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News Media are publishing and broadcasting false election information.
News Media and Utah's November 5, 2002 AD, General Election

Tuesday October 29, 2002 AD

The News Media and Utah's November 5, 2002 AD, General Election

Salt Lake City, Utah

The media are supporting unofficial government and election fraud.

The print, radio, television and internet media with Olene S. Walker and 29 other persons, acting unofficially, as lieutenant governor and county clerks in the State of Utah, are publishing and broadcasting false election information concerning the unofficial "official ballot", the candidates, constitutional amendments, initiative, and propositions for Utah's November 5, 2002 AD, General Election.

Because of 28 years, 1975 through 2002 AD, of unofficial misconduct, extortionate extensions and collections of credit, falsification of public accounts and records, election fraud, conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, counterfeiting and other racketeering activities, no candidate, constitutional amendment, initiative or proposition qualified to be on the official 2002 AD general election ballot in any county in the State of Utah.
UCA 52-1-2, 52-2-1, 76-8-203 and 76-8-414 (1974).

It is the constitutional law of the State of Utah!
Only write-in votes will officially count in the general election.

Olene S. Walker is not the secretary of state of the State of Utah. The secretary of state is the elections officer of the State of Utah. All state officers are required by law to file their oath of office with the secretary of state. That is the law in the State of Utah. Utah Code Annotated (UCA) 1953, as amended through 1974 AD, Title 52, chapter 1, section 2. Olene S. Walker did not file an oath of office with the secretary of state.

If a person duly elected or duly appointed does not take, subscribe and file an oath of office with the secretary of state within the time prescribed by law that person does not become a state official, legislative, executive or judicial. The crime is unofficial misconduct. UCA 76-8-203 (1974). And the office becomes vacant. UCA 52-2-1 (1943) The law makes the office vacant. Unofficial acts are void. Parker v. Overman, 18 How. 137, [U.S Supreme Court, 1856 AD. - Oath of Office - Time of Filing -Failure to file in time prescribed - Ipso Facto Vacancy - Penalty.]

No person elected to the Utah Senate has complied with the oath of office laws since 1974, except one, a write-in candidate, in 1997 AD. No State of Utah election laws have changed since 1974 AD. No official new Utah laws have been made and no official amendments to the Utah Constitution have been proposed since 1974 AD.

The five constitutional executive offices are: governor, secretary of state, auditor, treasurer and attorney general. Utah Constitution (1973). Neither the auditor nor the treasurer can succeed himself in office for a second consecutive term.

There is no official office of lieutenant governor in the State of Utah. It is a fraud.

The "UTAH VOTER INFORMATION PAMPHLET" "General Election November 5, 2002" certified by Olene S. Walker as "complete and correct according to law" and "Dated: August 30, 2002", is not an official publication of the State of Utah, instead, it is an unofficial, false and fraudulent publication, and it is not "complete and correct according to law". It is a fraudulent attempt to corruptly influence the November 5, 2002 AD, official general election in the State of Utah, in support of Michael O. Leavitt's organized crime operations.

There are no political parties registered with the secretary of state of the State of Utah. Therefore, no party candidates qualified to be on the official ballot for either the primary election fixed by law for September 10, 2002 AD, or the general election fixed by law to be on November 5, 2002 AD.

No other matters qualified to be on the general election ballot, because none of them were filed with the secretary of state of the State of Utah or with an official county clerk in any county in the State of Utah. The printed ballots are provided by criminal means by organized crime for organized crime supporters only.

The November 5, 2002 AD, General Election Ballot is unofficial. It is a false document. Only people who violated the law were allowed to get their names put on the ballot. Millie Petersen offered two false filing fees, one before the unofficial primary election and one after she lost, so she could file as a write-in candidate. Millie Petersen was one of the unofficial legislators who failed to file an oath of office with the secretary of state for any term of office in the legislature, and is now the victim of her own unofficial misconduct.

Sherrie Swensen required Millie Petersen to declare her candidacy as a write-in candidate and give a false filing fee to become a write-in candidate, when the official law of the State of Utah requires neither a declaration of candidacy or a filing fee from a write-in candidate. The declaration of candidacy and filing fee provisions for write-in candidates are unofficial, unconstitutional and void, and are not "according to law." Utah Const., Article 4, Section 10.

Sherrie Swensen will not count write-in votes unless you do what the official law does not require you to do. This is election fraud. The write-in vote of a voter or write-in votes received by a candidate will not be counted by the unofficial "officers" in the State of Utah and the 29 counties thereof, but write-in votes do officially count under the constitutional law and the candidate who gets the most write-in votes will win the election for each office. This I declare with God as my witness.

