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Prayer for America

October 3, 2002 AD

O God, our Eternal Father in heaven, we, as thy children, assembled together in the Independent American Party, in humility, bow before thee and call upon thee in the name of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in whom thou art well pleased, in whom thou hast glorified thy name, because He has done all things that thou hast commanded Him, and He has commanded all men everywhere to repent and call upon thee O Father, in the name of thy beloved Son; therefore, to be obedient to the commandments He has given us, we ask thee O Father, to bless us that we may repent and do all things whatsoever thou would have us to do in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, who did lay down his life for thy children, thy sons and daughters, that they may inherit the earth and dwell in thy presence forever.

And thou O Father hast said that He, Jesus Christ, is the God of this land, which is a land choice above all other lands, and thou hast said He is the God of the whole earth, and the inhabitants thereof are thy sons and daughters. And thou O Father did bring forth the Gentiles upon this land, and did establish them as a free people by the shedding of blood, and did establish the Constitution of this land by the hands of wise men whom thou did raise up for this very purpose, and did declare that it was done for the protection of all flesh, and should be established forever.

Now, two hundred and twenty six years after the Declaration of Independence was made and signed, and two hundred and fifteen years after the Constitution of the United States was unanamously approved by the states with delegations present, and two hundred and thirteen years after the Constitution was ratified by nine states and put into effect on April 6, 1789 AD, (thy beloved Son's birthday anniversary) for the states that had ratified it; "we as a nation," according to the words of thy prophet, President Ezra Taft Benson, given to thy people, the saints, and to the people of all the world on October 3, 1987 AD, "have apostatized by various degrees from different principles of the Constitution," and he did prophesy that the "moment was fast approaching" that the "nation would be crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground," as thy servant Joseph Smith, Jr., had prophesied more than one hundred and sixty two years ago.

Thy servant, President Benson, spoke of the oath of office to be administered to the public officials and told the people that they must be involved in civic affairs to be sure that they are properly represented.

Following President Benson's warning it was discovered, under thy direction O Father, that none of those persons exercising the functions of public office in the State of Utah as representatives and senators in the Utah legislature had filed the oath of office required by the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Utah, and those persons acting unofficially as senators had not filed an oath of office with the secretary of state since 1974 AD. And it was also discoved that none of the executive officers and judges of the supreme court had filed oaths of office in 1987 or 1989 AD, so there was not a constitutional quorum of justices on the supreme court for any purpose.

Father, thou knowest, that because the persons acting as senators, representatives, governors, lieutenant governors, auditors, treasurers, attorney generals and justices of the supreme court, have not complied with the requirements of the constitutional laws of the United States and of the State of Utah, they did not qualify for public office within the time prescribed by law by filing the required oath with the secretary of state, and therefore have been and are unofficially acting as such officers in criminal violation of the laws of the State of Utah.

Father, why do thy servants, the prophets, and thy people, the saints, uphold such persons as if they were qualified under the Constitution and laws of this nation and state when they are not so qualified? Why have they aided them in their unofficial misconduct (criminal conduct) which has gone on for more than twenty eight years?

No new laws have been officially enacted and no amendments to the Utah Constitution have been officially proposed or passed, since 1974 AD.

Father, thou knowest that it has been reported to those persons who have claimed to be the Salt Lake County sheriffs, the Salt Lake County attorneys or district attorneys, and to thy servants, the prophets, and it has been written in the newspapers and broadcast on radio and television, but there is no change of mind or of heart, among them.

They persist in leading the people by example and precept, and by coercion, to support those who have not complied with the laws and have not filed oaths of office with the secretary of state, and use false notes, and false coins, and false credit in banks and credit unions and other institutions in order to govern the people.

Thy servants, the prophets, and thy people, the saints, have acquiesced to the use of the false notes and false coins, thereby corrupting the accounts of thy church and kingdom here on the earth, like those deceivers who have conspired against the United States and falsified the public accounts to destroy the freedom of this nation, and of all other nations.

Father, since the leaders of the people have rejected the Constitution with its prohibition of any Thing but gold and silver Coin as Money and Tender in Payment of Debts, they report that the United States government is more than six trillion "dollars" in debt, but no gold and silver coin is loaned or borrowed by the deceivers, and no gold or silver coins are coined to pay the debts, therefore the people do not get paid, the states cannot collect any taxes or pay any debts, nor can the federal government, with all of their false and wicked "officers" who conspire and make, and compel the use of, false notes and false coins and fictitious bank credit, thereby diminishing the compensation of the president and judges in violation of the Constitution, removing the executive and judicial power of the United States from them, and they threaten to punish those who will not certify under penalty of perjury that such notes and coins and credit are lawful money of the United States, when it is a felony to make, issue, or circulate the false notes and coins, or make a false statement on documents filed in a government office, as shown in 18 USC 471, 472, 473, and 1001.

