
From Mother Mary to ascending into Heaven In One, the Holy Covenants are addressed. The 4 Bible Testaments Via ICCDBB For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS is symbolized above in four main types of ascending Covenant styles: A. to the lower right is the Parent / Guardian Covenant to properly rear a child, Christ JESUS; B. left bottom to top are things that can be anointed, and above that are the Baptized as with Christ JESUS teaching daily in the Temple, and (more than hearers only, doers) then the higher threshold with Covenant of Oneness; D. is the highest symbolized as box in box in box; and C. at the top is between B & D as the Holy Spirit is in each Holy Person throughout their life. So the flesh of Baby JESUS The Christ and the flesh of each Saint is Holy, One with the Holy Spirit. Yet to describe for clarifying the Christians are with the Holy Spirit and are a fertile ground and yet also are grafted into the Branch, the Tree Of Life: when food is in Your stomach and enters cells, this is similar to the higher Covenanting.

Christ JESUS sought to have people Covenant with the unseen higher greater value in the Heavenly Host. Though normally the Leader of any given Church may encounter very inaccurate interpretations outside the Church, among visitors, and even among Members.

This ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS explains some of the Biblical Commands, principles, and precept on precept gifts to help You help others help others, for mutual benefit.

What is a Covenant?, some people say a prayer and agree to behave better for instance, such as to stay out of trouble, but if God does not agree, then it is hardly a covenant with God. A covenant with the self can be of value, such as a criminal seeking to stay out of trouble for the moment; and it is also of value because God is the author of every good purpose.

Yet the higher Covenanting is outward. The typical Marriage Covenant is at least partly unselfish, as it is normally with intention to do good for the spouse, it is in a perspective in some generally lower cases (Malachi 2.14) similar to how a criminal might seek to pray perhaps for the self yet primarily for instance for his fellow criminal associates to stay out of trouble. At the higher Marriage Covenant end of the spectrum is the Nun that marries Christ JESUS in the Holy Spirit, a solemn vow of allegiance and eternal devotion. Accordingly among higher vows it is alright for a man to love a man, since hardly of the flesh (Leviticus 20.14 modified of Covenant in some governments, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

So of the above text generally are two types of Covenants, a selfish temporary covanant, and the typically higher True Covenant as of the Marriage Covenant; and in the above Drawing are many more types of Covenants symbolized with the Holy Trend and with ancillary patterns accordingly.

A Covenant is a Promise, or a written agreement as in the Bible. Promises in the world are often broken. Covenants with God must not be broken (Matthew 12.32) and that is a reason religious laws were so strict in the Old Testament prior to the coming of Christ JESUS in the flesh, when the more clear nature of the Creator might be better understood. People died and were in the graves, until the End Time of Christ JESUS (Ezekiel 37.13 with Matthew 27.52). And then Christ JESUS came out of the tomb as the New Covenant. Note the transition between End Time and New Covenant (see the previous ICCDBB Sermon Christians Make Things Grow on opportunities).

Of the greater precepts and their higher Covenants, the Holy Spirit and it's so agreed Body [if any (Genesis 3.22 and previous ICCDBB Sermons on Descartes including GodMath Sermon, Chart 10)] becomes as more interchangeable though is hardly [(see previous on minimizing body & tail, and maximizing the Head) in this case the Holy Spirit].

The Head, One Holy Christ JESUS is in charge, and when the body of flesh and stuff is fed and tended-to it appears as if the tail is in charge though it is not, for instance in an emergency a lizard can opt to lose it's tail (see previous ICCDBB Sermons), as the Head the Father in the Son One Christ JESUS is alway in charge.

One Christ JESUS is in the above Drawing, and while it seems to be flesh in flesh as is true, so to rather is Holy Spirit in Holy Spirit in total Covenant agreement and eternal agreeing as the living Covenant Host.

If two can be One flesh (Mark 10.8) then so too of the Spirits of the Husband with the Wife becoming of One Sacred Holy Covenant.

And the offspring are the Heirs of that Spirit Holy Covenant, even if by [conquered] sin, that is, of proper Baptism and Holy Marriage, it is victory in Christ JESUS over sin.

