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Intergalactic Teck-o-Park
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It begins...

Hello! This is my Intergalactic Teck-o-Park. Come join me on my adventures this year, I may even talk to you!


beep beep, i did a journal? w.e this site is so gay wow i'm suuuuch a nerd. {meep meep}


mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, jernal


journal from school = blarg. xpect the toad page sometime during exams! i know, i have no life, well...this is my life, actually. i ACTUALLY put off other things just to do this sort of stuff. and still i dont have time for it and it takes me 2 weeks do to one small conspiracy biography. ...WAYNES WORLD - PARTY TIME!!! WAYNES WORLD PARTY TIME WAYNES WORLD PARTY TIME WAYNES WORLD PARTY TIME!!!! LOL! eee thursday snowboarding friday snowboarding saturday show. wait this is journal materials..oh well it's all the same in here? ah thats not waht i wanted to say!!


Changed it so that you get sign my guestbook from the link above..ect.


I put up the pics from december theyre really cool, and i did a lil more in my journal but it's really messed up and shows up on the side of it. oh well. :) yay conan saves the day!!


So I've finally got a non-"made from scratch" site! Now I'm introduced to something called structure, i get to be less creative and more fake. Good enough for me, it looks and works alot better. So now in my new site you should look around, most everything is brand new, i put up the pics from the xmas thing on the 21st too. Some of them are really retarded, but theres also some super cute ones of Shrinze and Skradley. (l) lol. Yah i'm not sure what else is going to be there, maybe i should be writing this AFTER i make all my links? oh well lol..