Crystal Capture by Tailsfan Opening Scene: We see Tails's workshop, which is dark and dim. Inside are dark shapes outlined by moonlight and vaguely reconisable as machinary. One shape, however, has a more alive look... Tails walks into the darkened room, carefully carrying a small engine part. He walks toward the plane in the center of the room, talking to himself. TAILS: Yes! I finally got this engine piece, it took me forever to get it. Tails busys himself tinkering with the plane and doesn't notice a dark shape detatch itself from the ceiling and land silently in the shadows below. Suddenly, there is a slight clink as a piece of machinery is tapped by a screwdriver. Tails whirls around and stares into the darkness. TAILS: (nervous) K-k-karma? Sonic? Knuckles? Who's there? Suddenly slicing out of the darkness comes three thin steel claws. They rake at Tails's chest and barely miss. The claws, on one gloved hand, disapeer into the gloom again. TAILS: (shocked but strangly calm) Nope, that's not Karma. Tails backs off as a second pair of claws slash through the air aimed at his face, jamming into the plane's side. A soft swear is issued, then the long claws are pulled out and the mysterious creature turns at Tails. It calmly advances until Tails is backed into a corner. Slowly and threateninly it places one row of steel claws on Tails's chest, ready to jam into his heart if things don't go his way. TAILS: (shakily) What's your problem?! FIGURE: (softly and silkily) Where are the deathcrystals? TAILS: I don't know! The creature pushes a little harder on Tails's chest and speaks. RIGURE: Don't waste your time denying. I know you have come in contact with them-where are they? Tell me or I'll kill you. TAILS: I honestly don't know. Yes, I have come in contact with them, but the guardian hasn't shown us where he hides them yet. FIGURE: (pressing a little harder) Who is this guardian? Speak and tell me! TAILS: Pull back with those claws, you're cutting me open! The figure replys by pulling back the claws and pressing them to Tails's throat. FIGURE: Who is the guardian! TAILS: (nervously) Karma lizard. FIGURE: (angry and in a spitting, sarcastic tone) Karma! I should have known that scalebag was the crystal guardian. (in a low growl) He'll curse the day he messed with me. I always told him I'd get back at him, and now here's my chance. (glances at Tails) It would be so easy to just kill you...but I'm not a cold-blooded murderer, and if I play my cards right I can have much more than sweet revenge. The figure steps back a pace, withdrawing the claws. Tails sighs with relife. The stranger suddenly kicks him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. A second kick to the head leaves Tails blacking out. Just before he looses contiousness, he catches sight of a long, bushy tail. It is morning at the Mystic Ruins. Sunlight streams into Tails's workshop, waking Tails up from his slump. He rubs his head and looks around, then starts as he remembers what happened the night before. TAILS: (groggily at first, but getting more normal) Oh, man! I have to warn Karma! (thinks a minute) And I should tell Sonic, too. He might know what to do. Tails whirls his tails like a propeller and zooms through the door in the direction of the train. Tails reaches the trainstation just as a train is pulling in. He sighs with relife as he walks toward the door. It slides open and Sonic the hedgehog steps out. TAILS: (in shock) Sonic! SONIC: Oh, hi, Tails. I was just coming over to say hi. I haven't seen you in a while. TAILS: Oh...yeah. Um...I have some bad news. SONIC: (frowning) Oh, man, it's Amy, isn't it? I got that letter she sent me but... TAILS: No, that's not it. Come on, let's go back to my place, this is too open. SONIC: What? What is it? Tails doesn't speak and walks away. Sonic follows, curious. When Tails is in his workshop, he speaks. TAILS: Sonic, last night I was attacked. SONIC: What?! By who? TAILS: I don't know, I couldn't see who or what it was. It had huge claws though, and when it went to knock me out I barely noticed a big bushy tail. SONIC: Oh, man. Why didn't you come and get me right away? TAILS: What do you think I was doing? I just woke up. Whatever it was has one mean kick. But... SONIC: What? TAILS: (closing his eyes to remember) It asked me where the DeathCrystals were. And when I said I didn't know, it asked me who the guardian was. I didn't want to tell him but he had those claws at my neck. When he learned it was Karma, he got all angry. I think they knew each other before- SONIC: Why didn't Karma tell us TAILS: There's lots of stuff we don't know about Karma. I mean, we've only known him for a few months. Anyway, it started talking about revenge. It said it wanted to kill me, but it wouldn't because it could get something bigger. Then it knocked me out and left. I wanted to ask you, how do you contact Karma in the middle of the ocean? SONIC: I can get him if I have a Chaos Emerald. TAILS: (rolling his eyes) That's great Sonic, we don't have one. Any other way? SONIC: Not that I know of. TAILS: (sighing) Great. Now we have to find Knuckles to get Karma. He has to live in the middle of the ocean? SONIC: Don't yell at me, yell at him. Come on, you're the only one who can get to Angel Island, let's go! TAILS: (grinning as he jumps and hovers in the air) Impatient, are't we? Tails grabs Sonic's hands and pulls him into the air. They head up and into the sky in the Floating Isle's direction. The Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald glisten brightly in the sun. Knuckles the enchidna lays back lazily in the grass. Suddenly he notices a blob getting steadily bigger in the sky. It soon forms a shape like a spiky helicopter. KNUCKLES: Three geusses who that is. Huh. (sighs) When they show up it can only mean trouble. Tails and Sonic soon land on the grass in front of Knuckles. TAILS: Hey, Knuckles. Uh...too bad this isn't just a nice visit. SONIC: We have trouble. I need to use one of your Chaos Emeralds to contact Karma. KNUCKLES: (waving a hand behind him in the direction of the emeralds) Oh, sure. Take your pick, there's all different colors to choose from. SONIC: Thanks. Tails, will you explain the situation? KNUCKLES: (sighing) For once I wish you guys would come just to hang out. You always ruin my day. TAILS: (shrugging apologetically) Sorry. Tails explains everything that happened while Sonic contacts Karma with the emeralds. After a while he heads back to the others, saying: SONIC: Well, there's no answer, but I told him we'll meet at the beach. TAILS: Great, more flying. You gotta learn that I'm not a helicopter, however I may happen to fly. SONIC: Quit your whining. Let's go! The trio heads off down to the beach from the island. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles walk down the beach, Sonic a little grumpliy. TAILS: Look, it's not my fault that you slipped and fell in the ocean. I told you I can't automatically fly fly for you. Sonic doesn't say anything but rolls his eyes. TAILS: (exasperated) I give up! KNUCKLES: (interupting) Hey, look! Is that him? SONIC: I think so. They run up to the shape, which turns out to be Karma, a lizard. KARMA: Hello, Sssonic, Knucklesss, Tailsss. How'sss it going? SONIC: Not well. TAILS: Uh, Karma, do you know anyone with long steel claws and a bushy tail? Karma's yellow, slitted-pupil eyes focus on Tails, and the slit seems to get even thinner. His tounge flickers out and he snaps his tail like a whip. KARMA: Why do you asssk? TAILS: 'Cause somebody with claws and a bushy tail attacked me last night, and it asked me about you and the DeathCrystals. Karma's tounge flickers out again. His eyes narrow and he hisses one word: KARMA: Ssslash. KNUCKLES: What? KARMA: Ssslash. He'sss an anteater who'sss after the DeathCryssstals. I'm not sure why, but I think it hasss to do with power. He has three sssteel clawsss on the backsss of hisss handsss, which he usesss in fightsss. He izzz actually sssimilar to Knucklesss in a few ways, but he izzz evil, not good. KNUCKLES: (looking startled about his "similarity") Oh. KARMA: You'll be meeting him very sssoon, I think, if what you sssay izzz true. TAILS: (angry) Are you calling me a liar? KARMA: Oh, no. It'sss jussst that Ssslash should have been dead a long time ago. TAILS: Really? KARMA: I wasss sure I had killed him myssself. Tails, Sonic, and Knuckles stare at Karma as they learn that he has been willing to kill in the past. KARMA: If he izzz alive, he'll be bent on revenge asss well asss the capture of the cryssstals. You had all better be on your guard. Knucklesss may be sssafer than the two of you though, being a guardian. Ssslash can be cautious and sssly when he needsss to be, and he will probably sssteer clear of the other guardian, not knowing what he can do. But careful. VOICE: (behind them) That's right, be careful. You had better watch out for me, or you'll beg to be dead! Knuckles, Tails, and Sonic whirl around, startled. Karma flicks his tounge out and snaps his tail in a bored fashion. The group of four faces an anteater. he is a light-gray with two black stripes on his lower back. A head similar to Knuckles's sits on his sholders, but with droopy "spikes" similar to Sonic's on the back of it. A long bushy tail flexes as the character stares at them with red eyes. Dark blue sneakers with two black stripes stand out against the creatures's fur, while white gloves with three sharp claws on the back complete his costume. KARMA: (in a bored tone) Well...I sssee you've lived, Ssslash. How did you do it? SLASH: (keeping the other three out) Oh, that gun you had sliced some stone and brick out on top of me and saved me from the explosion. KARMA: I presume you want the DeathCryssstals. SLASH: Yeah, but you're too stubborn. I know you won't give'em to me, so we're gonna have to do it the hard way. We all know that means battle. Two of you already know what I can do (glances around) Well, Karma! I see you've been making friends since I last met you. You even know the ledgandary Sonic, not to mention the other guardian and Sonic's best bro. KARMA: Yesss, and? SLASH: Oh, just observing. Do you think they could fight me? KARMA: You know I'm the only one evenly matched enough to fight you. SLASH: Too true. Four on one, with one person who can beat me, isn't fair. (in one fluid movement, he throws a little ball. The ball springs open and ropes wrap around Karma, making him trapped and unable to use his tail) So I decided to even the odds. KARMA: You assshole! SLASH: Tut, tut. You shouldn't use bad words. SONIC: (looking Slash up and down) He shouldn't be too hard. KARMA: (sighing) You wish. SLASH: Exactly. Come on, let's go! (gets into a fighting stance and raises his claws) TAILS: Ohmanohmanohman. KNUCKLES: What? TAILS: That guy is really good with those claws! KNUCKLES: I'll remember that. Sonic starts the fight by charging forward in half his speed. Slash calmly drops down on his back, raises his feet to meet his opponent, and kicks Sonic in the stomach, sending him flying over his head and falling to the ground. Slash pulls himself back up and jabs upward with one set of claws, stopping the divebomb Tails was attempting. Tails is slashed across the stomach, making him falter and slam into the ground. SLASH: They were too easy. (turns to Knuckles) Are you as well? KNUCKLES: Try me and find out. SLASH: I'm not making any false moves. I know from experiance that guardians are tougher than they look. KNUCKLES: You got that right. Knuckles slowly walks closer. Suddenly he lets out a volly of punches. Slash barely blocks each one, slashing out half-way occasionally to throw Knuckles off guard. Suddenly Knuckles dives down and punches up. A loud "oof!" is heard, then both sets of claws jam down and