Toward plain language, therefore, for mutual benefit, the no forgiveness sins against the Holy Spirit are the personal delays against Christian Baptism and the resistances against Christians.

Within Christianity, the Spouse is blessed, each child is blessed, and each that enters through Christian Baptism is blessed. Though when a child matures let the blessing continue and magnify the Lord with a child choosing full repentance and Holy Baptism and it is not counted as a selfish thing as it is among the greatest of mutual benefits, even as God has placed the greatest Covenant at the bottom of the Christian realm, save the very highest Covenant abode of the Head, even described within this Sermon as the Covenants in the plural sense for edifying the Church.

The Marriage Covenant teaches much about discerning of spirits, for instance a person that was in the habit of perceiving the opposite sex in the flesh naturally would continue that pattern after becoming Married especially since it normally (there have been arranged marriages, test tube babies, and other exceptions) was that habit that brought the two together into the Wedlock Covenant. Though each Church and each Marriage might have firm or negotiable conditions (also legalese applies). So the true Marriage Covenant Spirit is of enduring in leading the flesh rather than allowing the flesh to take control (even so, see previous ICCDBB Sermons on trying to think when exhausted also of other pertinent conditions such as when on some types of drugs); Christian Counseling can help to guide before, during, and after Covenanting.

So to discern spirits properly is entered into higher Covenanting, as these grow together with the Holy Spirit for Christ JESUS for The Father In Heaven.

Christ JESUS in Mary in the top pic is shown with a rectangular yellow symbol with a purple Ascension line (curved under Parents & laws, then straight vertically), the yellow representing the flesh and the purple line representing Ascension, and yet the Ascension Covenant while similar in many people it also varies widely in many other people. Involved are given talents, following the Church and appropriate others properly, lower true Covenanting, given conditions, support, miracles, and so on.

Baptism is key, though lower true Covenanting is often required as the very high value Church reaches down to the truly repentant to agree to Baptize but first requires the person to join their Church with Holy Baptism, an acceptable practice [(Mark 9.39) Churches plural yet rather One Higher Covenant], though Christ JESUS allowed others to be accepted as One via this Covenant Level (Matthew 12.49 & 50 with John 4.2). In other words, Christian Churches (plural) are alright, yet more importantly One Christ JESUS Family, and on higher level Covenant even One Christ Name: JESUS.

In the above Drawing is shown "One Disciple" with the Christ JESUS symbol, yellow representing One Flesh, see Marriage Covenant above; and with One Flesh One Holy Spirit of the Lord Christ JESUS, the purple ascending line. The One Disciple is shown doing the Will Of The Father In Heaven. And yet in the same pic is shown Christ JESUS in the flesh doing the Will Of The Father In Heaven (even if apparently just standing there; also reference how a secular king in a throne seems to just sit there). So the two are One, in One true Holy Spirit. This is an example (among similar other examples) Covenant of making possible the following saying:

a higher Covenant.

The previous ICCDBB Sermon Christians Make Things Grow, spoke much about the left and the right functioning together as One for higher purpose, likewise is stated the Omega with the Alpha functioning together for higher Covenant. Similar is how the East and West can function properly together as One.

Now be careful how You hear, the top and bottom can function together as One, the in and the outcast, the Head and the tail, the good and the bad (only in New Logic and not in former logic, except see previous ICCDBB Sermons on types of Covenants and see above Drawing on Baptism and John 13.33 thresholds).

The good can function with the bad (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on good God having created for good higher purpose), the good for instance can remove the bad from the Head and put it into the toilet that to the experts that yield fertilizer and other good and/or goodly values (see related previous ICCDBB Sermons such as on how a weak magnet can have poles though hardly relative to a very strong magnet).

Christ JESUS said fear God, not fear other (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on personal Satan & overcoming Satan, also for instance John 6.70). Christ JESUS is able to Make Good Things Grow, even One Eternal Thing.

Christ JESUS taught the discerning of the flesh (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on spirits of things, & on converting spirits) and spirits together: as One.

