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Chris' Web Page

06/20/07 I had decided to stop paying for this service since I do not use it other then to host images. I have deleted most of the web pages that I had up, so there will be broken links and pictures. Sorry folks. This page will stay up just to be here and to let people know what has happened as long as angel fire does not close it down.
It's been fun having my own website for over 8 years. Kudos to the 1,000+ hits since it's been up, that means I had 125 hits a year or 12 hits a month. Not too shabby.

Later, it's been real.

11/22/04 OK, I am never going to change the website to another provider or even change how it looks. There is too much to change and I look into changing it, but I don't have the time to change it. What with playing all these video games. So, until then, I have a blog that I tend to update more now then this site, so go visit it here . Sorry about the popups, but if you switched to Firefox, you would not need to worry about them. So go switch to Firefox and be popup free!

10/10/04 I know I have been saying it for awhile, but one of these days I will change the way my website looks. It is not an easy process though. I have over 100mb of files that I need to go through and catagorize. Then I need to go through and redo how my website looks. Not an easy task. What makes it worse is that I have not decided on how to make it look. Ugh! Fun stuff right?

Anyways, I decided that I am going to write short stories for awhile and just stick to that until I am a little better of a writer, then hopefully I can get some cool books going. I have one short story in the works and it is under the stories section at the moment, so take a look if you want to. Signing off.

09/28/04 Not much going on right now but school. Fun stuff. Also, I was going to put up a poll, but it does not work. So, I will figure out some way to get a poll up. Hey, maybe I can java program it, that would be sweet! Wait a sec, when would I get the time to program it? Neva~. Anyways, I was going to put up a poll to ask if you guys want to hear me sing a song? Yea, I know, it is strange, but that is me. So, best way to do it now is to email me yes or no. :)

I also was playing in the Stress Test Beta for Worlds of Warcraft a few weeks ago, and I got some neat-o game clips that I took. I would get them up, but my bandwidth is limited. So, they will go up as soon as I change website hosts. 

And lastly, I added my first anime review to the anime section.  Check it out.

08/07/04 Wow, it has been a looong time since I have typed anything in. Never the less, I am still alive, barely. :P

05/08/04 Well, I have officially retired Blunbad Kaaboom, the One and Only Drunken and Tanking Wizard. It was hard for me to do because Blunbad has become such a part of me. But, I do not play EverQuest much anymore. So, it is time to move on. But, no need to fear, because Blunbad will return in EverQuest 2 to eat, drink, and fight for the live Froglocks of Guk! We shall hear "KAABOOM!" Once again in the near future. :)

05/05/04 I fixed the CoH link, it should work now. Peace.

04/26/04 Allright, it is summer time and it is time to PARTY HARTY! And when I say that, I mean I am gonna play games. Bwahaha! Anyways, City of Heroes is out of Beta, and now I get to be in the pre-play period. This game is so much fun right now! As soon as I get the time I will make an offical page for my CoH pics, but for now, go here and look at them. Yes, I know I know I am a little cookie at times, but cookieness is me. :)

04/14/04 Wow. I am sorry I have not been updating recently, but I have been on a breif hiatus these few months. I have found out about myself and pretty much found some guy who likes to have fun. Go figure. Anyways, I am playing Star Wars Galaxies again. The game is so much more fun now since a year ago when it was released and I was in beta, ugh what a nightmare! But it is neato! For those who are interested I am on Scylla server and I am currently in Anchorhead on Tatooine. Blunbad Kaaboom is the name, as always. I hope I can get to be a jedi in that game and I am looking for a Player Association group at the moment. Any would do for now. Oh, also, I am in The City of Heroes beta! That game is the bomb dude! It brings back so much that I miss in EQ. And the coolest thing is I get to play as The Blue Bandet! SO SWEET! Of course, the game version of Blue is not nearly as powerfull as the Blue I will write about in my stories, but it is still cool.

Anyways, toodles and don't forget to write to me if you want to say hi! There are a lot of my friends out there I know who read this once in awhile that I have not heard from in, well, awhile. I promise that Chris is still silly as ever, if not sillier. I think I am going insane at time, bwahahaha!

TTFN: Ta Ta For Now!

2/24/04 It has been awhile since I have updated, but their has not been a whole lot going on. More or less I am back in school again and I am taking two classes as usual. This year I am taking a class were I am learning UNIX and I will be learning SQL (Oh fun, oh joy, oh rapture). And lastly, I have spent countless hours on end recently leveling Blunbad from his level 63 to level 65! Hurray, no more long nights of grinding out useless level exp! ;-D Everyone have a good time till the next time I write.

12/15/03 I am glad school is over for now. Now, I have some free time, although I can't wait till school starts again, but I can wait. Anyways, Happy Holidays!

11/23/03 OK, still looking into the PhP stuff, looks neat, but sounds like I may need to move the site. We will see. Anyways, adding new content to the site links to the side, both Anime and Game reviews. Anyways, enjoy.

11/18/03 I am looking at some possible web options for my website. Right now, I am looking at the possibility of PhP and mySQL, but not sure, need more info on it, and I doubt angelfire supports php. That would mean new hosting from another website. :)

11/16/03 Still sick today, but I am getting betta. :) In other news, Final Fantasy X-2 will be comming out on the 21st! I am still debating buying it though, cause Lulu will not be playing a main role this time. Sigh. Of course I will buy it! Oh, and I also uploaded a song from Kindgom Hearts called "Simple and Clean." It is very good. Go check it out in the music section.

11/15/03 *Later in the day* Home from work, still feel, like, well, sick and sick and sick. But what can I say. :) So I am offically dead to the world for the next few hours while I rest. Oh, before I do run off, I gonna put up some FFXI pics of my favorite little guy, Arabu! Check out the happening link to the side.

11/15/03 Yes, I know I said I would change how the website looks, but it is alot of work. I have been looking at free templates, but most of them turn out to look really dull and bad when I put them up. So, I may just stick with the frames for awhile. At least until I can afford something like FrontPage express or such. That will never happen. Why? Cause, first off, I am playing Final Fantasy XI Online, and that is my new gamming passion next to EverQuest. And, I am proboly going to have to fix my computer (it likes to lock up all the time). Enough from me, have a good day!

11/11/03 I have to say, this is some funny stuff on this guys website! Introducing: What not to eat!
In other news, Tahnlu Website is back! WOOT! Go Nizmo! Go Power Newbie! Go Ikasar!

11/07/03 Doing some cleaning up of the site. Even though no one reads it, I still cleaning up. :)

11/06/03 My current project for the website is to make a new web interface. This one is old, so I need something new. When I find one that suits me (or make one, most likely) then you will all stare in awe with mouths agape and druel glisening from your lower lip. Yes, very amaginative. :)

*disclaimer* All pictures made by /Gu comics(or other sources) are not mine. I am just putting this up so that you all know. If the author of these comics asks me to take them down, then I will take them down and no longer promote his comics to the people who come to my webpage. Also all screen shots from EverQuest are mine, taken by me, but I do not have the rights to them. Thanks!

This is me after a long day of work.

GUComics.Com by Woody Hearn

Visits since October of 2000