rake Knuckles's sholders, aiming for his neck. Knuckles reels back, off guard, and falls, showing his unprotected neck and chest. SLASH: Well, well. You are good. But not as good as me. (Prepares to jam the claws into Knuckles's heart) Suddenly, a green whip snaps out of nowhere, slapping Slash on the head and knocking him senseless. KNUCKLES: Thanks, Karma! SLASH: Karma? No! Karma stands on the sands, calmly flicking his tail with a snapping sound. KARMA: Yesss. Behind Karma stands Sonic and Tails, holding pieces of rope. KARMA: Rule number one of battlesss: Never leave other opponentsss unatended, essspecially with a captive. SLASH: Shut up. KARMA: Would you like a tassste of me? It's been a year, we both know new tricksss. Slash charges, slicing the air with his claws. Karma easily wraps his tail around the wrist and pulls it down. The other hand jabs up with it's claws aimed at Karma's head. Karma ducks, but is still cut on his back. Slash takes the oppertunity to free his wrist and they both seperate, panting. Eggman watches the battle on the sands from his cloaked, invisible ship, the StarEgg. He notices Sonic and his friends attacking an anteater on the ground. EGGMAN: Hmmm. That creature is putting up a good fight. If I had him on my side... Eggman grins as he forms a plan in his mind. Slash and Karma are battling again. Karma charges at Slash, who jabs his claws loosely into Karma's stomach, caught off guard without time to plan a move. Karma grimaces, and Slash jerks the claws up, flipping Karma over his head in an arc. Karma, however, whips his tail around Slash's waist. As he slams into the ground on his back, he lifts Slash and pummels him into the sand. He just starts to get up when a huge lazer blast slams between him and Slash. The pressure forces him into the air and he slams his head on a rock, falling uncontious. SONIC: Eggman! Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails retreat, stopping only for Knuckles to grab the blacked-out Karma and sling him over his sholder. SONIC: Oh, man, he caught us at a bad time! We'll be dead if he chases us! TAILS: But he's not, he stopped by the beach! KNUCKLES: Who cares? Keep running. We need all the distance we can get. SONIC: Maybe I'll just go back and spy out the situation. KNUCKLES: Sure, go ahead. Sonic zooms off a blur while Tails and Knuckles head for Tails's workshop. Back at the beach, the StarEgg lowers to the ground and it's hatch opens. Slash cautiously walks in, where he is met by Eggman. EGGMAN: Hello! Those...uh...those guys didn't do anything to you, did they? SLASH: Not much. What do you want? EGGMAN: Well...follow me, I'll find a room where we can talk. Eggman goes down a series of corridors and into the control room of his ship. EGGMAN: Now-I noticed you are a good fighter. SLASH: EGGMAN: Well...would you like to join up with me? I need capable fighters like you. SLASH: (eyes narrowed) What's the catch? EGGMAN: I would get the powergems-I need them for my experiments. Also- SLASH: (inturrupting) Hold on...power gems? EGGMAN: Yes, the Chaos Emeralds and the DeathCrystals. Now, as I was saying- SLASH: Uh-uh. No way I am working for you. EGGMAN: But- SLASH: I want the DeathCrystals or it's no deal. EGGMAN: No, absolutly not! I refuse to give the crystals to you. SLASH: Oopsie. You just made a big mistake. EGGMAN: (grinning) I belive you are in my ship. I can easily kill you. SLASH: (folding his arms over his chest) Not if you can't use it. EGGMAN: Huh? Slash jumps at the nearest computor councle. He jams the claws on his left hand into the metal and rips. Sparks fly and wires dangle as Slash moves to another councle. EGGMAN: No! Stop! Slash continues, ripping and tearing crazily. EGGMAN: Guards! Guards! Six robots come storming into the burning room, each aiming a lazer rifle at Slash. He grins, then shatters the windshield. SLASH: I gotta go, I have some crystals to find. Oh, by the way, there's going to be a big 'boom.' You might want to get out of the ship before that happens. Slash jumps out the windshield and drops ten feet, landing smoothly on the sand with one hand on the ground. Slowly he stands up, glancing behind him, and takes off at a leisurly run. He disapeers behind some rocks as the StarEgg explodes, with Eggman and a few troops just managing to escape. EGGMAN: (screaming out loud) I'll get you, you stupid anteater! Sonic, hiding nearby, sees and hears all. He races off, his mind going as fast as his feet. Knuckles, Tails, and Karma have finally arrived at Tails's workshop. Karma is awake and demanding an explanation of what happened. TAILS: Not much. Eggman came, it was him that knocked you out. We ran away, but Eggman stayed behind. Sonic went back to pick up some news. Knowing him, he should be back soon. Sonic runs through the door, shouting: SONIC: Man, do I have some news! KNUCKLES: Well, tell us already! SONIC: (glaring at Knuckles) Yeah. I geuss Eggman stayed behind to pick up Slash as a new recruit. KARMA: (shaking his head) He won't get very far. SONIC: He didn't. Slash did something in there, 'cause he came flying out a window, then ran away. A few seconds later, the ship exploded. Eggman was pissed, I can tell you that. TAILS: Is he on our side? KARMA: (sighing) Not really. Sssee, I think it goesss farther. Ssslash wantsss the DeathCryssstals, but he doesssn't want anyone elssse to have them, even if it meansss sacrificing hisss revenge. Ssso, you could sssay he izzz a "Dark Guardian" in a way. SONIC: That's a new one. KNUCKLES: So, he wants to preserve the crystals-does that mean he would protect us if it was the only way to save them? KARMA: I belive ssso. SONIC: Stop doing that 's' thing! KARMA: (not looking at Sonic) Think of it asss an accent. TAILS: I think we'd better know everything we can about this guy. Me, Sonic, and Knuckles only know he fights good. KNUCKLES: No shit! (rubs his shoulder