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Sailor Uranus

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Japanese Name: Ten'ou Haruka
Birthday: January 27
Sign: Aquarius
Blood type: B
Favorite color: gold
Hobby: driving, running
Favorite food: salad
Least favorite food: natto
Favorite subject: Phys. Ed
Worst subject: modern Japanese
Has trouble with: confessing
Strong point: racing
Dream: to be a racer
Favorite gemstone: amber
Attacks: Uranus World Shaking,
Uranus Space Sword Blaster
Height: 5'8"
First Appearance Sailormoon S
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     Haruka is the boyish scout , Sailor Uranus. She wears boyish clothes and acts like a boy, so girls fall in love with her. She is perfect in sports. She is a professional race car and motocross driver. She is very fast and she can run faster then wind. She has an aggressive and cold nature, so she can be extremely tough and heartless in hard situations. She couples with Michiru, Sailor Neptune. Michiru is more than a friend for Haruka. Haruka is also like a dad for Hotaru.

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     Haruka has the sword talisman. In SM S, her job was to find the talismans which were in the pure hearts of humans. She was believing that she will have to sacrifice people to find the talismans but actually there was a talisman in her heart. She never considered herself to be possessing a talisman because she didn't think she had a pure heart. By SM SS, Uranus has decided to retire from the sailor business, but she returned in SM Stars.

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Tuxedo Mask's Bio

Email: Nikki