Here is a fitting example. David E. Yocom is seeking office as a District Attorney (an unofficial office). He "filed" a declaration of candidacy in March, instead of the time prescribed by law between April 15, 2002 AD, and May 10, 2002 AD. He "filed" a false filing fee with Sherrie Swensen. He did not use gold and silver coin.

"No State shall... make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts;" U.S. Const., Art. 1, Sec. 10.

Sherrie Swensen approved his name to be on the general election ballot after the unofficial primary election held June 25, 2002 AD, instead of the time prescribed by law as the second Tuesday in September, September 10, 2002 AD.

In April of 1989 I, Lawrence Rey Topham, filed an affidavit with the Salt Lake County attorney's office. Walter R. Ellett accepted the affidavit. A few citizens of Salt Lake County met with Norman D. Hayward, David E. Yocom and Walter R. Ellett. David E. Yocom said, "These people are not criminals." These people, 112 of them, 75 representatives, 29 senators, all five executive officers and 3 justices of the Utah Supreme Court all failed to file the oath of office required by the United States Constiution, Article VI; the first law enacted by congress, which took effect June 1, 1789 AD, 1 Stat. 23; Utah Const., Article 4, Section 10; UCA 52-1-2 (1974) "All state officials shall file their oath of office with the secretary of state."; UCA 52-2-1 (1943) Failure to qualify within 60 days - office becomes vancant; and UCA 76-8-203, Unofficial Misconduct- failure to file oath of office - class B misdemeanor.

Knowing full well that they had not subcribed and filed the required oaths of office within sixty days of the beginning of their terms of office which was Jan 5, 1987 AD for Gordon R. Hall and January 2, 1989 AD for the 7 others named below, Gordon R. Hall, falsified his own oath of office certificate and back dated it two full years, to January 2, 1987 AD, and had Geoffrey Butler certify his signature, when the term of office did not begin until January 5, 1987 AD, and then he proceeded to falsify the oaths of office for Michael D. Zimmerman, and I Daniel Stewart, and then those of Norman H. Bangerter, W. Val Oveson, Tom L. Allen, Edward T. Alter, and R. Paul Van Dam. This falsification is a third degree felony without statute of limitation. In other words it may be prosecuted at any time. UCA 76-8-414. Realizing this, the unofficial legislature subsequently tried to change the statute of limitation. Keep in mind that the 75 representatives and 29 senators did not file their oaths of office for the terms of office beginning in 1987 or 1989 AD, so for four full years there were no representatives or senators to vote for any legislation, and there had been no senators since 1976. So these people determined the oath of office is not required by law, and continued to act in violation of the law. The Utah State Bar was dissolved. All drivers license certificates were and are obtained by unconstitutional and criminal means from false officers and are false and fraudulent certificates. All insurance contracts are false and fraudulent. All marriage licenses are acquired by unconstitutional and criminal means from unofficial clerks. Who then is legally and lawfully married under the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Utah? Who can pay a debt or an honest tithe with false notes and false coins and false credit? Who can enter into the temples of the Lord without false notes and false coins? Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord, but he who hath clean hands and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully?

Two years later, in January of 1991, Aaron D. Kennard was to be sworn in as sheriff in Salt Lake County by taking and filing the required oath of office. Sherrie Swensen certified that Aaron D. Kennard subscribed his oath of office in her presence. But there is no signature on Aaron D. Kennard's oath of office certificate on file with Sherrie Swensen for the four year term of office beginning the first Monday of January 1991 AD. Another false certification.

Now it is 11 years later and Sherrie Swensen, David E. Yocom, and Aaron D. Kennard are all seeking office under unofficial legislation enacted by unofficial legislators, whom David E. Yocom declared were not "criminals."

David E. Yocom is personally responsible for allowing unofficial misconduct, a criminal offense, to continue for the last 13 years in the State of Utah, so that we now have no public officials except for the Salt Lake County Treasurer, and Lawrence Rey Topham, who has qualified according to law for the office of Mayor of Salt Lake City with his oath of office on file with the Salt Lake City Recorder. Lawrence Rey Topham is also the elected Salt Lake County Clerk and exofficio clerk of the district court. His oath of office is filed with the Salt Lake County Treasurer, as required by law. Lawrence Rey Topham was also elected secretary of state on November 7, 2000 AD, succeeding himself in that office for a second term, and filed his oath of office with the secretary of state of the State of Utah within the time prescribed by law.

