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okay, yeah, i decided to restructure the format of my webcite because i got bored with it and couldnt do anything without writing in all those other stupid pages new and improved, here ya go...

23 march 2003 2:11 am i definitely JUST did this and then by accident hit excape and it all went away! it was tragic. anyway, to pack it into a nutshell, bri's here this weekend, i love him. i missed him alot, one of the few things i actually look forward to going home for. last night mom gave us money for dinner, so me bri and dan dropped a hundred bucks at red lobster. good stuff. found out that apparently bri's been praying, which rocked my world. good for him! you all should do the same. praying is great, just like eight mile. then later that night we went to krispy kreme with brian darling and his sister and his sisters friend, who by the way is all over him. funny stuff. then we came home and me and dan and bri bri, my two favorite boys in the whole wide world watched mallrats. we woke up at 10, but only stayed awake long enough to devour 5 leftover doughnuts, change the movie and fall back asleep. we stayed in bed til about 3;30. haha, we're such bums. then we went for linner at the pryz, chilled out for a bit, then went to see "tears of the sun" in friendship heights. we got there too early so we went across the street to borders for a little bit and me and dan read a book about weddings. it was so fun! i was chatting with two little girls at red lobster, one was probably like 5 and the other like, 2, and they were the cuitest things ever, i cant wait to have kids of my own. anyway, back to the movie. it was really really good, but all the war stuff really freaked me out, probably because its all going on right now in Iraq. the part that killed me was not all the american soldiers getting shot or anything, but was after the americans murdered this "bad" guy, and then they picked his head up to see that he was a 14 year old kid. we do that all the time, and its so not fair. i dont understand why war is necessary, why the taking of innocent lives is rushed into. we're calling this war a last resort, but its really not. we havent tried nearly as hard as we should to restore peace in a non-violent manner. we're just reviving a culture of militarism, when we've come so far forward from that. oh man...its so hard to think about the bad in the world when you're so blinded by all the beauty...things with dan are going marvelously, i love him so much! well its bedtime!!! nighty night everyone! peace!!!


19 march 2003 8:43 am yeah i have english in aprox 20 sorry that this is gonna be much amazing stuff has happened this past week. first off, i slept over my best friend's room on sunday and monday nights, and while i was there tuesday morning, he kissed me. totally randomly, but totally totally incredible. we've since been dating, and its the most remarkable relationship i have ever witnessed, the most insanely wonderful things i have ever been a part of. we love eachother so much, probably because we loved eachother so much before anything romantic even started between us. anyway, dan, i love you so much, my baby, my sweetheart, my brother, my best friend. i'll see all y'all later! wish me survival in english!

"the sweetest thing you could ever whisper in my ear is a prayer."