Christ JESUS taught the discerning and converting of the flesh and spirits simultaneously: as One. For instance

Christ JESUS said "Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint"..."but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone" (Luke 11.42 NIV). So of Covenant given necessities of the Spirit and the flesh, if both are to be properly Saved to be as One, then given the above statement "from the Head and put it into the toilet" then it is hardly to be left undone yet rather according to the higher Covenant of the Head and rather of the higher Covenant the Soul With The Holy Spirit Of God In One Christ JESUS. So the Christian Church is not left in order to follow the tail, if any tail, nor to follow sin (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on personal Omega Alpha & New Beginning). There is a lower value, such as feet as the indicator Christ JESUS utilized, and there is a lower cast out until the proper converting is accomplished (it's End Time). So the cast out level, the sin level, the reject level, and in secular terms the illegal level, is to be properly discerned as not worthy of higher Covenants, as such would be improper. Things cast out are under the law. Other if to ascend with Covenant is of grace.

Some things are a source of sin or counted as such (exceptions apply) such as a disease source is to be cast out. Likewise an improper hole in a tent is to be cast out via repair or other determination of the user, the pertinent authority. To save a tent can have value, typically. Though on a higher level if to sell a tent with a hole or a patched hole, such may be under the law, and if under law then certainly under grace and then how hardly the seller would ascend through higher Covenants; though the seller may freely opt to make others aware of certain important matters.

There is a cast out threshold, and there are lower and higher thresholds, yet it is of the higher that Christ JESUS spoke to not leave "undone" as much as appropriate meaning appropriate to the higher Covenants normally or exclusively. For instance initially God created. The created had nothing significant to do with having been created, and so can meet their ends until comprehensive End Time in like manner (Psalm 83.10). The infant has little to do with physical control by the parents or similar, yet the worthy, in this case when the infant accomplishes some level(s) of responsibility then according to that Covenanting power, certain higher Covenants might be bargained, though not all as the higher Covenant holders responsibly delegate certain matters.

Here is the interpretation with explanation of the above three verses:

God The Father gave everything into the Hand Of His Son JESUS.

JESUS said it "is not mine to give."

The reason is as JESUS said "You don't know what you are asking!"

JESUS is immortal, the request was for temporary.

The request was to sit at the "right" and "left" (also Matthew 25.32...).

Christ JESUS rather taught and did Oneness.

There is a Covenant to make when You are in the Throne Of Heaven.

Christ JESUS in the above case did not say

that is, Christ JESUS did not say a temporary thing such as "OK, sit in Heavenly Thrones until final End Time", because in that situation it was important to Christ JESUS to teach according to the higher level Covenant for Your sake and theirs. A mother wants her children on thrones, and such grace is hardly sin, even so if to be pure rather pray the other children even the naughty sit on Heavenly Thrones even One because the only Way to accomplish such is via Christ JESUS with precept on precept, worthy on worthy, good on good, grace on Christ JESUS, on the Host properly as the Host prepared.

Let not evil come into the Holy Of Holies. Let the fully repentant and Baptized see to it. Help Your Flock overcome the naysayers of the past, to rather behold JESUS Christ sitting with the Holy Father in Heaven in One Holy Spirit. Even so, therefore go and do likewise and you Will have treasure in Heaven (Matthew 19.21 God's Word): "Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, sell what you own. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then follow me!"".

Heaven is for only those Chosen (Acts 10.41), so choose to preach the Word Of God to every person, every creature, to everything and for everything for their good and not for their sin.

It is relatively easy and simple, the burden is light, lighter than the world with sinners has provided,

Even sin can be at the control of Christ JESUS, and He already did it once forever, it was fulfilled. And the last thing to be fulfilled Christ JESUS also fulfilled, Christ JESUS overcame death, so eternal life is easy for Christians, stingless save One (1 Corinthians 15.55).

Christ JESUS comes and goes, from the Father to You and back again, even as a more abundant life increases. As in Heaven, in the world too is a cycle of problem causers, the sinners, until such properly repent and ascend. Many spirits have come a long Way already but hardly know it.