January 12, 1998 AD, the Deseret News published an article about a bill to be sponsored by an unofficial legislator to change the oath of office law. She said, "The Statewide Association of Prosecutors brought me this issue. I agreed to run this bill." Instead of enforcing the oath of office laws, the unofficial Statewide Association of Prosecutors asked the unofficial legislature to change the oath of office laws, but they ran into a constitutional problem.

The Utah Constitution requires that "All officers made elective or appointive by this Constitution or by the laws made in pursuance thereof, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices, shall take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: 'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this State, and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity.[']"

Because of the unofficial misconduct since 1974, there are no official boundaries for three Congressional Districts in the State of Utah. And all redistricting (reapportionment) for Utah's legislative districts done after 1974 is unofficial and void.

Scott M. Matheson, Norman H. Bangerter, Michael O. Leavitt, W. Val Oveson, Olene S. Walker, Edward T. Alter, Gordon R. Hall, Michael D. Zimmerman, Richard C. Howe, Christine M. Durham, David E. Yocom, Walter R. Ellett, Aaron D. Kennard, Sherrie Swensen and the media are primarily responsible for this criminal conduct in the State of Utah. James V.Hansen, James Matheson, Chris Cannon, Orrin G. Hatch and Robert G. Bennett have not been duly elected as representatives and senators to the United States Congress. Olene S. Walker has also unofficially and falsely certified that they were.

According to the Deseret News, the most influencial men in Utah are (1) Gordon B. Hinckley, (2) Michael O. Leavitt and (3) Jon M. Huntsman, all of whom use vast amounts of false notes, false coins and false bank credit for religious, unofficial government, and business operations, and they support each other. If the most powerful leaders won't obey, support and defend the Constitution, what hope is there for their followers? Are their followers not all being led astray? Are their followers not in jeopardy every hour?

They have all known about the unofficial misconduct, but instead of doing something to resolve the matter, they have knowingly, intentionally and willfully continued in their criminal conduct, and have continued dealing in false securities of the United States since 1982 AD when the United States grand jury in Salt Lake City twice indicted the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco for issuing falsely made securities of the United States that could not be redeemed at any federal reserve bank or at the Department of the Treasury in Washington, District of Columbia, for lawful money of the United States, which is defined in the Constitution as gold and silver coin. The states can use only gold and silver coin as money.

Brent D. Ward, a high councilman, bishop, and now a stake president, as U.S. Attorney, concealed the only copy of the first indictment and conspired with David K. Winder to dismiss the second indictment before it was made public. The foreman of the grand jury had to file a civil suit in order to get the second indictment made public. Remember the votes on these two true bills of indictment were 18 to 0 on the first and 16 to 4 on the second, when only 12 votes are needed.

At the time of the indictments, the purported national debt was under one trillion measured in the false dollar notes or false dollar coins, or false bookkeeping entries, but now, twenty years later, the national debt is reported to be in excess of six trillion. Of course that reporting is based on false accounting practices where Alan Greenspan and Paul O'Niell account for liabilities as assets.

The last official boundaries for congressional districts put Salt Lake, Tooele, Juab, Millard, Beaver, Iron, and Washington counties in District 2, and all other counties in district one. The boundaries have not officially changed since 1974. As time goes on things get worse, not better. Organized crime has, very subtly, taken over the public affairs in Utah and in the United States and the people have acquiesced to, and participated in, the criminal conduct with their leaders, civic, religious and business.

This reminds me of the Nephite and Lamanite people in ancient America prior to the appearance of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, after his crucifixion and resurrection. The more wicked part of the people had been destroyed by fire, tempests, earthquakes, and other destructive powers, and their government had been destroyed by those people who banded together to protect the judges who killed the prophets without authority of law.

The news media has taken the side of organized crime as have those who control the media and those who advertise in the media with false notes, false coins and fictitious bank credit. The unofficial candidates also use the false securities and false coin to finance their campaigns so they can get into unofficial "public office" by criminal means and exercise the powers of organized crime and share the spoils with the people in order to keep them satisfied.

Michael O. Leavitt and Olene S. Walker were not presidential electors certified by the secretary of state of the State of Utah to the Congress, and therefore George W. Bush did not receive enough electoral votes to become president of the United States in the 2000 AD, general election. Olene S. Walker made a false certification and cast an unlawful and false vote for George W. Bush. They persist in violating the constitutional law in this land, and that, with the general support of the people of Utah.