9 march 2003 4:30 am wow this sucks...the three key on my laptop has decidedly become tempromental...essentially...well in the last 24 hours i've been in four different states (if you count dc), three different time zones, on two planes and two vans, and have had one heck of a time. wow, being around jp too much has made me prone to making really cheezy jokes like that. i have officially survived my first college spring break. i went down to santa fe, new mexico with 17 other kids from school to work with habitat for humanity building houses for people. it was so much fun, i had an amazing time. i dont care who you talk to that built shacks and Americus Georgia or saw The Price is Right in Long Beach, Santa Fe was by far the best habitat trip this year! rock on. we arrived last saturday and spent the day in albequerque (yeah cant spell) and had our first southwestern meal at little anitas. lunch was packed out with "the place game", you know that one where you start off with a place and then the next person has to name a place that starts with the last letter of the previous place...for example washingon --> new york --> kentucky --> yellowstone --> ethiopia...and so on and so forth. it was fun, i did pretty well...i've had lots of practice. hehe. then we went to our accomadations for the week, St. John's United Methodist Church. they put us up in their youth group rooms with lots of couches and fun Christian band posters. one room was half of the 14 girls and the other was the other half of the girls plus the four boys who were on our trip. yeah, the ratio was a little uneven, but then again, so is Catholic...i was in the all girls room which was a good choice cause the other room smelled like jason willis' feet because he re-wore socks a lot. then on sunday some people went skiing and others of us went to the Georgia O'Keefe museum in the morning then to Ghost Ranch in the its not really a ghost ranch...they have this awesome trail up to this place called chiminy rock...i know you all know what this is because you too were Oregon Trail junkies as pre-teens...we climbed all the way up to like, the top of a mountain and it was tough but the view once we got there was WAY worth it. new mexico is very interesting because not only do you have every sort of topography, you have every sort of terrain. in our half hour hike up, we hit real dirt, sand, little rocks, big rocks, cliffs, mud, and even snow. ("who wrote tard in the snow?" yeah burkey!) i'll put pictures up if i ever figure out how to get them onto my computer. shouldnt be too too difficult. wow, its 5 am and people are just coming in...presumably from a great night out...hehe...ive definitely been sitting here playing the guitar for five hours with a short break to have dinner with katie cavan and laura walsh at aprox 1:30. shortly following, there was some issue involving four of the five girls who are here from my floor tonight in which three of those four were drunk and one knocked on my door and i didnt think she was knocking on my door so i just ignored it, until i heard her belch really really loudly and i opened the door to find her standing there really gross looking and looking for my neighbor. good glad i don't do that sort of stuff anymore. is there any way to tell really how many drinks you can have while still being the fun, cool drunk before you cross the line to the gross, obnoxious drunk? i generally prefer not to run the risk. anyway, back to storytime. so sunday after chiminey rock we went to this LifeTeen mass at a church in Santa Fe. it was so awesome (except for the fact that their choir was not good, and adults) because it was so well tailored to kids. the homily was packed with pop-culture, which was really cool and i think really helped the kids understand stuff. then they invited us for free dinner and to stay for their meeting, which was kinda boring but whatever, we got free food and i think we were a powerful presence at their youth group. then on monday we got in the car for four hours and drove down to white sands national monument, which is the largest white sand dunes in the entire world. they're not really that impressive to look at, but they were really fun. we essentially just played around, we rolled down the dunes and built sand castles...we might as well have been at the beach. hehe...then we drove another hour to el paso, texas, and walked to an undisclosed location (its on the down low...we gotta keep it confidential...strictly confidential...) and then walked back to el paso after finding that said location was extremely shady. as was el paso. so we drove outside the city a couple miles to this awesome restaurant called jaxons which had really really good southwest food. then we got back into the vans and drove the five-ish hours back to santa fe. we went to sleep and got up for work the next day. we got to the worksite at 8:30 on tuesday morning. the first two days of work were rather cold, we actually got about ten minutes of hail/snow each day. tuesday i worked on "team retaining wall". me and renee and jason willis and sarah burkey and paige (the latter two only worked with us in the morning) had to dig a ditch to put large stones in to form this wall. i dont really understand its purpose, but i suppose its meant to retain something. anyway, it was really really hard because there were lots of rocks in the dirt and the surface had to be perfectly smooth and perfectly level when the bricks went in. so it took a lot of shoveling and a lot of picking out and around the rocks. my shoulders hurt for the next two days. that night we got dinner from the church we were staying at, they made enchiladas for some symphonic band they had playing a concert at the church that night and there were lots left over so we got those. then after that some of the kids went out to this bar/dance place/pool hall called "the cowgirl hall of fame" (yeah, i thought the name was really cuite too) for mardi gras festivities and such. they had a really good time, but i was way too tired to even think about going out. so most of us just hung around and watched austin powers goldmember. i sent jason willis to blockbuster with my daddy's card because it was only like, the third day of the month and we shoulda had a free rental on it, and i figured it would be alot easier if we didnt have to pay, so he tried to be my dad and failed when they asked for his address and he didnt know he had to pay. oh well. it was worth a shot. so then we went to bed and got some rest for the next day's work. okay i think storytime needs to stop there because i'm getting bored with typing...i'm gonna go play guitar for a bit and i might come back to work...but i dont know...anyway...heres a song for you to think about while i'm gone:

~~Life Makes No Sense by The*Ataris~~

everything is turning grey but i wont hold my breath today cause i'm not scared and to tell the truth i just dont care. are you looking for an answer? when you still dont know the question?

its like lighting candles in the rain, sometimes life can be a pain but dont give up without a fight.

sometimes when you feel afraid, don't give up and run away, cause two wrongs don't make a right. what's the point of crying when you've done nothing wrong? it was right there all along.

the world's mothing but a lie and everyone is going to die but what can i say? just help me make it through today. YOU DONT NEED A DESTINATION JUST TO GO SOMEWHERE IN LIFE.

its like throwing feathers at the wind. they come right back to you again. so why not give it one more try?

just cause things aren't what they seem,. it doesnt mean you shouldn't dream. just dont get your hopes too high. cause when things dont turn out right, your world comes crashing down."

