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Theories & Research:

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These are some of the theories the O.G.H.O. has on the paranormal occurences that seem to happen.

We at the O.G.H.O. as you may figure do believe in life after death and feel that everyone should, of course there are people out there whom do not believe, but we think this is like saying we are the only beings in the universe it is ridiculous. the thing that really gets me is when someone that studies the bible says spirits do not exist, how many references are in the bible that point to a life after death. allthough we believe we are skeptical when it comes to doing the investigations because we believe there are many hoaxed cases so you never really know what you are getting into. We are also more skeptical of the cases that seem to be urban legendish, meaning the cases of people stoping on train tracks and being pushed across the tracks by "unseen" hands, now we are not saying this is impossible or unlikely but it seems every town in the world has some form of thess cases, just as the many reports of supposed "Resurection Mary Cases" where someone picks up the stranded woman on the side of the road and a few miles later looks back in the mirror and she is gone, these seem to happen to to many people to be real cases. I know I will get some negative feedback from people who have either worked on cases like this or have actually seen things of this nature, but we believe that these are more of the highschool lets go get drunk and take some chicks to the train tracks so they can be scared and vunrable kind of stories. allthough I do believe in the resurection mary case because there are actually some hard facts to that case unlike the majority of the others.

As investigators that is what we are supposed to do is to collect facts and information about a reported haunting and then after some feild work and data gathering we then make our decision on if the case is trully a haunting or just some kind of ground shifting or something of that nature. However we have meet and worked alongside some investigation teams that believe every investigation they went on was haunted and every thing they recorded had a "strange unexplainable voice" on the tape (I would love for nothing more than that, if every case I got was trully haunted it would make my investigation work alot easier) but we believe that hauntings at least the true haunting that happens on a regular basis are few and far between, however we also believe that people could see these "visitors" when a loved one or freind dies and they come back to say thier last goodbyes so they may think their home is haunted but really the spirit has long since passed by the time we make it out to investigate.

we believe that the forms you may see on some film and on websites is how ghosts really are, i believe it is harder and takes more energy for a ghost to portray themselves as something with a definite human shape. we will get into the diferent types of forms further in these pages.

Now to get into why somwhere may be haunted is a little harder to explain because there are so many reasons something could be haunted. a few of these reasons are that someone has died and you bought or inherited one of their favorite belongings they will follow that object around forever. someone may have died in your home (this doesn't always bring about a haunting) but if the death was tramatic, unexpected, or sudden this could bring about a haunting, it could simply be a family member looking out for a loved one, or someone warning of danger. Whatever the reason usually we feel these souls would be alot happier if they passed on to whatever is next for us when we die.


These are some of the things O.G.H.O. has been researching

Digital Cameras.

Why is it so many Ghost Investigators are torn on this (in my opinion) valuable piece of equipment? Well lets look at it from the view of the side that beleives you shouldn't use them.

The argument they have with them is (a) they do not produce a negative. (b) they are flawed in the fact there have been cases of the camera not filling in the pixels all the way in the picture, thus leaving an image that looks roughly like an orb.

The only true argument in reality is that they do not produce a negative. So you say to yourself, self I don't need to have negatives, the cost of development is outragious, I have to store all of those pictures in a file somewhere, and who will ever need to see the negative? Well the answer is easy, lets say you take your favorite digital camera out to a cemetery with your group and start to investigate. Some time passes and you are having great luck, the stars and moon must be aligned in the perfect place because you have never gotten as good of results as today. Then on of your members sees a figure of a woman come out of the crypt to your right, you spin to take the picture (click) and bam you got it, the best picture of a full formed apparition, better than the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall. You are so excited this has to be the best photographic evidence in the history of paranormal investigation. You go home and start calling the press to alert them on your findings, they visit your site and see the picture and agree, you are going to be famous for proving life after death exists. Then the media guy asks if they can have the image analyzed by a kodak lab to make sure it is genuine and not a fake, so he wants the negative.

Uh Oh you just lost out on the find of a century maybe longer, your Noble Prize has benn given to someone else.

Ok maybe that was a best (or worst) case scenario but you can see the problem. If you want to collect a bunch of pictures to put on the internet thats fine, but if you want to possibly find some hard evidence and actually do some investigation you shouldn't rely on digital cameras, because "scientists" and "skeptics" alike are going to be all over your "unprovable evidence". I am not saying not to use digital cameras at all, but I have met and seen many investigators that all they posses is a digital, and you should always have at least one 35mm camera or more as your main tool(s) for pictures.

Ok now for the conclusion I have came to on the Pixelation Problem. I have reviewed many studies and been to many sites and seen alot of documentation of these so called errors in the digital cameras. The conclusion I have came to in this area of problem is that, yes digital cameras do have flaws in there design or mechanical capabilities, but they are fairly easily identified. The three main caracteristics of the digital camera error is 1.)The orbs are not circular (usually), They tend to be more square or rectangular in shape. 2.) They are always completely white and never semi transparent. 3.)and they (the orbs) never can be in motion, they are always motionless.

So my final judgement on Digital cameras is that they can and should be used, I like them because they give some instant gratification. But they should be used as a secondary camera, don't rely on all your pictures to be digital because you never know when your going to see the big one.

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