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My Internet Friends

My Internet Friends

Here are some of my internet friends.

Pam is a special friend that I met on the Quaker Parakeets Mailing List. She also loves birds and shares her home with two of them. Eamy is the quaker, and Eddy is a blue crowned conure. Pam lives just South of me. And I am so happy that I met her on the quaker list. She has became a very dear friend! Thanks Pam!!!!

Wade & Paula aka rotorhead and foxy, some friends that I have met on IRC. We all hang out in #family&friends. We have a great time!

Jacqui A good friend that I met on one of my many mailing lists!

Mari Steed is an adoptee. She lives in Florida!

Here are some friends who are adotpees or part of the adoption triad in one way or another! All I have met on mIRC!!

mmouse and also mmouse & birth mom! Debbie, Our own Mickey Mouse lover. An adoptee from Washington. Can't wait to see the picture of her purple hair! What a WILD woman!

Bubbles and her family. They live in Pennsylvania. Anna has become quite efficient on IRC and can be found there most evenings.

BigAl "lay down.... I wanna talk to you! The womans man of any channel he goes into! What a hunk, huh?

Here are some friends from #petbirds and #Quakers channel on IRC

Sandy & Aspen at the airport the day I got Aspen. Sandy is his first mom, and she delivered him to me to bring home! Isn't he the cutest!!!!!

Huribead and of course Munchie, her Quaker Parakeet!

Isis-poof is another bird lover who joins in the fun at #petbirds.

Pava also answers to the name of Pat, she raises Cockatiels. One of which is on her shoulder!

Last Updated: Saturday, May 23, 1998

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