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U.O.R.A Color Class Examples
(Birds shown here to demonstrate color, not necessarily show readiness or type. Some are also from other countries.)

You may click under most thumbnail pics to get to a larger pic. I'm putting them up as fast as I can and looking for better photos to demonstrate color and type.

I apologize if it takes a while to load, but I wanted to put them together so you could see them instead of having to have you flip from page to page.

Andalusian (Spread, Indigo)
Classic Almond
Classic Almond (Lots of stuff)
Sprinkle (Spread Almond)
Sprinkle (Spread Almond)
Dun (Spread, dilution)
Dun (Spread, dilution)
Cream (almond, recessive red, dilute)
Cream (Almond, rec. red, dilution)
DeRoy (almond, recessive red)
DeRoy (rec. red, Almond)
Black (Spread)
Black (Spread)
Red (recessive red)
Red (recessive red)
Dark Check Grizzle (Grizzle, T-pattern)
Grizzle (Grizzle, T-pattern)
Bar (wild-type pattern)  Bar is found in various colors
Bar (dilution)
Yellow Check (Ash-red, Check, dilute)
Check - Yellow check (ash-red, check, dilute)
Grizzle (Ash-red, Grizzle)
Grizzle (Ash-red, Grizzle)
ash dilute spread het blue
Ash (Ash-red, dilute, Spread, heterozygous blue)
Ash (Spread, Ash-red - may be het. rec. red)
Ash (Ash-red, Spread)
Opal (Opal, Spread)
Opal (Opal, Spread)
Buff Bar (unknown bronze POSSIBLY ember, bar)
A.O.C. - Buff Bar (Unk. bronze)
recessive yellow

Yellow (recessive red, dilution)

dominant opal check hen

Opal - check (check, dom. opal)

It's a bit hard to see in this bird, but the opal shows in the bronzing in the bars and checks.

homozygous Faded

A.O.C. - Homozygous Faded

Ash-red spread

Spread Ash-red

dilute faded T-pattern

A.O.C. - dilute Faded T-pattern

 White(recessive white)
White (recessive white)
bronze t-pattern
T-pattern (T-Pattern, bronze)
recessive red white flight (mark)

Mark - Various (This one's recessive red, white flight.)


Cream Bar
dilute cinnamon

Dilute Cinnamon Bar
ash red bar

Ash-red Bar
to come

to come
Dilute Cinnamon

Dilute Cinnamon

Photos copyright by the U.O.R.A. or the respective breeder of the bird.

Andalusian, Almond, Sprinkle,
Dun, Cream, DeRoy, Black, Red, Grizzle,
Yellow, Barred, Check, Ash, Opal, White,
T-Pattern, Mark, A.O.C. (Any Other Color)