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Before you stands a silent warrior who is usually found alone staring into the deep abyss. He stands at about 5'8" and weighs around 165 pounds. His sharp fangs barely visible show that he is a vampire, but he is much more. He is what is known as an Ascended Vampire, sometimes referred to as a Vampire God. He is also of partial demon blood. He has lived for countless ages as an Ancient, and has evolved, developing many strengths and abilities that most vampires don't have, and can withstand many of the weaknesses that other vampires are burdened by.He is an ex-mercenary/assassin, but will still work if needed. Around his neck dangles a silver cross, which symbolizes his remorse for his past sins. His dull platinum blonde hair comes down past his shoulders, usually looking untamed as it blows into the wind. His crimson red eyes expose deep hatred and fury, telling the story of his long dark past. Across his left eye there are three deep scars that he carries as a reminder of a lost memory never told. Under his long, black over coat with a few rips and tears in it from the many battles he has been in, is a thick yet light black chest plate with a gothic design that wraps around his torso. Also under his coat are many concealed weaponry and contraptions that he uses in battle, only a few visible to see. His belt has many throwing knives attached to it and a few vials that he carries around with him in case he'd ever need them. On his back is a sheathed sword which he uses as his main weapon. Much more than a sword, it is an extension of himself. He has many abilities and techniques that are linked to the sword, and the sword can act on its own, sometimes even taking control of his own body at times. It has many special abilities and was created by very powerful magics and advanced technology. Made with Artificial Intelligence, it can think and react on it's own. The blade itself is forged from a foreign alloy that is light, yet extremely dense. The handle having very little design is made from the same alloy, but is not as light as the blade. Instead it is of a dark silver color, with a dark blue gem in the center of the handle that contains a slight glow. Unlike most fighters, he has no special name for this weapon. His pants are slightly baggy for more mobility and come down to his black boots. His long years of experience have given him time to learn many techniques and various abilities, making him a most worthy adversarry. He claims to be the most powerful vampire around and is always up for a challenge that may prove otherwise.