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Death By

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It is not Fair...

Have you ever been playing online and you just cant seem to be hitting the person you are aiming at? Or your screen keeps freezing at all the wrong times. Then You have been a victim of Death By Lag. The tragedy of losing a game, just because you don’t have a cable internet connection. You think "Why should they win, I am better than them, but they have a nice 54Mbs internet connection and I don't." Well this is your chance to speak out. To tell the world about your game costing experiences. To tell the world about your Death By Lag.

We here at Death By want to hear your stories. We want to know what has happened to you. When you were shooting at the other player, and you should have been hitting him, but you weren't. Next thing ya know. Your DEAD. Tell us your stories We want to see them. E-mail us at or sign our guest book. Sign My Guestbook
Also Check out the Stories of others who have found themselve in your shoes. View My Guestbook

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