A. A sinner sins, sin is associated with risk, they die: dust.

B. Of fertilizer and unto food and Marriage a person is born and sins.

C. And the cycle is repeated until final End Time or until repentance and greater.

D. The person is properly Baptized and a Christian is born.

Understand that if a Christian flesh dies, there have been multiplied good spirits (see previous ICCDBB Sermons). Good spirits can have been in the ground such as to rise from graves, good spirits can have been from the proper anointing and planting of seeds, Priest, and of other mighty good and great work(s). If a sinner dies so too there are many good spirits that can have been, and yet precept on precept, the greater blessing unto others is of the Christian, preferrably alive and pure.

For one thing the Christian is more likely (1 Timothy 6.18) to yield the proper ascending, and the sinner is more likely (dead bury the dead) to follow sinners. Sinners are more likely to steal and give a gift of a stolen article, potentially doing further harm if the recipient is innocently caught with it hence hardly a gift.

Therefore a good deed by a non-Christian is hardly toward ascending.

Christ JESUS explained a person, a soul, is to be a fully repentant Christian in the beginning of true higher Covenanting. To be able to follow Christian Leadership and then to rather lead as the self agrees with the Christian Leadership and therefore thank God rather than to thank the self, that is to thank God alway yet as Christ JESUS taught and did to hardly leave the mutual benefit for all undone: these things as One are a key to ascending in the Holy Covenant Levels, even so rather of One Top Level in The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Now the truly fully repentant Christian Baptism Level Covenant is the Top Level Covenant, save higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

There is the Rainbow Covenant of Noah's Ark, and young people while innocent are of a Covenant with the Father that they enter into Heaven: so there are Covenants that apply unto all people.

Now otherwise concerning Your Church Flock, more than visitors applicable to all people, the lowest of Church Covenants generally speaking as many free grace options apply, is the Church Membership Covenant With The Fully Repentant Christian Baptism Level Covenant.

And Christ JESUS said there is an even more excellent Way (see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

In this situation for Your and their sakes, here are some of the benefits:

Christ JESUS of the ever more excellent Way, and while there are mutual benefits as stated above, rather seek for the glory of God The Father increasingly in the higher Covenants and rather be leading in the Name Of Christ: JESUS. If Your Flock is to do for the Holy Father then via the One True Holy Spirit in the Holy Work of the Christ JESUS.

So starting with Your Church consider Covenants with the Godhead, Your Church, and with all people for best mutual benefit, hence via Christ JESUS, accordingly the Bible has many such suggestions of record, such as honed from the Old Testament unto the New Testament, even vested in One Christ JESUS: all Covenants in One, see proper Christian Baptism above.

There are lists of positions in the Church, such as Teacher, and such as Administrator, and such as Prophet; each position is of Covenant.

The Holy Bible lists many Covenants, consider the gathering of positions (

Christ JESUS offers levels of benefits.

Be therefore strong in grace to obtain more and more benefits (2 Timothy 2.1).

Obtain these for Your Flock, yes, though rather than toward selfishness do for others, and for mutual benefit.

If to do for others such as non-Christians, then it would fail often according to their faiths or lacks of faiths: their selfishness in sins. And do not be entangled in their lower value Covenants ways (2 Timothy 2.4). Even so if that is the case if You do for them Your Holy Work is not wasted [(Luke 10.6) and] since for mutual benefit, and You did not cause wars nor problems, and You With Your Holy Flock benefited as an example unto them such as for the next time if there be a next time for them (2 Timothy 2.6).

Christ JESUS did this and the people were "amazed" and "astonished" wondering out loud "Where did this man get these things?", "these ideas"?, with "all this wisdom and the power to perform such miracles" and wondered "How are such mighty works done by his hands?" (, and yet You know in plain text here above and with properly pertinent illustrated material.

And such people may readily convert to Christianity. But look at the next verse, people, when they feel ashamed as their sins are revealed. As You reveal higher values for them than they can currently offer, they count themselves lower (even though God made all, also according to former logic) therefore they choose to do as Christ JESUS having put Himself a little lower than the Angels, or as often happens (few Chosen, hence many others) they rebel against the Physics Of God which they wrongly imagine is You (2 Timothy 2.5) though You did hardly make the Sun to rise nor brush their teeth (unless You attained that Covenant level and did such, and they similarly obviously did not so attain) so Yours again is the victory (Acts 5.41). Hardly rejoice over them being subject to You, even if only a small unseen to them amount (Proverbs 24.17), rejoice rather that You did for them as Christ JESUS from the Father did for You.

