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5B - Where it's at.
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Does anything else matter?

From all corners of the New York Metro Area, the Fordham Straight Six are a tight-knit group who inhabit the pad known simply as '5B'. This is more than a room, it is the place to be on campus. Many students have realised this, and the administration has been rumored to have made plans to expand the greater '5B' region to the 5A room as well, but this cannot be confirmed. What goes on in 5B that causes such a stir? Did you miss the talent show? Well, luckily there is a video. But those of you who aren't able to put visiting 5B on your schedule, it can be summarized as follows. Fordham University Apartment. Six young, attractive, fit, intelligent, funny, thoughtful, *straight*, sincere, giving, *straight*, well-groomed, punctual, *straight*, mostly available, and most importantly, last but not least, straight men.

Project - Super Mario World!

After eight hours (in one sitting!), 3 5B players, and scores of fans, we beat bowser. He was nothing to our powers. Jeremy, Ned, and Chuck were thrilled with their powers. Until...

Project - Club Soccer

5B Soccer Club Schedule - Fall Semester:

Sunday September 22nd - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. Nottingham
Sunday September 29th - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. Inter Oblivion
Sunday October 6th - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. New York United
Sunday October 13th - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. E&Y
Sunday October 20th - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. Alliance
Sunday October 27th - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. Independant Team
Sunday November 3rd - Bryant High School
Fordham Rams vs. Maltese Dolphins

The Manifesto (of 5B)

There simply must be rules to maintain our shangri-la.
We mean no disrespect, but this is simply how it must be done. For your safety.

Rules 1 - 3

1. Thou who resides in 5B shall remain heterosexual

2. Thou shall not enter rooms or do anything to interrupt when a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign has been posted

3. Thou who visists our hubmle abode shall adhere to the commands and requests of a 5B resident

Rules 4 - 6

4. Thou shall ask permission to consume food or beverage>

5. Thou shall be banned for disrespecting any of the members of 5B or disregarding any of their rules

6. Thou who attends New York University must first go through an application reviewing process before being admitted

Rules 7 - 9

7. Thou shall not appologize ever

8. Thou shall help to maintain the immaculate order of 5B

9. Thou shall always recall to close the heavenly gate of 5B

The Golden Rule (and postscript)

10. Shut the hell up

If any of these rules are not carried out, punishment (adjudication) will be decided upon by the six members of 5B and carried out in a manner we deem necessary.


Who are we though? This enigmatic group of young men?
We could describe ourselves, but to be fair, we would crush the hearts of young women everywhere, so it must suffice to just go by names. For now...
(In alphabetic order)
This is only a small start. We shall be updating often, and promotional giveaways will begin later this semester.