Father, our divinely inspired Constitution prohibits the states from making "any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts", and it is a felony to falsify public accounts or records, but those who did not qualify for public office in the State of Utah have continued to unofficially exercise the funtions of public offices, legislative, executive and judicial, with false money for more than twenty eight years, and this has been done with the support of thy servants, the prophets, and thy people, the saints, along with those who truly seek to destoy the Constitution and thy people.

The election laws in Utah have become so corrupted that the only official election is a write-in election held on the first Tuesday in November. The unofficial legislators over the last twenty eight years have unofficially sought to change the place for filing oaths of office and the time for candudates to file for office, from April and May, to March, and the time for holding primary elections from the second Tuesday in September to a Tuesday late in the month of June.

Father, thou knowest that these elections, except for the write-in election, are unofficial and do not comply with the Constitution and laws of Utah, so we have no official representation in the United States Congress, or in the presidency. Utah has no political parties that are registered with the secretary of state in the State of Utah.

Father, thou knowest that there were no official presidential electors from Utah in the 2000 AD, general election, and there were no presidential electors officially certified to congress from the State of Utah by the secretary of state.

Therefore, Father, thou knowest that no person was elected to the offices of president or vice president, nor to the office of senator or to the office of representative in Congress from Utah.

Father, in thine infinite wisdom, thou has shown all these things to us, so we have filled the office of mayor in Salt Lake City, the offices of treasurer and clerk in Salt Lake County, and the office of secretary of state pursuant to the Constitutional law of the land.

Father, Thou hast made these things known to thy sons, Lawrence Rey Topham, and David Joseph Murtha, officers in the Independent American Party in the United States, the State of Utah, and Salt Lake County, to help lead the way back to constitutional government.

Father, thou did also guide the United States grand jury in Salt Lake City, Utah on February 16 and July 7, 1982 AD, to twice indict the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, for issuing, with intent to defraud, false notes that could not be redeemed in gold and silver coin. Brent D. Ward, concealed the first indictment, refusing to sign it or to return it to the federal grand jury, and filed a motion to dismiss the second indictment, admitting it was unlawful to redeem the notes with gold and silver coin, thus admitting the guilt of the issuer of the falsely made notes. David K. Winder, a false judge who was compensated with the false notes, dismissed the second indictment.

The two true bills of indictment were concealed and dismissed by the attorney and judge who were compensated in false securities of the United States, thereby upholding the great criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States, the states, and all the people thereof, with more than a 5 trillion false dollar increase in "public debt".

Appeals were filed by the United States grand jury for the central district of Utah to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals and to the United States Supreme Court, which were dismissed on falsely stated technicalities, such as untimely filing and failure to pay a filing fee, when the appeal was timely filed and no filing fee is required from the United States, and a false filing fee would falsify a public account and the false notes issued by the defendant bank are false documents, and were the basis for the indictment.

O Father, because thy son, Lawrence Rey Topham, has defended the Constitution, as thou hast directed him to do through thy servants, the prophets, particularly the living prophets, Ezra Taft Benson, Gordon Bitner Hinckley, Thomas Spencer Monson, and James Ezdras Faust, and through the divinely inspired Constitution, and the holy scriptures, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, and through blessings of those in authority in the priesthood, that he should continue until he is victorious, that he would be healed through ministering of thine angels, and that he should not break his covenant made with thee, July 1, 1981 AD, by using the false notes, coins and credit that he covenanted not to use; his enemies, false officers, captured him at the Utah capitol building, Janurary 5, 1998 AD, and imprisoned him on false accusations for exercising the functions of his office as secretary of state, Utah's chief election officer, and a second time on October 6, 2000 AD, at his office in Fort Utah, on property purchased with silver dollar coins at a public auction, and they now seek again to capture and imprison him on the same false accusations upon a second false warrant for his false arrest with increased bail to be collected in false notes, false coins and false credit, and all this for performing the duties of his public offices as Utah's secretary of state, acting governor of the State of Utah, commander in chief of the Utah Militia under declared martial law, and as clerk of Salt Lake County, exofficio clerk of the district court, and Mayor of Salt Lake City, duly elected or appointed thereto, with the required oaths of office timely filed with the appropriate officers as prescibed by law.