Here are some of the ways the Bible describes Covenants / levels.

Covenant levels are found in James 3.17 & 18:

From 1 Corinthians 12.3-13 is found of Covenants and levels the following gifts:

God said in Covenant of Law of the Will Of God in Leviticus 26.41 & 42 if people "make up for their iniquity,"then will I remember My

covenant with Jacob, and also My

covenant with Isaac, and also My

covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land."

God said in Deuteronomy 29.1 "These are the terms of the covenant the LORD commanded Moses to make with the Israelites in Moab,

in addition to the covenant he had made with them at Horeb."

God said in Ezekiel 16.60 YLT "And I -- I have remembered My covenant with thee, In the days of thy youth,

And I have established for thee a covenant age-during."

God makes eternal Covenants

that means each generation receives a Covenant (Genesis 17.7)


God said in Ezekiel 37.26 NIV "I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant. I will establish them and increase their numbers, and I will put my sanctuary among them forever."

Christ JESUS is "The Mediator of The New Covenant" (Hebrews 9.15 Aramaic Plain English).

The Chosen People / Covenant / Discerning.

Be caring how You read and interpret:

"Jehoiada then made a covenant between the LORD and the king and people that they would be the LORD's people. He also made a covenant between the king and the people" (2 Kings 11.17 NIV).

sounds as if the Lord was ignored in the second Covenant, though the following in the interpretation:

"Jehoiada then drew up a covenant between the LORD and the king and people, stipulating that they should be loyal to the LORD" (2 Kings 11.17 NETB).

Many Bible versions emphasize "understanding" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on former logic) though Covenants with God are often not only the person yet also the Willingness Of God to so agree, so often ascending in Covenants is less of the selfish thoughts and more of the higher Will. Therefore rather than offer the following four verses per lower "understanding", the NIV version is offered as NIV emphasizes the higher, with wording such as "discerning" and "heart", also "promote" rather than "persuasive" as for instance Christian Leaders persuade people yet specially respect Christ JESUS and do not try to change His Holy Mind nor tempt nor persuade Christ JESUS otherwise (Matthew 16.23).


So these things above are some of the realms, levels, and glories of benefits available unto all people. But sinner criminals cut themselves off from not only higher realms of Heaven, and possibly losing their current level not only by laws but also other ways, and may even fall as lightening; and they cannot climb up into Heaven some other ways as if to steal the One True Holy Spirit Of God: Christ JESUS explained / answer:

Many people like to be mean to others for no good reason, such as against Church Leader that helped raise them at no charge to them. Similarly many people like to do harm to all others such as randomly or to pick a person by chance (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on lower value casting of lots and coin flips).

Christ JESUS explained that people are placed in authority over You (1 Samuel 12.13 & Exodus 20.12) so discern according to Covenant gifts received from above and according to righteousness found in them do accordingly (2 Corinthians 10.14 & Luke 22.26).

So here yet are more Christian Church keys of high value: since God does not place burdens upon You greater than You are able to bear [(1 Corinthians 10.13 & John 16.12) praying without sin applicability: hardly counted in this statement], then save certain Covenants there are given of God Physics certain useful formulas (John 4.34).

Some Holy Covenants are toward miracles [(Revelation 5.3, & even everything created is a miracle of God), that is, some Covenants are beyond this next phrase], and some are given as available gifts already for unwrapping / unraveling the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven(s) [now (Luke 18.30) Heaven on Earth and Heaven in this present time in in other times and places, Christ JESUS was / is victorious over hell (see previous ICCDBB Sermon Now that Revelation has been completed)].

So the gift of discerning is a High Holy Covenant in Your Life.

Give care to discerning for the Holy Father through the Spirit Of Christ JESUS.

Glory in that the grace of the gift is from the Host, God, over other spirits and things set before You and/or in authority over You (not that any person is necessarily over random entities). In One New Logic for Christ JESUS, Christian Leader, this Discerning Key can even help in the midst of other Holy Comforters, for mutual benefit.

