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Welcome to Carter Mandela Chavez's Photo Album.

02/15/05: As of today, Carter can now sit up unaided for 2-3 minutes! WOW this is exciting...

02/10/05: These are more recent photos of Carter. He is now able to chew his own hand very efficiently and is also able to drool all over anything he can. :D. He currently has 2 front teeth and Jess and I are very excited about that. He can sit up a bit unaided for like 2 seconds as you can see in some of the photos. Loves peekaboo and patty cake. Loves his exersaucer and his gym. Everyone says he's a really strong baby. He's in the 71 percentile for weight and 50th percentile for everything else. Loves to stand up instead of sitting down. Can bear all of his weight on his legs. His hair is curly when wet. Not eating food yet but has tasted a couple of things. Likes water and avocados but NO bananas for this baby. He rolls over. He is starting to babble a bit when you babble back at him and loves it when you pretend to be eating parts of him. We'll be updating the website more often, hopefully, now that we can get photos on a more regular basis. So keep checking up.
