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The Suppossed Me


Pai Gon the Censorship Panda
Get your very own Censorship panda!

Thanx for visiting my page. It has taken me a while to get this far, but only because I rarely have time to work on it. :-) I seem to be rather busy between (most importantly) a Fiancee, (next important, and so on down the list) 2 jobs again, and trying to get a band off the ground. *sigh* I have things to see and people to do.

The above picture is one person's concept of me. {As a disclaimer, the artistry is neither my drawing nor is it her drawing. For anyone worried about copyrights: It is not being used for personal gain, I just thought it looked kool...Please don't sue me?(I'm broke anyway. You'd get...a nickel or five offa me!:-) } For the purpose of this website, I'll call myself Ash. It's an old alias, given by one that was once close to my heart. I'm still claiming it:-) Ya still with me?:-) Or have I now completely turned you off?

As mentioned above, this is my webpage. We'll have to see how much time all the above mentioned stuff will leave me. As it stands right now, it seems that I'm strapped for time. Maybe I just need to get into the habit of 'time managing.' ...Nah... That stuff's just for people who actually have lives...

Just as a quick warning, all the times that I leave are going to be in military time (24 hr base time instead of the 12 hr. base.) punctuation and grammar aren't perfect, nor is my capitalization. And my spelling is pretty good (not perfect, but I'm working on perfection). I still have mis-spellings, and malapropisms. Deal with me, and adapt with me, please? of course, some malapropisms are...well...intentional. Yah that's it. Either way, I hope you enjoy it:-)

And as often as I edit this might have to come back every other day or so. *sigh* Perhaps every other week or so... Or for that matter, every other MONTH or so. Year? I update as often as I can... Mostly it's on the other pages.'s what life does to us, eh? *double sigh*

Please, leave me messages at my address, at the bottom. Still no guestbook, but then again, have I given myself time to look? Nope...Sorry. Anyway, just leave me notes on what ya wanna see, or corrections I need to make. In short, I placed my e-mail address at the bottom of the page. E-mail me:-)

As a subnote...futnote? fooooootnote! :-) anyway, just got into a band. I'm still planning on the original band, but I'm gonna see how this one does things...maybe get some ideas. I'ma gonna learna BUNCHA songsuh! umm...yah. What I mean to say is I'm gonna learn some music. K, I'ma go prep my bass now...:-)

Support of the families suffering due to 9-11-01Support of the families suffering due to 9-11-01

A little in-depth stuff, this:

Talk to me! Click here. Tell me what I need to do to add life to my page! Or just to tell me to get a life! Or...tell me where to stick it. and stuff.