It "is love that strengthens the church (NLT), from 1 Corinthians 8.1

The sinner stops the self from ascending into higher benefits unseen to the sinner.

Likewise consider if Your Flock hardly further ascends, even though Christian and Baptized (see ICCDBB Sermon Not Seen By Logic Alone "Old Bible New Logic" Drawing straggler pattern).

In other words if a person is not ascending properly / given talents, then it may be appropriate for the Priest to preach some measured amount accordingly / a lower mission for their sake(s) or rather to Ordain (see Standard Of Your Church below, & Matthew 14.19):

Flock Members going on lower missions have value, though

concerning Evangelism for instance would Yours go out to properly Evangelize,

or would they go forth and be influenced, tempted and so motivated?, even so

if so remind them, strengthen, consider both Spiritual and material feedback system(s)

and rescue them if necessary (see Standard Of Your Church below).

and assign a Counselor(s) for them, giving the Priest more time to lead unto higher Covenants.

Understanding that each person already has understanding, even if in a coma or grave (John 11.43), therefore there is something else that functions to cause the higher ascending. Given not all have ascended, it is therefore something above serving as the source of the ascending interacting materially physically with the things / spirits. And since not all ascend (see Mediator above) the source of the ascending has power over any to ascend, a key.

Christ JESUS explained it is love, and described such utilizing as Grafting into Christ JESUS.

Given former logic, love is available: a key.

The GodMath Testament explained ("Knowledge" page 100):

Wisdom = Love x Logic.

Wisdom is of the Holy Word, yet the utilizing of Wisdom is of the Grafting into Christ JESUS. Wisdom x Grafting yields the higher Covenant opportunities / thresholds / worthiness.

To become Christian Baptized is to accept Christ JESUS.

To give Christ JESUS is generally known as Evangelizing. Yet here is another key Christian Leader, that You already utilize in Your Sermons, that tending Your Sheep lovingly [properly Annoint and Ordain with instruction (3 Nephi 18.5 & see Standard Of Your Church below): Christ JESUS did raising of Disciples] is also giving Christ JESUS / grafting as the Will Of The Father is One In The Word of the True Sermon. Furthermore it deals more with the ascending into higher Covenants, such as to enable empowering and Ordaining Christian Counselors not only on lower missions yet also on high: the straight and narrow (see previous ICCDBB Sermons with threshold graphs).

Generally somewhat, if to speak sinlessly and without jokes (hardly discussed in detail in this Sermon) to a person it is often toward secular works, friendships, and families hence toward rising through lower than Baptism Covenants at the evolution rate [little progress often with failings (GodMath Testament Chart 1, see previous ICCDBB Sermons, & Luke 4.22-24)]; though to speak righteously in Leading Your Flock and such as Church Counseling and other Church position functioning can more appropriately expect (Matthew 9.29) the finding of ascending in or toward the vertical rate depending (ibid.) of far greater value(s), therefore is reinforcement to seek the proper rate toward grafting: when Ordaining let the Standard Of Your Church clarify higher Church Needs (volunteers and/or other) including the most talented accordingly to Preach, form appropriate Sermons / Planning, Officially representing the Church such as per law and media (ads have values yet perhaps toward making news worthy victories for Christ JESUS, and importantly Officials assigned for keeping in touch with all members such as with carefully worded benefits (Bible verses might be quoted, also of former logic such as saying "This position might look great on Your Resume") and after specific pertinent benefits for their sake(s) Your Appointed One(s) might also prepare surveys according to being for each and the benefit of all emphasizing specific benefits at each step reasonably with follow up inquires such as what could You use to do Your Church Job better, what benefits did You notice in Your Church Job, how many helpers would You want, what more or less could You do or not according to Your time and other, what might the Church do to help Your ______....and let the Church Preacher and media announce their accomplishments with names of the involved, for instance some tourists like to visit certain Churches and situations so help can come atypical sources.

