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Sailor Techno greets you!
"There are many dementions out,
the three demetions of space,
Lenth, Width and Depth.
There also is the little known demtion of Time.
Then there are the alternet demtions,
any story that is well developed is
an alternet demtiion,
and every story
that braches off from the original story,
even if the authors are different,
are alterntet demtions as well.
This type of demtion is the most commen,
but often unknown, kind."
Sailor Cento, Main Gurdian of the gates of the Unknown Dementions.

Welcome to my demention,
Welcome to my homepage.

Note:My scanner died on me and since school started I've been
very busy. So I probably won't be updateing very much any more
and since I'm rather stuburn I probably
won't change the layout until we get a new scanner that works with out new comp
because I like to use my own art!

The Webmistress Learn more about me!
Contact me Under construction. A place where you can contact me!
Fanfictional Sailor Scouts(Senshi) Profiles Under construction. Read about my fanfictional senshi.
1 profile up thus far. Fanfic comeing when ever I get around to typing it! ^_^
updates/site newsUnder constant construction! A basic page of well, updates!
(Note: This page is more basic than the rest of the site at the moment.)