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RESPECT MY PROPERTAYYYY: - Henry George wrote Progress and Property -thinker, doer, philosopher, economic theorist, developer with interesting concepts and ideas on property and its division -change, change, change -anti- laissez faire - A voice of hope - “It is not necessary to confiscate land, only to confiscate rent.” - What’s that mean? Land rents should be paid to the people as a collective. - Marxism? Ah, if only Marx had been translated into English during his time. - Raised his hand. (See below) - Need help, support & assistance to succeed! - The way we divide property must change - Wealth and Poverty Go Hand in Hand—paying rent to the people would promote equality. - Arguably the “third most famous man of his time” (behind mark Twain and Thomas Edison) - “The people must think because the people alone can act.” - Raise your hand if you hate Laissez Faire Economics! - Laissez Faire traditionally = EVIL CAPITALISM. But… - “What I have done in this book, if I have correctly solved the great problem I have sought to investigate, is, to unite the truth perceived by the school of Smith and Ricardo to the truth perceived by the school of Proudhon and Lasalle; to show that laissez faire (in its full true meaning) opens the way to a realization of the noble dreams of socialism; to identify social law with moral law, and to disprove ideas which in the minds of many cloud grand and elevating perceptions.” - Leo Tolstoy—The love/hate relationship - Letter to Henry George - “Dear Sir, The reception of your letter gave me a great joy for it is a long time that I know you and love you. Though the paths we go by are different, I do not think that we differ in the foundation of our thoughts. I was very glad to see you mention twice in your letter the life to come. There is nothing that widens so much the horizon that gives such a firm support nor such a clear view of things as the consciousness that although it is but in this life we have the possibility and the duty to act, nevertheless this is not the whole of life but that bit of it only which is often to our understanding. I shall wait with great patience the appearance of your new book which will contain the so much needed criticism of the orthodox political economy. The reading of every one of your books makes clear to me things which were not so before and confirm me more and more in the truth and practicability of your system. Still more do I rejoice at the thought that I may possibly see you. My summers I invariably spend in the country near Falle. With Sincere Affection. I am truly your friend. Leo Tolstoy” -What is ownership? -Why tax? This site has been running since April 1, 1999. This site was last updated July 10, 2000. 1,591 visitors have been here since April 1, 1999. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Or not.