where the claws cut him) KARMA: I sssuppose I should tell you when I met him before. The firssst time I wasssn't exactly a guardian yet-there'sss a long ssstory there too. Anyway, I knew about him then, I wasss the only one who knew he wasss after the Cryssstals. Ssso...I took them to a hidden ssspot. I lived there for a year asss the new guardian-Ssslash killed the firssst one-until he found me. There wasss a big fight, until I planted explosivesss in the building after moving out the cryssstals. I started firing at Ssslash to ssstun him ssso he couldn't get out. The building exploded, ssso I thought him dead. I moved to the cave I'm at now. But, like he sssaid, the broken foundation kept him alive. TAILS: No wonder he wants revenge on you so bad. KARMA: He'sss a lot ssstronger than lassst time too. I'm the only one who'sss evenly matched against him, although Knucklesss didn't do to bad. He'sss the next strongest. Ssspeed won't work on him, or ariel attacksss, asss you learned. They provide good distractionsss, though. KNUCKLES: What are his fighting habits? KARMA: He likesss to use the clawsss on hisss handsss in a ssslashing motion, although the few punches he throughs can be deadly if placed right. He only doesss that in a final thrussst to end battle-and he rarely leavesss hisss opponent living for long. If he's in a bad mood, he'll let them feel the pain asss the ssslowly die. TAILS: Owch. KARMA: Hisss tail isssn't a weapon like mine, it jussst actsss asss a rudder when he ssswims. He rarely kicksss, hisss handsss are more ussseful in battle. Ssspeed issn't too bad, he's ssslower than you, Sssonic, but fassster than me. Ssswimming and climbing show him much slower than me. SONIC: Tough opponent. KARMA: If you get in a battle, try to get away from him. I'm the only one who can beat him.Knucklesss can hold out againssst him for a sssmall period, but you and Tailsss are in deep trouble if you can't get away. SONIC: Great. KARMA: I think that'sss it. SONIC: (sarcasticlly) Are you sure there isn't more bad news? KARMA: (with a faint grin) I haven't even gotten to the bad newsss yet. KNUCKLES: All that was good news?! KARMA: Ssslash izzz smart and tricky. He can sometimesss be impatient, or jump into thingsss without thinking (Karma's eyes flicker towards Sonic, but he doesn't say anything) or plan ahead and have you caught before you know it. Basssically, he izzz unpredictable, ssso alwaysss be on your guard. SONIC: Thanks for the advice. KARMA: (walking toward the door) I had better check on the cryssstals. If Ssslash hasss them, we want plenty of warning. KNUCKLES: Uh, maybe I'd better come with you. I mean, I'm a guardian as well, I can help you better in tight spots. KARMA: Why not? But you're going to get wet, let me warn you. KNUCKLES: I don't mind. TAILS: Well, see ya then! Karma and Knuckles leave, heading for the ocean, running at a realitivly fast pace. SONIC: I'm not waiting around for two hours while they're doing stuff. TAILS: Well, what do you want to do then? Tails turns and discovers that Sonic is no longer in the room. TAILS: (annoyed) Now I'm gonna have to save his big blue butt! Tails runs out the door, jumps in the air, and flys off, looking for Sonic. Karma and Knuckles reach the beach. Karma dives in, disapeers, then resurfaces. KARMA: Well, come on. If you're ssswimming, you had better be fassst. KNUCKLES: I'll glide. Karma takes off, slicing through the water like a torpedo. Knuckles is right behind him. Finally, Karma stops and floats in the waves. KARMA: Thisss izzz the ssspot. You dive down here, and a tunnel will lead into the cavern. KNUCKLES: Okay. Karma disapeers in the water. Knuckles zooms up, then dives down through the ocean to the tunnel. He swims up it and surfaces in a cavern glittering with crystal light. Karma stands beside the Father Crystal, sighing with relife. KARMA: Everything'sss here. I wasss worried Ssslash had gotten here before me. SLASH: I did! Slash materializes out of the gloom, claws glinting. He smiles evily as he speaks. SLASH: I could've taken the crystals, but I wanted more. Revenge. I want you to die. KARMA: (eye's blank) Really? SLASH: (glancing at Knuckles) And because he's with you, and the rest of your friend's as well-they all have to die. KNUCKLES: That's great. Karma flicks his tail, but in a peculiar fashion. He seems to point at the crystals, then the entrance. He glances at Knuckles, then turns to face Slash. Knuckles frowns for a moment, then suddenly gets it. KARMA: You know I won't give up the cryssstals without a fight. SLASH: Of course. So I'm ready to battle. KARMA: Asss am I. Slash creeps closer and suddenly jabs out with one set of claws. Karma moves to block it, but in doing so steps right into the path of the other set of claws, being sliced open on his arm. KARMA: Aaaaarrrrrgggh! Instinctivly he lashes out with his tail, catching Slash with a lucky blow. Slash jerks, but dives down to try and catch Karma off-guard, so caught up in his blood-lust that he doesn't notice Knuckles sneaking off down the tunnel with the Father Crystal. Karma is slashed in a half-dozen places, and relizes he has to get away or he'll be killed. He fires his tounge, latching onto the cavern wall and pulling himself to it. SLASH: Damn you! Karma scrabbles up the wall, coming to a rest upside-down on the ceiling. Slash runs to the wall, slamming the claws in and pulling himself up. KARMA: Nice trick. SLASH: Yeah, right. Slash pulls himself up near Karma, then pulls one claw from the rock and slashes. Karma instinctivly jumps back, loosening his hold. As he falls, he wraps his tail around Slash's neck and forces him off the wall and below him. They crash to the ground, Karma on top. Slash shoves him off and shakes his bushy tail, showering dust everywhere. SLASH: Oh, you stupidfuckin'assholewhythehelldidyoudothat... Slash trails off into a raging