The media officers have become the tools for perpetuating organized crime among the people, corrupting themselves, their employees, the businesses who advertise with them, their subscribers, listeners and viewers who receive the false advertisements and news. The religious leaders advertise by criminal means through the media. How truly wicked have we become as a people? Teaching righteousness and kindliness, but practicing fraud, deception and wickedness to finance our enterprises in religion, false government, businesses, tax exempt foundations and charities.

The love of money is the root of all this evil, for power and gain.

Yes, the media are at the heart of the problem. They have become corrupted so they no longer defend freedom and truth, but advance fraud and deception and corruption in society in general, and in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, and the State of Utah in particular.

Lets face the truth. The media work for, are financed by, and promote organized crime in every segment of our society. The churches are all likewise supported and operated by criminal means, as are other businesses and the unofficial, false, and fraudulent, city, county, state and federal governments, and other false governments all over the world who depend on the corrupting influence and power of the International Monetary Fund--a world wide counterfeiting organization that is bringing every nation, kindred, tongue and people into bondage with false notes, false coins and fictitious bank credit and special drawing rights, acting in concert and conspiracy with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and their member banks who have no lawful money--no gold and silver coin on deposit to redeem their false and fraudulent notes and other securities. This really is total fraud. This is racketeering at its peak. This is organized crime on the grandest scale in the history of the world. The goal is bondage.

It is time, yes, far past time to wake up to your awful situation before you are destroyed with the rest of organized crime when the Savior comes the second time to redeem those who repent--the truly penitent, and no others. Of this I stand as a witness, so help me God.

People and other entities who acquire property, intellectual, personal or real with false and fraudulent notes, knowingly or otherwise, have no lawful claim upon such property. It all reverts to the State of Utah. The people have sold themselves for that which has no value under the Constitution and laws of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Utah. Wake up! O wake up.

Remember August 11, 1999 AD! Property was destroyed and life was lost. Our Father in heaven has warned us, and forewarned us, not to uphold secret combinations - organized crime - false weights and measures and not to sell ourselves for that which has no value. If we do not repent, we will be destroyed with those wicked ones whom we support, the liars, the falsifiers, the deceivers, even all those who are unethical and immoral.

Write-in votes only will count in the November 5, 2002 AD, general election. All other votes for any unofficial candidate, amendment, initiative or proposition on the ballot are null and void under the constitutional laws of the State of Utah.

I know we can save the Constitution and return to constitutional government, but not in ignorance of the Constitution and laws, and not without gold and silver coin--the only lawful money of the United States of America. George Washington said, "Honesty is the best policy." A vote for a person who uses "paper money" and falsified coins is a vote for a dishonest person. Paper money is not honest. It is not wise to use it. It is not good to use it. "Paper money can in no case be necessary." Oliver Ellsworth in the Constitutional Convention-1787.

I do not trust anyone who uses paper money, no matter how much I may love or respect them. They will not deal justly. "Paper money" that is, "paper gold and silver coin", is an abomination in the sight of the God of this earth. It has brought this nation into bondage more than any other nation on earth, through iniquity, contrary to the will and counsel of God and in direct violation of our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America.

July 29, 2000 AD, I spoke to a bishop who was descended from both Joseph F. Smith and Heber J. Grant. I elxplained my situation. He said, "I can sum that up in one sentence. Paper money is sin." Six days earlier a bishop said, "I don't think you should break your covenant. I think you should keep it." My covenant with my Father in heaven, made July 1, 1981 AD, is: "I will never use paper money, or any thing like it."

Sincerely, I Certify, and testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Lawrence Rey Topham
Secretary of State
State Elections Officer
State of Utah

Note: This information is posted on the internet at various locations.

Utah Voter Information Pamphlet is Unofficial and Void - Write-in Only!
Elected Officials Aren't Official - Deseret News -April 15, 1989 AD
Bangerter - Legislature Serving Illegally - Deseret News - March 21, 1991 AD
Are Lawmakers Serving Illegally? Deseret News - January 12, 1998 AD
Lawrence Rey Topham - Deseret News - October 3, 1999 AD
President Gordon B. Hinckley has most clout- Deseret News - Sunday, May 13, 2001
Michael Leavitt-2nd most influential in Utah. Deseret News-May 14, 2001 AD.
Jon M. Huntsman-3rd most influential in Utah. Deseret News-May 15, 2001 AD.
Utah's Power Players 1-20-Deseret News-May 17, 2001 AD
The Constitutional Convention - 1787 AD.
The Constitution Home Page.