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WEBmaster, hero, and bartender

bartender Brian
LYnbrook Highschool

welcome to my site! wow. so you actually clicked the link about me! im honored. ^^. well, i live happliy and attend Hyde Middle SChool. i like to hang around with my buds (shoutouts) and that page goes out to all of y'all (ooo, gettn all texanish now). tell me if i forgot you. i like to play tennis and badminton, because in those sports, size doesnt matter.... ^^ MAHAHAHAHAH! swimming is also cool, but i quit long time ago. my favorite thing to do though is probably surf the net, and it also my least fav thing to do when no body is on AIM. >< the quote i love and made up is: without rain , there can be no rainbow, but if yo uever need an umbrella, i'll be here. that pretty much sums everything up except im going to Lynbrook for highschool, and i dont wanna. none of my close friends are going there. well, i guess ill have to make new ones. well, bye for now! CiAo~!