whisper. Karma stands nearby, outwardly calm but ready to move at the slightest shake of a claw. KARMA: I thought you sssaid ssswearing wasssn't good for you. SLASH: (glaring at Karma) Shut up, you hissbag. Karma dilibretly flickers his tounge out and lets a low hiss escape his lips. Just as expected, it provokes Slash into attacking. Karma waits, then uses an unexpected move-he kicks. He hits Slash in the stomach, stunning him. Spinning as if to use his other leg for a kick, he instead brings his tail swinging out of nowhere to slam into the side of Slash's head. Slash flys into the wall, smashing against it and ending the battle. SLASH: Nooo...I lost...I lost... Knuckles runs in and stops when he sees the fight is at an end. He glances at Karma, then says: KNUCKLES: I got them all. Follow me and I'll show you where I put them. Karma and Knuckles leave, not taking a backwards look. Slash sits for a while, then slowly gets up. He slides into the water, which revives him a little. Then he swims back to shore, reaching it before Knuckles or Karma because they have to transfer the crystals. SLASH: Karma, you are gonna pay for what you did back there. For that, you just earned a friend's death. (grins) And I know just how to do it. Part Two: Crystal Killer Sonic runs along a path, not aiming to go in any particular direction. SONIC: This sucks. I can't stand up to that guy? This sucks! Sonic relizes he is on the path to the cliffs. He continues running, thinking he can cover for Karma and Knuckles in case they need help from Slash. SONIC: Maybe I can beat him in my super form... SLASH: (from ahead) I highly doubt that, as you won't have a chance to get there. SONIC: Dammit! Slash steps out into veiw, a little worn from his battle with Karma. SONIC: I'm supposed to, fuck that, let's fight! Sonic rushes at top speed towards Slash. Slash calmly sidesteps him and slices his claws in an arc, ment to stab Sonic in the chest. Sonic turns and instead the tip of his ear is sliced off. SONIC: Ow! That hurt! SLASH: Well, duh. SONIC: Okay, never mind. Retreat! Sonic rushes off down the path, outdistancing Slash easily. SONIC: Note to self: In the future, when Karma guves advice-take it! Suddenly, Sonic runs out to the cliff edge. He slows down and slides to a halt three feet from the ledge. He swears under his breath, then turns to find Slash in his way. SLASH: You're as good as dead. SONIC: That's nice to know. SLASH: Has Karma told you what I do to my victems? I never make a clean kill. And when I'm in an exeptionally bad mood-like now-I kill slowly, letting pain make you wither in agony and pray to be killed. SONIC: Great. Do you have anything nicer to tell me? SLASH: (grinning) How about a riddle? SONIC: (suspicious) Riddle? SLASH: (advancing slowly and making Sonic back up) How do I kill you without touching you at all? (he recives no answer from Sonic and continues) Like this! Slash swipes at Sonic's stomach in a lazy arc. Sonic jumps back in reflex-right off the cliff edge. As he starts to fall, Slash shoots out a hand and grabs Sonic's hand. The claws dig into his arm cruelly, but he doesn't say anything. SLASH: But that's too easy. I want to watch you suffer for what Karma did to me. Slash raises his other hand to slam the claws down on Sonic's head. Just as he's about to strike, a blur slams into his back. Slash let's go of Sonic's hand and they both fall, spinning away from each other. Slash digs his claws in the cliff side, coming to a stop. Sonic continues to fall. Suddenly, the blur that attacked Slash comes streaking down in an orange hue. Tails soon becomes visible, diving down and using his tails to propel himself faster. In a neat loop he swerves and grabs Sonic's hands. SONIC: Tails! You don't know how glad I am to see you. TAILS: I was lucky. If he noticed me, be'd both be dead by now. Tails lowers himself and Sonic to the beach. Just as they land, a giant glistening gem splashes out of the ocean. SONIC: Ahhh! Karma's head pokes out next to the gem, with Knuckles beside him holding an armful of crystals. SONIC: Oh. Hi. KNUCKLES: What are you doing here? SONIC: Uh...long story. don't want to bring those up here. Slash is back there on the cliffs and- KARMA: Ssslash? TAILS: Yeah. Long story short, he attacked Sonic, I attacked him and we got away. KARMA: But it doesssn't make sence. I jussst beat him up! KNUCKLES: It was an interesting battle. I saw some of it. Tails flys upward, then comes back down. TAILS: He's coming! He's coming! KARMA: We have to get the cryssstals out of here! Okay, Sssonic, you come with me. I'll take care of the Father Cryssstal, you take the sssmaller onesss. Knucklesss, you ssstay here with Tailsss and try to dissstract Ssslash so he doesssn't chassse usss. Tailsss will be able to dissstract him and get you out of there if thingsss get rough. Got it? KNUCKLES: Got it. KARMA: Come on! Karma wraps his tail around the Father Crystal's base. With a slight hiss, he lifts it and steadys it with his hands. Sonic carrys the smaller crystals and goes after Karma. SONIC: Do you have any plan in mind? KARMA: Not really. SONIC: Great. Knuckles can't hold Slash off forever, even with Tails. We have to be long gone by then. Karma hisses slightly, now running down streets. Suddenly he points. KARMA: Well, what about that? A van stands before them. It is one of the medium sized, white ones with a company's logo on the side. The back of the van is empty exept for a few tools. SONIC: Steal some old geaser's company van? Cool, that's Hollywood, baby! KARMA: Can you drive? SONIC: Why would I need to? I can go as fast as any car. KARMA: I don't need to know, I live in the middle of the ocean. That leavesss you. Come on, you're sssixteen, you're at the right age. Try it! SONIC: (getting into the driver's seat) Don't blame me if I kill somebody. Karma loads the crystals in the back and climbs in with them. KARMA: