student comment.

2. On the contact us page include a mapping system that takes you from your house and plans route to school (ex. Map Quest).

3. Have a place for a Student Newsletter that interested students would create for students and teachers.

4. Place every course offered and an estimated price guide. This might bring in more serious students that want to improve themselves.

5. List all staff and responsibilities, also credentials they hold.

6. Have a place for Alumni to tell us where they are and what they have accomplished. Also, let them give recommenations of the school.

7. Have links that students can use for information.

WebMaster-Leesa Taylor.