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U.O.R.A. - A Pigeon Club

Color Class Judging

(The United Oriental Roller Association judging procedures for color classes.)

1 - Always start with Young Hens of the same color class, because if you find a young cock bird in this class you can move it up to the correct class, but if you do the Young Cocks first and then find one with the young hens, you cannot bring it back down. This is very common.  It is best to list placings all the way down or at least to list the top five birds.

2 - Second, judge the Young Cocks of the same color class and list all the way down also.

3 - Next you should judge the Old Hens of the same color class and also list the placing all the way down.

4 - Lastly, you judge the Old Cocks of the same color class, all the way down.

5 - After judging steps 1 through 4, you should have 4 birds of different sexes and ages.  You then judge these birds for Best of Color and it is important to list their placement 1 through 4.

6 - You should do this through all your color classes.  If there is only one bird in a color class, it will automatically be the best of color in that class.  If this bird makes it to the finals, you disregard the second place bird in its color class, because there is none, and you proceed with the judging of the birds that are still up for judging.

7 - When you have picked all your color class winners, you pick the Champion of Breed from all your color classes.

8 - 1st Reserve.  You leave all the remaining color class winners and you add the second place bird to the Champion, both in color class and age class.  Everytime you pick a reserve, you will bring up two more birds unless there is an automatic color class winner, then you just move on.

9 - 2nd Reserve.  You follow the same procedure leaving all the remaining birds and again you bring up the 2nd place bird to the 1st Reserve of both color and age class. This goes on through all your Reserves.

10 - If you have a best young award and any of the above birds are a young bird, it will be your best young.  If not, you go back to your color classes and bring up all your top place young birds from that color class.  This is why you list the color class 1 through 4, because one young bird will be listed higher than the other one.

11 - Best Junior Breeder is done the same way. If any of the above birds are a Junior raised bird, it will be the Best Junior Breeder.  If not, you have all the juniors bring up their best bird for this judging.

It is hard to get any of the awards with this kind of judging, but it is the fairest way to get your top birds in your show.  You can use as many Reserves as you like this way.

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