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Differences in the Alias Micky Dolenz Script

Recently, thanks to the wonderful Jim and Melody Rondeau, I got hold of a Xeroxed copy of the final draft script of episode #25, Alias Micky Dolenz. There's some very interesting differences from the filmed version, so many that I wonder if there's another, still later, version of the script floating around. Behold the majority of the differences below.

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the script or the episode and all information here is presented strictly for non-profit, informative purposes. I believe the usage of a few small, actual script snippets fall under the Fair Use Act.

- The name for the unnamed gangster in the script is apparently Rocco. I don't intend to use it, however; there's already a great character named Rocco in episode #11, Monkees a la Carte and I don't want confusion. Plus, the script is overall so different from the aired episode even though it is the final draft that I don't feel I need to accept anything in it as the gospel truth.

- A character called Tony still beats Micky up, but with his bare fists instead of a newspaper. There is no description given for any of the gangsters beyond Tony's description as a "typical hoodlum." (And what is that, exactly?) Further in the script, it's clear that Tony and Vince have reversed roles and/or names in this version. It isn't clear which. But I'm so glad this was changed in the episode!

- The dialogue in Micky and Tony's encounter is slightly different, as is the dialogue for many of the scenes. Micky thinks Tony wants his autograph, and Tony is horrified when he thinks Micky is going to pull "the rod" on him. ("Not the rod, not the rod!")

- All four Monkees are in this script. Davy actually has the largest speaking role other than Micky. In the aired episode, most of his lines were given to Mike, which I think works better anyway. Mike is the leader, after all.

- The Monkees are all on their way to a gig. Micky encourages the others to go on while he talks to the Captain, whose name is given as Hargrave.

- There is a desk sergeant in the police station who has some of the Captain's lines in his first scene. Both, as well as other police, still react with horror to the sight of Micky.

- This is one specific dialogue addition that's gold. I wonder why it was removed?

Micky: No, sir. A guy could get killed!
Captain: Well, we all have to go sometime.
Micky: Yeah, but I want to be sent for.

- The gangster who shoots at Micky is unidentified, even though in the episode it's clearly the character who has become Tony.

- The scene between Micky and Baby Face proceeds largely the same, with only a few minor changes. For instance, instead of saying "You can't uh, expect no miracles" Baby Face says "You mustn't expect no miracles." The aired version is funnier.

- Tony's last name is given as Fannaro. (Eh?) I wonder when and why they changed it. In the episode, the Captain is clearly saying Ferano.

- Tony's aliases are Tiger Tony, Slasher Tony, and Kissing Clyde. This is an indication that at the final draft, they had no idea what they wanted the character to look like. I'm guessing the ironic Big Tony alias was chosen after Jimmy Murphy got the part.

- Mugsy's last name is spelled Rukeyser. Mugsy's aliases are the same as in the episode.

- There is an extended scene between Micky and Ruby. Ruby insists that she always saw doves flying when the old Baby Face kissed her, so Micky tries to kiss her increasingly passionately until she's convinced.

- One of the most glaring differences is here. The encounter with the gang in the front of the bar is absent, as is the hilarious barfight romp. Ruby directs Micky to the backroom and he goes there, although the accidental detour to the wrong room (the ladies' room) is still present.

- In the backroom, the dialogue proceeds much as it did in the episode, with a big difference. For the most part, Vince's and Tony's lines are switched. Vince is the leader, but it's again unclear whether he is the same character who was called Tony in the episode or whether Vince, the big guy, is the leader here while Tony, the same Tony from the episode, is resigned to a bit part. The author would like to know!

- The gangsters' names are given here as Vince, Tony, and Mugsy. However, the script is inconsistent; Mugsy disappears and is called Rocco later in the scene.

- Here is another interesting piece of dialogue that I wish had made it to the episode with Micky talking to the character who became Tony instead of the one addressed here as Vince:

Micky: Now Vince, while I was in prison you didn't touch any of those diamonds, did you?
Vince: No, Baby Face.
Micky (softly and sincerely): Vince, I'm going to say something to you that I've never said to another human being -- I believe you.

- There's a hilarious fantasy scene where Davy instructs the other Monkees on how to go undercover as criminals. Peter writes a hold-up note and signs it ("You're robbing a bank, not making a penpal!"), Micky chews gum in class, and Mike makes a $10 bill that's blue instead of green and has Ronald Reagan's picture on it ("We do not put Ronald Reagan on the ten!").

- The dialogue as Micky complains about the leader of the gang and then turns to find him glaring proceeds much the same as in the episode, only the character is called Vince instead of Tony.

- When Baby Face escapes from prison and goes to the Purple Pelican, he grabs and embraces Ruby. This is certainly different from his detached demeanor in the episode.

- The dialogue between Micky and Vince as they discuss the brilliant plan of where the diamonds were hidden is the same as the dialogue in the episode where Micky and the character called Vince discuss it. This adds to the confusion of whether Vince the big guy is the intended leader in the script or whether it's the character called Tony in the episode.

- The Monkees blow up three things here (!): A sheet-covered chair, a painting of a nautical battle, and finally, the piano. Vince proclaims them a dud. The character called Tony's line in the episode, "These experts of yours stink!" is funnier.

- As the fireplace is being torn up the phone rings. Micky answers. ("What am I watching? I'm watching a man tear a fireplace apart.")

- Micky debates over which stone the diamonds are hidden behind, to Vince's increasing frustration.

- When the policeman finds them in the house, it's Davy who talks to him. The dialogue proceeds much the same as in the episode. I'm having a hard time not picturing the filmed scene with Mike. Mike did it so well.

- Micky escapes to the other room instead of under a table. When Baby Face arrives, Micky enters the room again, pushes Baby Face away without really noticing him, and shuts the door because of a draft. Then he sees who he has let into the room.

- Instead of Steve Blauner, the fellow who messed up the getaway during Seaman's Bank Job is called Larry Tobias. Also, he is said to have "ran over a cop" instead of the more mild "hit a cop" in the filmed version.

- The musical romp is right after Peter lets the cat out of the bag. They shove Vince into Baby Face and flee. The gangsters then chase the Monkees around the room and amusing things happen. My favorite: Vince sits on one of the Monkees' laps as he hides under a sheet. Other incidents include a Monkee roasting marshmallows in the fireplace as the chase continues behind him; the electricity going off and candles being used instead, including a trick candle that won't blow out when a Monkee tries; Captain Hargrave and his men arrive and join the chase. At last sheets are pulled from the furniture and dropped over the gangsters. I would have loved to have seen this in the episode!

- Act 2 ends there. There is no distribution of the DeWitt diamonds as a reward.

- The epilogue is mostly the same, except for this dialogue at the beginning:

Sergeant: We understand, Vince, it wasn't all your fault. Baby Face ran the mob. He would've killed you if you didn't pull the jobs he wanted. It was pure self-defense.
Vince (hopefully): Is that an offer?

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