He has twice been imprisoned for the same false charges, by unofficial officers, unofficial prosecutors, and unofficial judges, and represented without his consent by unofficial attorneys from the unlawfully funded public defenders office, and they presently have issued another false warrant for his capture.

Thy servant, Lawrence Rey Topham, was held prisoner by Aaron D. Kennard who failed to file his oath of office in January of 1991 AD, and has unnofficially exercised the functions of sheriff in Salt Lake County using false notes, false coins and fictitious credit to operate jails as a racketeering scheme to defraud and extort from his prisoners. And Aaron D. Kennard is seeking to be elected again by making a false payment, to an unofficial officer, as a candidate in an unofficial election, with his name on an unofficial ballot. David Yocum, like many others, is likewise unlawfully seeking office.

David Yocum, who unofficially exercises the funtions of the unofficial office of district attorney, is the person responsible for obtaining the false warrants against thy servant, and who personally refused to enforce the oath of office laws in 1989 AD, when not one person unlawfully elected to the legislature, the executive offices, or to the supreme court timely filed the required oath of office certificate, and Gordon R. Hall, Michael D. Zimmerman, and I. Daniel Stewart, Norman H. Bangerter, W. Val Oveson, R. Paul. Van Dam, Edward T. Alter and the unofficial auditor, backdated their oath of office certificates after the 6o day time for filing had expired and it was unlawful to administer, or file or accept the untimely offered oath of office certificates, which conferred no power to act in a public office. Where are we to find any good, honest, wise men among us?

It has become as spoken by thy servant, the prophet Jeremiah. Every one is given to covetousness, from the highest unto the least. Every one dealeth falsely, from the prophet unto the priest.

Father, thou hast commanded us to pray in public and in private, so in this public meeting of the Independent American Party, we offer this public prayer for America, for our protection, and for the people of the United States of America and people of all other lands, that they may become a free people under that principle of freedom that belongs to all mankind, under thy direction so thy church and kingdom, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, may fill the whole earth as the stone cut out of the mountain without hands, according to the words of thy servant, Daniel, the prophet.

Father, because no judges of the supreme court have been duly elected or appointed, and have not filed the required oath of office with the secretary of state of the State of Utah, the Utah State Bar has been dissolved, and no attorneys are authorized to practice law in the state of Utah, so no one can qualify as a judge in the district or supreme courts in Utah. When one takes an oath of office, that person calls upon thee O Father, as a witness to what he has done, is doing and promises to do, and thou art a true witness to all these things. There are three that bear witness in heaven, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Father, we thank thee for guiding us in thy way to re-establish constitutional government in the State of Utah and in this nation, through write-in elections and by appointment, that this nation may endure.

We pray unto thee Father that thou wilt send citizens who love freedom, who will forsake the evils of the false securities and false coins and who will abide by the precepts of the Constitution with "gold and silver Coin as the only Tender in Payment of Debts", that all evil may be done away that we may avoid thy wrath which is to be poured out upon the wicked without measure.

Bless our candidates for public office whom we have nominated in our convention, concluded the 4th day of October, 2002 AD, including those for Congress; David Joseph Murtha for the first district, Lawrence Rey Topham for the second district and Steven Ray Montgomery in the third district, whom we have declared as candidates for the Congress of the United States.

Help us dear Father to fill all the vacant offices in the State of Utah, and the counties, cities and towns thereof, with honest, good, and wise men according to thy word and the word of thy living prophets, and to overthrow the money-changers in thine own due time, that thy house be not polluted.

Bless us that we be not destroyed in the flesh before our time with those who do not believe in Christ, who shall be destroyed by fire, tempests, earthquakes, bloodsheds, famine and pestilence.

Therefore, O Father, we ask thee in the name of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior, that we may be instruments in thy hand to preserve the Constitution of the United States of America and that law which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges that belongs to all mankind.

Bless us that we may, O Father, forsake all evil, and cleave unto all good, and live by every word that proceedeth forth out of thy mouth according to thy oath and covenant and the promises that thou has made with thy sons and daughters who are obedient to the laws and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the true law of liberty. We do know that righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. We know therefore that only a righteous people can save the Constitution. Bless us to be a righteous people. This we ask in the name of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Independent American Party
Prayer for America
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah
National, State and County Conventions

Independent American Party - National Web Page -2002