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"He alone deserves to be remembered by his children who treasures up and preserves the memory of his fathers." -- Edmund Burke ( 1729 - 1797 )

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Otto Schloss' History

As with any history, there are many contributors to the effort of documenting and this one is no exception. This page is dedicated to those who have sacrificed time and money to bring this work to other family members. We thank them for going the extra mile.

The autobiography of Otto Schloss was first started in about 1978 when he traveled to California with his wife, two daughters, Shirley and Grace, and his grandson, Bret. He had seemed reluctant to talk about his life and begin a life history so he was "tricked" by Shirley and Grace who began asking questions to get him talking and Bret who operated the tape recorder. After the tape was made, Bret transcribed from the tape to a type-written document, part of which was eventually published in the history of Grete Frank.

Later, Grace, and her daughter-in-law, Joyce worked to record more of Otto's history. Grace would get the information during visits to her parents and with Joyce's help they compiled a much longer and more complete history of Otto's life. However, this manuscript was not widely circulated among the family and languished in need of more polish (such as photos, etc.).

Mary Anne Larson, one of Otto's granddaughters (and her husband Mike), with the help of Sherri Schloss, took on the task of bringing the photos and the written word together. Mary Anne and Mike made copies available at the 2000 Schloss-Frank family reunion and have provided the electronic copy which serves as the basis for the history presented on this web site. Thanks, Mary Anne, Mike, and Sherri for a job well done and for getting this story out to a larger audience.

We have tried here to recognize those who have contributed, but if you are aware of others, please send an email to and we will update the page.

While this history is lengthy, we believe there is more to the story and work may continue to improve it so we consider this part of the site to be continually under construction.


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