Go! The van jerks forward and slams into the car in front of them. SONIC: Oh, yeah, I forgot the gear shift! The van backs up slowly, then with a wild twist shoots out onto the street. A bench goes flying as the vheicle goes onto the sidewalk, then comes back onto the road. KARMA: What the hell are you doing?! SONIC: Stop yelling, you'll break my concentration. Karma glances out the back window. Suddenly he focuses on a figure running towards them. KARMA: It'sss Ssslash! SONIC: Great, and we can't go fast here either. KARMA: Go to the highway if you can! SONIC: If? The van swerves and jerks wildly, and Karma begins to regret his decision. SONIC: We hit the highway! KARMA: Floor it! Sonic's foot slams down on the gas pedal, and they rocket away in the van. He seems to be getting better where there aren't any sidewalks to drive onto. At first, there are only a few cars, but soon there is a line of them. Fourtunatly it doesn't slow them down too much. KARMA: (in a low hiss) If you crash into one of thossse carsss, I will persssonaly kill you. SONIC: Hey, relax, it's me! KARMA: (muttering) That'sss the bad part. Karma turns around and looks out the back window. Startled, he yells. KARMA: I don't belive it! SONIC: What? KARMA: It'sss Ssslash! He'sss not driving, but he'sss jumping from car roof to car roof. Look in the rearview mirror! SONIC: I'm too short to look in it! (trys to turn his head to see in the mirror on the side of the car) Oh, perfect. KARMA: What? SONIC: My back and head are stuck in the seat! KARMA: It'sss a human car, what do you expect? Humansss aren't three feet tall with ssspikes. (looks out the window) He'sss only five carsss away! SONIC: Today really sucks. KARMA: At leassst Ssslash isn't bent on killing you in particular. SONIC: Lot's of people want to kill me in particular! KARMA: Good point. You are a very wanted hedge-ahhhh! SONIC: What's happening?! Three steel claws slam through the van roof, almost slicing into Karma's brain. They rip a hole in the metal, revealing Slash. KARMA: Dammit! (noticing Sonic trying to turn around) Keep your eyesss on the road! SONIC: Right. Karma does a headbutt into Slash's stomach. Startled, he falls back onto the road. Cars skid to a halt to avoid hitting him. DRIVER: (from one of the stopped cars) Oh my god! It's a mutant animal! The van speeds away, leaving Slash behind. KARMA: He'll be back. Listen: If I can't do anything, you mussst hide the DeathCryssstals. No matter what. Underssstood? SONIC: Got it. KARMA: Good, and you won't even try to help me in battle. Promissse? SONIC: I geuss. Slash suddenly appears on the car behind them. He becons as if he wants someone to come out. KARMA: That'sss my cue. I'll try to keep him off the cryssstals. SONIC: Okay. Karma climbs out the hole onto the car roof. The person in the car behind them watches without taking her eyes off Karma. She winks at him as if she is on his side. Slash jumps onto the van. He slashes, but misses. Karma ducks down and sweeps his tail slowly back and forth, waiting. Slash focuses on the tail, watching it carefully. Karma expects this and darts forward, mouth open. SLASH: Ahhhhh! Karma bites down on Slash's leg with two small fangs. Slash jumps back and stabs dwonward, cutting a gash in Karma's side. Karma leans back and kicks out, knocking Slash off the side. Slash grabs Karma's tail in his hands, and with speedy movement fires his anteater tounge around Karma's neck. They both fall off the van onto the strip of grass in the middle of the highway. SONIC: Great. Now I have to hide the crystals. Sonic drives off the highway with much swerving onto a exit off on the side. He whizes through a town, looking for a good hiding place. Suddenly, a cop car shows up and motions for Sonic to pull over. He sighs and does so, not very neatly. The cop walks up and looks through the window. OFFICER: Sir, may I see your-Oh, good Lord! SONIC: What? OFFICER: Doctor's right...I shouldn't be having those drinks at parties...(pats his head) I'm seeing a big blue porkypine! SONIC: Of course you're see-hey, who you callin' a porkypine?! OFFICER: (startled and nervous) Just...uh...carry on sir. SONIC: Thanks! Sonic drives off, muttering: SONIC: Nice guy, but he needs to get his animals strait. Sonic drives into a area that is all woods. He hops out of the van after tugging on his back and head to free his spikes, then slices open the trunk of a hollow dead tree. With much shoving, he pushes the Father Crystal into the tree and replaces the ripped-off piece. He hides the 7 DeathCrystals in holes in the ground or in other trees. Finally, he makes slices in a few more trees and bury marks in case Slash should find the area. Then he gets back into the car, driving all over and getting out every once and a while to make a site looking like the first one. SONIC: Not too bad. That should confuse him enough until Karma can do what he wants with them. Sonic hops into the car and drives back to the highway, looking for Karma. Tails and Knuckles, having thrown off Slash as long as they could, were now trying to follow him. They both hover in the air, looking around. TAILS: I don't see him. How about you? KNUCKLES: Nope. TAILS: I wonder how Karma and Sonic are doing. KNUCKLES: I'm not sure, but if we find Slash we'll find them too. TAILS: Why don't we split up? We'll cover more ground. KNUCKLES: Sure. They split, Tails going one way and Knuckles another. Tails flys high, seeing more that way. A sight on the highway surprizes him. In the median strip, a funny shape is moving around. Getting closer to it, Tails sees it's Karma trying to drag Slash back to him. Slash turns and swipes, making a cut along Karma's chest. Karma starts, but swings his tail like a bat and connects with Slash's head. Slash crumples, knocked out. TAILS: Karma! Karma looks up and notices Tails. He waves, then goes to the side of the highway