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The Wiccan Connection

Last Updated:September 29, 2004

Greetings, salutations, hello, and merry meet. I welcome all my Craft Brothers and Sisters to my new page of Wiccan and Wiccan related sites. It is my hopes to assist any- and everyone with finding information about what Wicca is and if it's something for them or not.

Below is a list of links to other sites that may contain information, or access to information, needed during your search. If you know of a site that could help others, please feel free to let me know.

My many thanks for your patience and time.

Bright Blessings and Merry Part.

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My Favorite Web Sites

Wacky's Wiccan Page
Hope, Harmony, and Joy
Whispered Prayers
A Mystical Grove
The Chathouse: though full of many interesting rooms, the one to point out is The Occult Room, located in the East wing...
Witche's Web: International Site
Pagan Links
Wiccan information
Arachne's Web: Pagan and Wiccan links
Witch's Brew
~Fire of the Hawk~
SubPenguins World on AOL
~The Witches Cove~