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What started out as a first meeting on an ICQ Chat Room called "I USE ICQ AND LOOK FOR MEN CAUSE IM SO GAY" turned into much much more


. hi there.. My name is Liam Day aka Stium, 20/m/USA/redhair/black eyes/redshirt msg me for love.

. hi there Stium, My name is Six Ten aka SixTen (My mother smoked and drank during pregnacy.) 40/m/USA/blackhair/

. Well that sure is cool SixTen, During the day i enjoy playing Video Games and backstabbing random people and telling
people i am straight and live in a house on my own.. But really im homosexual and live in my parents basement.

. Gee-Golly Stium that sure is amazing.. I also play video games, Which game do you play?, I enjoy taking the movies off
the internet of Tommy-Lee, and Pamala-Lee having sex, and putting my face where tommy lee's is and than adding my voice. I send
it to all kinds of random people so i can keep my pride.

. Oh wow SixTen, I play Counter-Strike.. Gee wish i was as smart as you.. Maybe one day i will make a movie of me
having sex with someone famous than sending it to people.

. OMG I PLAY COUNTER-STRIKE TO... We should start a clan... With your red hair and my crown.. We would be

. Holy Stephen Hawkings SixTen, Your right... We could call it The Untouchables.. We could make a website, and
forums, and pay for a server and recruit someone named 'rapekit' who claims he plays with 4fps cause he sucks.

. Ok Lets do it.

. 7 Monthes Later

. Oh wow hAuNteD got caught with cheats that dont exist on our server.. What an asshole, i dont care what he says
so now im going to ban him from TU2 and add his wonid to the blacklist because im cool.

. Har har har... I've been itching to ban him since day 1 because he doesnt have flaming red hair or wear a crown, wtf?

. 1 Month Later


. *gasp* bring me to him at once.

. Minutes Later

. Hello i am rapekit, and i would be proud to become a member of the untouchables as you may know, i play counter-strike
with 4fps and i am elite.

. Welcome to the Untouchables Rapekit... Whats your first/last name?

. Elton John

It's 4am and i've run out of ideas :|.............