26 february 2003 7:39 pm okay every story has a beginning. this one begins with a rabbit. amanda sent me this picture of the most adorable rabbit EVER and we both got on a pet kick...we decided this afternoon to go visit it at the animal shelter. it, however, was closed. after getting over it, we decided to not make the trip a total waste and go get wendy's. mmmmmm. but on the way, while listening to the radio on our favorite preset, scan...backstreet boys came on...matt and dan bursting out "i want it that away" made me laugh harder than i've had in days!!! anyway, after wendys, we started driving around trying to find our way home because some how dan always knows where we're going but we always seem to get lost, and we started looking at houses...ooh, i like this one! kinda thing. "hey guys...wouldnt it be cool if we all lived together junior year?" "oh, man, yeah!!!" "we should live there!" "no, i like that one better!" "dude, theres an open house at the cloisters!!!" "lets go!!!" so, in short...we checked out two apartments in the cloisters, the complex right next to school...theres one kind with two bedrooms (probably me, dan and amanda in the big room and matt in the other) that goes for $1500 a month, split four ways, and then the other is three bedrooms that are all smaller and a big fat living room. that ones $1700 a month, but we'll probably just go with the two bedroom one. we're so psyched, we'll have a kitchen and quiet hours...we'll be able to live with boys...we'll be able to have pets...we'll be able to play guitar late at night...we'll save lotsa money...we'll be able to get our bunny...we'll be able to live with boys...anyway...needless to say we're totally excited. our only concern is furniture...nobody really wants to sink the money into it...but we're probably gonna live there for two we'll stay over the summer and such. it'll definitely be worth the money. well im gonna go take a shower, then go to adoration...pray on it...byenow! ~Laura

25 february 2003 3:02 am i officially hate caffine. no more will i drink pepsi. no more i say! no more of this inability to sleep because i drank some odd carbonated beverage! today was good...only one class...supposed to be a 4 hour lab but instead was an hour and a half easy lab test...very nice very nice (yeah, not saying that in my head just like joe fox does in you've got mail or anything...) and i started investigating the change of major process...apparently i have to go chat with peggy wheeler and get her to send my files over to the registrar or some nonsense...dont really know. then i came home, ate ramen...sat around and did nothing for a while...then went to dinner with marlisty (marlies + kristy) at like 5 so i could come back and take a nap before house mass...that was good. the gospel tonight made me think retreat team selections went out last friday, and as expected, i got that, "thanks for applying...seriously...we're sorry..." letter that many others got. the campus ministry staff are like Catholic University's apostles, they're the ones explicitly chosen to follow Jesus. today's gospel was Jesus' prediction of the betrayal, and as He tells the apostles of this, they're too busy fighting over which of them is the greatest to really let the thought sink in. not to stab one at the house or anything, but there's a lot of extra strings that get involved, that distract you from tying that plain and simple knot connecting you to Him. but then consider Sunday's gospel (which i did hear preached FOUR times this weekend, believe me, it sunk in...) and look at the amazing courage and the amazing faith found in so many normal, average people in scripture. sunday's reading was about the paralytic, whose friends brought him to Jesus to be healed. since they could not get into the door, his friends climbed to the roof and tore a hole in it, just to get the paralytic to Jesus. He was so impressed by their faith and devotion to their friend that He healed the paralytic. so i just pray that i'll be able to find my own path to the Lord, because i'm fairly sure that i could win the race if i could get on the track. but sara marks had this told to her, "God is rarely late, but never early." so for now i just wait. i'm hoping that Lent will help me, that making sacrifices for Jesus will earn me some glimpse at my future. here's what i'm planning to give up/forth so that you don't tempt me...

