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Okay, just who are these Whipped Cream Avengers???!!

The Whipped Cream Avengers was founded some years back by a guy who discovered how annoying a whipped cream can could be to his enemies, and over the years, the WCA became somewhat of a revolutionary organization.

Everything changed when Rocky McCallon took over as the leader. He decided the other members didn't "have what it takes" to be Whipped Cream Avengers and kicked them out, replacing them with his girlfriend Angel and the mechanic Andre, and soon adding Rambo as his right-hand man. After Tanya/Thorn proved herself worthy to be a WCA, Rocky held an induction ceremony in which the WCA-ers fired their Whipped Cream Bayonets into the air.

The WCA doesn't live by many rules or ethics, but Rocky has laid down the law on a couple of things: he, and only he, can add or kick a member out of the WCA or make and break the rules, as illustrated by his "no beating up on other WCA-ers" rule, which he breaks all the time, but won't allow anyone else to. And no matter how hard Rambo tries, he cannot get Rocky to kick Andre, whom he feels takes away from the WCA's rough-and-tumble image, out of the gang.