Clarify Your Church lesser needs (rather than "lesser" or "lower" Your Church might utilize wording such as "We also need") such as physical printing, certain types of gifts, physical maintenance types, updating of lists, some people enjoy working on taxes, some on cell phones, some on baking, some on plumbing, and some on Evangelism for instance and care is to be considered as to laws, how new a Church Member is, how great a New Member is, and so on. Your Standard Of Your Church can be independent under Christ JESUS for the Holy Father in One True Spirit, or might utilize Standard information already given, or already in place elsewhere free to incorporate into Your Standard, also You may opt to utilize for instance ICCDBB Public PCS and / or other of ICCDBB Sermons in context for Christ JESUS and included in Your Church Standard.

It is such Wisdom in action that grows and strengthens and empowers the Holy Grafting. Then the bearing of fruit in due season is already via in the form of higher Covenanting accordingly (save higher Covenants of miracle keys, see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

Grafting / Ascending / Love / Logic / Wisdom / Christian Baptism [(Matthew 3.16) agree: Spirit, Blood, water / fully repentant].

This agreeing: the Holy Spirit, the Holy Blood Of Christ JESUS, and the [Consecrated (as in Heaven be done on Earth)] Water (throughout the Universe); these three in One; form the agreeing, the Covenant, 3 Covenants in One and the last, the highest, is greater than the first, as the Holy Spirit from above already accomplished the reaching down once for all in the form of the Baptized Blood Of Christ JESUS with Dove and John The Elijah Baptizer, down to and into the Water God Created. And that is the same Holy Water as the water sinners freely opt to drink and is water unto them, and is Holy Water unto the Baptized Chosen of the Holy Covenant.

Do Your Flock Members Counsel, Baptize, and Holy Anoint people, places, things, Christ JESUS, and all?, even so, Holy Chosen is of the protection against water (lower case) and with Water (upper case) it is the start of the Ascending Path in a manner of speaking. So thank Your Flock for doing as great as a mortal can do.

Now onto higher (John 5.20) Spiritual Matters with the New Creature. The Chosen People left Egypt and rested then went some distance and rested, and traveled and rested and so on, in worldly terms. In Spiritual terms, in other words if One Of Your Chosen Flock Members Baptized of Your Church and Ordained to lead people [travel], Your Member would likely grant preparation instructions then lead some the wait for them and let them rest at times, and continue accordingly. To say "accordingly" here is hardly to say the Leader is under the authority, rather the Leader is over them as the Holy Guide and full of Your (John 5.19) Grace Authority Covenant / Ordained: caring, compassionate and empathetic unto their needs.

If God made the Chosen march out of Egypt under a whip and ignoring their pains, it would have had values (Ecclesiastes 9.1), yet rather God sets a better example. In all things, good or bad, rather in One New Logic all for good (2 Corinthians 1.18 & 19) such as fertile soil with a seed that died to past ways unto new more abundant living, though greater, Heavenly; is found reason to pursue the more excellent Way as Christ JESUS did. A path of Holy Covenanting, a path of grace and so much joy it can hardly be contained, herein is New Logic Wisdom:

In ascending rather than ask God for things, thank God.

Let living water flow from Your belly knowing if You need cheer

or if You want something God has already provided (Matthew 6.32 with Philippians 4.19)

so without need to ask, know God has already satisfied Your lusts satisfactorily, most excellently.

Of Your Talents discern these things in New Logic that You and Yours may have New Logic Wisdom, do it Yourself as Christ JESUS did, and if You encounter a threshold above that You cannot overcome on Your own, have faith God Will raise You.

Highest Covenant Maker / Growing in levels / One Chosen People / Covenants / Discerning.

God from creation has prepared physical laws whether concerning the Standard and customs of Your Church or concerning a female and hair.

There are things now that people do concerning hair, such as implants, dyes, and so forth. So too along the future former logic timeline a person might expect to see many more marvelous innovations. Honing and uplifting did not apply to the same situations in the past as they do now or forthcoming. As You plan the more excellent path in Christ JESUS be mindful that situations and experiences of people in those situations can modify their perspectives; so of course You don't want to lead people astray due to conditions, stipulations, and circumstances that are temporary.

In other words, lowest level human covenants are among all people, though higher are with Christians, and higher Covenants yet are with proper Christian Leadership.