1. fasting! for plain and simple sacrifice to God 2. meat, in defense for God-given lives of animals 3. soda, so that my body can be healthier and better fit to serve the Lord 4. snood, because there are so many better things i could be doing with my time 5. cursing, because that's just bad, and something i've kinda sorta been working at but unsuccessfully

okay yah so its 3:31 am and my 3 key is kinda sticky...its not really working too well...i gotta hit it hard to make the 3 type. im gonna go to sleep, but not before i address the fact that I TOTALLY PREDICTED TONIGHTS GILMORE GIRLS. while everyone else was losing faith in rory, i was like, guys, no...its probably gonna like, be paris or something...AND IT WAS.


Dan's Birthday: 44 hours 25 minutes ** Santa Fe: 71 hours 25 minutes ** Taking Back Sunday show doors: 663 hours 50 minutes

oh yah...and i played the emo game at tonight...i really i do at most video was fun though...goodnight all...peace!!


we are called, we are chosen

we are Christ for one another

we are promised for tomorrow

while we are for Him today

we are sign, we are wonder

we are sower, we are seed

we are harvest, we are hunger

we are question, we are creed.

so where can we stand justified? in what can we believe?

in no one else but Christ who suffered, in no one else but Christ who saves

who was justice for the poor

who was rage against the night

who was hope for peaceful people

who was light...

~~~~~~~~~~ @,~~'~~ ~~'~~,@ ~~~~~~~~~~

24 february 2003 (im adding this posthumously so i do not remember the time but it was early in the morning)last night i had a dream that we went to disneyland, went on all the rides, didnt have to wait in line...actually no...but it was just as good! we went to a coolie-kickin (your coolie is your butt, for all those of you who didnt trying to work it into American slang...) show!! it was the all american rejects, riddlin kids, wakefield and homegrown, although we left before homegrown cuz we didnt really wanna see them that much and lots of us had midterms the next day (today). it was so much fun, though...all american rejects put on a decent show...tyson forgot some of his lyrics and the pit was boring because they're emo...but i got all the was up by the end of the set. then after they were done i headed back because i didnt wanna be that girl up front who didnt really know the riddlin kids but insisted upon standing up front anyway. and my friends were further back (dan, mike, barbara and robin). so a moshpit kicked into action behind us, needless to say we got sucked in (mostly because of submission) but it was so much fun. and guess who was in the pit with us...GOOD CHARLOTTE. as much as i dont really care for them, its peachy to say you moshed with celebrities, even if they're only famous cuz of mtv. anyway...the riddlin kids were awesome, the crowd friggin rocked...after that we were so spent and we ran off to drink water (which i have never done at shows can tell this was intense) and chill out for wakefield because we didnt know them but heard they were good, so we were gonna just stand off to the side/back whatever. we were talkin about skankin and mike was like, I CANT SKANK and we were like, we cant allow we started teaching him how to skank and we were all skankin and GOOD CHARLOTTE came back and started skankin with us!!! awesome awesome...

i'm having this issue and i'm looking to the sources of influence that keep coming into my life and they're so mixed...i dont know what to's evidence A: "hey...jose...did you ever wanna tell someone something, but you weren't sure if...ya should?" "you should tell them. you should always tell them." "good, cuz there's this guy at work who just smells so bad!!!" "a guy...a smelly guy..." "yeah, jose, not just's like hot wet garbage on a sunny day!" however, evidence B: "happy in the meantime" by LIT. "its just another reason why it all comes down to you and i lets have another drink waste some time with me we're happy in the meantime. i guess the rain's gonna follow me cuz its been droppin in minor d and i can't wait, can't hardly wait to see if things are better off now i think i'm better off now...let's save a little rain so we can wash away the pain..."

i totally revived LIT...they had one single ages ago, but they're really good...i found this song randomly on my computer that was by them and it was really i bought the cd yesterday. awesome awesome. well anyway...i have my lab practicum for chem aprox twenty five i'd better go...get dressed and such...bye now!! Love in Christ, Laura

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