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My newest bird addition is Charly. He is an Umbrella Cockatoo. He is 7 years old, and a real sweetheart.
He came to me through a customer at the pet store I work at.
Unfortunatley his former family didn't feel like they were giving him the attention he needed,
and wanted him to be spoiled more than they were able to do.
I was more than happy to bring him to my home,
and spoil him rotten. It has been wonderful having him.
He loves to have his head, neck and under wings rubbed.
He loves this so much that he would let you do it 24/7. But of course that is not possible.
So he does allow me to live my own life, like go to work and sleep.
He also likes to chew my blinds. Good thing they are not expensive. As long as I give him lots of toys to chew on
he leaves the blinds alone. Nice guy! Isn't he just a beautiful bird?

And this is Charly with my good friend Ernie. She is going to kill me for putting this here for all to see.
And in case you are a single male in your late 40's early 50's. She is single, just e-mail me!