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We did this investigation of the Trolley Square Mall, and our findings pointed to the fact that this mall is HAUNTED. The mall a gigantic mission-style trolley barn originally built in 1906 as home for a state-of-the-art trolley car system, is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a man who some call Walt. But we have recorded at least two different voices in the old movie Theater now TS Live, an improv comedy club.

However on the night we were there they were having a teen dance, so it was loud and bright for awhile. We arived at the mall at around 10:30 pm and becuase of the dance going on we decided as we usually do, to retreat to the basement and see what we could find.

The Basement

This wasn't really a basement in the normal description of what a basement is. It was more a series of tunnels that housed the plumbing and electrical wires for the miscelaneous stores. The tunnels are only about four and a half feet tall and about 5 feet wide so manuvering around was a little complicated. The lights were also always on so the infrared equipment was useless to us here. We spent some 45 minutes in the tunnels recording E.V.P. and taking still pics, and then headed for the Brittney Spears music that bekoned us from above (just kidding), but it was really time for a break. As we were heading out for our smoke break we were approached by the owner of the TS Live Comedy Club. He walked up to us and asked if we could investigate his place at 12:00am, and of course we said yes. He then explained to us some of the things he had encountered in his short time operating the place.

Owner of TS Live's Accounts

One night while remodeling the building, he and his son were taking a break from sawing lumber in theater number 4. They went out to the lobby to get a drink and rest for a moment, they were sitting with their backs towards the theater and they heard the sound of the circular saw come on, they thought that was incredibley odd and went back in to investigate only to find the circular saw lying on the ground unplugged. They have also heard noises and seen things up in the old projection room area while they were cleaning the interior of the theater. Strange voices have been heard when no one else was there to make them.

Our Findings

What we encountered while investigating the theater was the only stuff we recorded the entire night we were there. We had investigated the first three theaters without many findings other than a couple cold spots, then we headed for theater number four. When we went into this theater there was a heavy feeling in the air unlike the rest of the theaters. There was also a piano in this room, so one of our guests asked if I thought she should play the piano. I thought it wasn't a bad idea so I let her go ahead with it (that is why you hear the piano int the background of the two EVP's posted). We immediatley started recording positive activities. EMF flucuations, We got a deffinet cold spot behind the piano that moved past the lady playing, down the little back hall where the piano was located and around the corner only to disapear. The cold spot was 15 degrees colder than the rest of the air temp readings I recorded around the room. We were snapping pictures feverishly and got a couple back with positive images on them, the rest were unable to be developed. This was around the same time we recorded the EVP. I then about ten minutes later filmed a faint orb fly down at a fairly fast speed from the stage towards team member Pauls leg. As soon as I mentioned to Paul there was one by his leg, it shot off in the opposite direction it was traveling so quick I could not keep track of it with the camera. Unfortunatley the video is far to faint to post in the net because of the loss of resolution when converting it to an .avi clip. We hung out for another 20 minutes or so with not much more than some pictures taken, and decided it was time to leave.

Our Conclusions

We found some pretty conlusive evidence that this location is endeed haunted, if it is Walt or not we do not yet know. We do plan on investigating this further to see if we cant get some names of the spirit(s) that reside here.