and waits. TAILS: (landing next to Karma) Where's Sonic? KARMA: He drove off to hide the cryssstals. TAILS: Drove? Sonic can drive? KARMA: Not really. A white van with a flooring company logo on the side pulls up jerkily. Sonic hops out, landing next to Karma. SONIC: Hey, Tails. I think I'm getting better at driving. KARMA: That'sss the bessst newsss I've ever heard. TAILS: Me and Knuckles were just searching for you guys, and Slash too. SONIC: You found all three of us. KARMA: Why don't we head back? I'd like to get thessse cutsss treated. SONIC: Sure. (moves toward the driver's seat) KARMA: No, NO! Let Tailsss drive. Sonic gets into the back with Karma grumpily. Tails pulls the van easily onto the highway and drives as if he'd been doing it for years. SONIC: (under his breath) Half my age driving better than I can... After a half hour, they get to Station Square. Dropping the now-much-battered van off where they found it, they head for a resturant. TAILS: I'm starving! SONIC: Well, there's a place we can eat. Walking in and sitting down, they order there food. The place wasn't busy so they got the food almost immediatly. KARMA: (eating a salad) Not bad. SONIC: Yeah. So, I hid the crystals in some patch of woods. They're all seperated, and there's, like, fifteen places where I made it look like a place I could put them. KARMA: That'sss good. A half-hour later, they are just rising to leave when Slash bursts through the door. Waving one clawed hand to the other diners, he shouts: SLASH: Get out. This is between me and them. The diners run out frantically. When they are gone, Slash grins. He takes from behind him a white DeathCrystal. KARMA: No! SLASH: Oh, yes. Karma darts forward, but Slash is already heading through the kitchen door. All three follow. They run in front of a series of doors, into the only open one. The door at the other end shows Slash inside it. They run forward. The door slams shut and they hear Slash's voice from outside: SLASH: My little mirror trick worked! See you later...I have to pick up the rest of the crystals! SONIC: Mirror trick? TAILS: (pointing) We saw his reflection in the mirror over there and thought it was him! They notice they are in one of those freezer rooms, the ones that store food until needed. KARMA: It'sss cold. TAILS: Yeah, I hope we get out soon! SONIC: Why would Slash lock us in here? I mean, wouldn't he want to just kill us? TAILS: Don't ask me! Sonic stares behind Tails at Karma. Karma's eyes are slowly fluttering closed, and he is sinking to the floor. SONIC: Woah! Karma, what's up?! KARMA: (semi-contious, like he didn't hear Sonic) Cold... TAILS: Oh, man, Karma's a reptile! SONIC: So? TAILS: He's cold-blooded! He's slowing down because of the tempurature. We're warm--blooded, and we have our own heat. Karma gets it from around him. Plus, he's a tropical lizard, so if he stays like that for too long...(lets it hang) Karma by now is curled up on the floor, eyes closed. SONIC: Dammit! We have to get out of here! Sonic trys a spin dash at the heavy metal door, but it doesn't work. He bangs at the door for help, then remembers that no one is in the building. TAILS: (shaking Karma) Wake up! Karma seems uncontious, as if he is in a stupor. TAILS: It's like he's in a coma or something. SONIC: Keep trying. I'll try to find a way out of here. TAILS: Uh, you know that question you asked earlier, about why would Slash lock us in here? Well, I don't think it was for us. It was to get back at Karma. SONIC: Yeah, probably. Sonic searches the whole room, but doesn't find a way out. SONIC: Great. We can't get out, and he's gonna die because he was frozen to death! TAILS: Wait! Knuckles! SONIC: What about him? TAILS: Knuckles is still out there. There's a chance that he could help us. SONIC: What are the odds that he'll pick this particular resturant out of all the ones to choose from? TAILS: Hey, I'm trying to be optimistic! They wait in the freezer, banging on the door and trying to wake Karma up at intervals. Knuckles, having no luck with finding Slash, heads back to Station Square and finds a startling site. A crowd of people are gathered around a resturant, with police holding them back. Knuckles glides to the ground and questions the officer nearest. KNUCKLES: What's going on? OFFICER: (apparently not noticing he's talking to an enchidna) Some weird guy with spikes on his hands just attacked here. We heard three people are still in there, but we haven't seen them. KNUCKLES: Oh, man, that's gotta be Sonic and the others! Knuckles pushes past the officers and into the resturant. He runs into the kichen, looking around. KNUCKLES: Guys? Are you in here? A muffled banging meets Knuckles's ears, and he runs toward it. KNUCKLES: Guys? SONIC: (faintly)! Second door from the left... Knuckles opens the door and is faced with another, made of steel. A banging comes from it, and Knuckles races towards it. He whips open the door and faces Sonic, hand raised in the motion of banging on the door again. Tails is standing next to Karma with a worried tone on his face, and Karma is on the ground, uncontious. KNUCKLES: How'ja get yourself locked in a freezer? SONIC: No time, we have to get Karma out of here. Sonic holds the door open while Knuckles drags Karma out. Karma doesn't move at all, just sags as he is pulled out. KNUCKLES: What happened to him? TAILS: He's not very strong with super cold tempatures, being a lizard. He's freezing to death. SONIC: Come on, Karma, wake up! Karma still stays in his stupor, stone cold and breathing little. KNUCKLES: Shit, he'd better wake up, or Slash is going to kill everyone he feels like! TAILS: Maybe if he warms up a little bit... All three wait anxiously, staring at Karma's body with a feeling almost like dread and fear. Suddenly, with a movement that startles everybody, Karma's eyes snap open and he trys to sit up. SONIC: You're alive! KARMA: (faintly) What...happened? TAILS: Uh...Slash locked us in a freezer and you went into some kind of coma. Are you okay? KARMA: (sitting against the wall) give me a few minutesss. SONIC: Slash is gonna have the crystals by now, all of them. KARMA: Ssslash found them? (Karma trys to get up and is pushed down by three pairs of hands) Get off me! You don't underssstand...he'll kill everyone if he isssn't ssstopped. KNUCKLES: Rest a while and then we'll go. Karma obediantly sits, but he looks angry and his temper is slowly rising. Finally he shoves himself up, not paying attention to the shouts of his friends and heading toward the door. TAILS: There he goes... KNUCKLES: Come on, we'd better go with him. He might need help. SONIC: We can't do anything against him! KARMA: You heard Karma and Tails can be distractions. SONIC: Here we go again! Karma reaches the beach with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, where he sences the DeathCrystals. He walks along the sand, searching. Suddenly, he turns around a corner of rocks and faces Slash, standing next to the Father Crystal. SLASH: Hey, Karma. This will be the final battle. It's gonna be to the death. KARMA: (with hatred in his voice) I'll agree to that. Slash grins, then draws energy from the crystals. He seems to glow, then he gets into a fighting stance and waits. Before Karma can move, Sonic darts forward. He manages to get a feeble punch in before he is slashed twice, once on the back and once on the side. He falls, bleeding rapidly. Knuckles slides forward, battering Slash's head with his punches. Slash slices in an x at Knuckles's chest, then kicks. Knuckles falls, winded and loosing contiousness. Tails trys diving at him, but Slash simply waits, then jumps up, flipping forward and landing on Tails's back. Tails is slammed into the ground with a crack, thrown into uncontiousness with pain. SLASH: Now it's between you and me again. Karma swings his tail, but Slash blocks it with a simple swipe. Stunned, Karma tries a second swipe, kicking at the same time. Slash blocks both and dives on Karma, slashing everywhere. Karma staggers back, bleeding in a dozen places. SLASH: You can't beat me're going to die. Karma stands ready for an attack, but with an unusual move Slash jabs at his chest. Karma blocks that, then suddenly feels firy pain as the side of his neck is sliced open. Hot blood gushes out as he falls and kneels on one knee. He knows he must fight to keep the lives of his friends, but he also knows that he has fought a battle to the death and lost. SLASH: (vicously kicking Karma in the side) You'll be dead soon. I'm going to watch. This is what I have lived for. KARMA: (suddenly strong) No. SLASH: Oh, yes. And then, you know what? I'm going to kill your friends, one by one. I'll invent new painful ways for them to die. KARMA: (with sudden strength and will) NOOOOOOO! Karma glows suddenly with white light. When the light is gone, Karma stands, fully healed and in a new shape. Coal black with a tan belly, he stares at Slash with blood red eyes. His tail starts as one, then splits into three, each with a forked ending. His tounge flickers out and back in, emmiting a low hissing noise. Karma has changed to his super form, ShadowKarma. SLASH: (in awe and hatred) I didn't know you could do that... KARMA: Let'sss sssee how our fight goes now. Slash jabs with a set of claws, but suddenly finds that Karma isn't there. He whirls around and finds him staring into the blood red eyes of his opponent. He can feel two of the tail ends wrap around his wrists, holding them down. With a swift kick Slash falls, and find's Karma's foot on his chest. The third tail end wraps around his throat, and slowly starts to squeeze as Karma speaks. KARMA: Thisss izzz for my may threaten me, but if you had tried to kill them you would have met your death in the same pain you gave them. Be glad I'm making it easy for you. Slash begins to feel the pressure on his neck. He finds he cannot breathe. Karma keeps sqeezing without emotion. Suddenly, he finds he cannot go farther. The DeathCrystals are preventing him from killing Slash. Slowly Karma understands. KARMA: I cannot kill you, or I would be reduced to sssomething asss evil asss yourssself. Be glad your life izzz spared. Karma releases the pressure until Slash can breathe. Then, with a swift blow to the head, Slash is knocked uncontious. Karma glances at the limp body, then lets go of it. He closes his eyes and concentrates on the crystal power. It channels to the three others, healing there wounds. Karma melts back into his former shape, a green lizard with yellow eyes. He walks to his reviving friends. KNUCKLES: What happened? KARMA: (with something like shame and saddness in his eyes) You don't want to know. Karma lifts the father crystal. Knuckles comes over and grabs the other crystals. KARMA: Let's go. One week later... Karma is hanging out at the pool with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. KNUCKLES: Hey, show'em that ring dive! Karma sighs and walks to the edge of the pool. He leaps, and touching his tail-tips to his nose spins in a loop like a ring. He dives into the pool without a splash, then resurfaces. TAILS: Cool! KARMA: (suddenly) Ssslash izzz gone. SONIC: Huh? KARMA: He left, he'sss not here anymore. But he'll be back, mark my wordsss. SONIC: Man, I hope not. (feels his ear-tip) KARMA: I don't think he'll be as much trouble asss before. SONIC: Why, what happened when you guys battled? KARMA: I don't wish to tell you. SONIC: Come on! Karma calmly lifts Sonic with his tail and dumps him in the pool. SONIC: Hey! I get it, I get it! KARMA: Good. Tails and Knuckles burst into laughter as Sonic chases Karma around the pool. TAILS: I'm glad we got a break... AMY: (at the gate) Sonic! SONIC: Crap! Sonic runs off down the beach, disapeering in the distance. KNUCKLES: (mummbling) Thank god! The end...