You can find even in the world even among people of flesh Covenant positions of people in Christian Churches, such as Administrators, Teachers, Prophets, and of higher Covenants (1 Corinthians 12.28). Such are Holy People Of Holy Covenants in the Christian Churches, and of great value, yet Christ JESUS taught of the even higher Spiritual Covenants in the Holy Ghost of the Heavenly Father, the greater unseen good.

To work to ascend through Covenants is proper, yet seek the higher values with such of higher Covenants lifting You, not to be associated with lazy backsliding waiting for others to do Your part of the work for You. Understand that gifts that come from Your own hands in the flesh are toward personal, perhaps toward selfishness; though gifts from another higher are hardly You bragging rights as if over the source hence are reasonably not to Your honor of traceability; save the higher gifts honor You. For example if a kingdom is given You, You did not have that kingdom to give and may have had nothing significant to do with the forming of that kingdom; yet since a gift to You You reasonably may feel honored. If You can hardly build such a kingdom on Your own, then seek to the higher Covenant if to have such a kingdom, such as to give to a Christian worthy of such and hopefully to so yield even far higher value for the glory of God (Mark 4.31 with Luke 8.5).

In Your Church doctrine let Your Seed yield the Tree Of Life in terms of higher Covenanting unto the eternal. Biblically reasonably therefore, knowing Your Church has value, seek rather for the greater outside and in the future and Spiritually, and not leave Your Church undone.

With ascending, lower Covenant situations become unraveled and more clearly discerned (Romans 1.20)

The loving grace of Christ JESUS provides Holy Covenant gifts to sinners and to Christians, the sinners reject most and the Christians need accept more.

Christ JESUS explained there is no other route to Heaven. The route to Heaven is of Law with Covenant and yet Heaven is of Your finishing the Law and Covenant making task in Your life of the former time line directions. Some repeat other route attempts as if allowed but such have already been judged by their own so doing underhandedly contrary to the Physical Natural Law Of God. Friends of Christ do the Will Of God and hardly the bare minimum. When a Covenant gift is rejected how hardly would the next gift effort be made?, and if to murder customers, supporters, and sponsors such as by selling to them foods past their expiration dates, the support ends (Amos 8.2).

God raised people from dust and can do it again.

The Holy Creator made the created, including the dust and the spirit(s) of the dust, for Your And Yours to properly utilize for / toward greater higher Covenant value(s). The Physics Of The Plan Of God is in the dust: God is highest, also in the dust, everywhere that good can be found. If there is good, God Will raise it up, such as in You: via Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS saw that what God created was good (Genesis 1.31) and agreed with God (2 Corinthians 1.19), a Covenant; as You should agree with God (2 Corinthians 1.18 with 3 Nephi 20.1).

Let "the eyes of your understanding [heart, New Logic] being enlightened, for your knowing what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints" (Ephesians 1.18 & see above) of higher Covenants be through You unto uplifting others. Looking both forward and back upon Covenants aids the Christian Leader in current Covenanting, including: given, it is known God Will do certain things, God Will make certain Covenants.

The loving grace of Christ JESUS provides Holy Covenant gifts to sinners and to Christians, the sinners reject most (see heart pics & discussion above) and the truly repentant Christians need accept more for proper Christian Leadership in leading all. Because of rejections of the former Covenant, God provides thresholds interpreted in the world as if enslavement, though higher Holy Covenant (Jeremiah 31.32, Jeremiah 2.14, & Hebrews 9.15) to serve / threshold(s) as Christ JESUS did as the example is available unto all if a person would agree with God, it is the proper Christian path, the path of grace, faith, hope, and greater love.

With ascending in Covenants, accordingly of those Covenants ascended / given talents of a Christian or a Holy Group Of Christians, certain situations accordingly become unraveled unto such Christian(s) and more clearly discerned, honed, for making good pressed down and shaken together, such as to yield greater grace protection and such as to better strategize Christian planning.

There are low covenants such as hiring a person to feed cattle. There are higher Covenants such as enslavers as if better than other people, of the freewill gift from God choosing to not repent and so they fell from grace a determined amount as their cattle fell from life support of God while the cattle of the Chosen People Of God With Moses were spared (Exodus 9.4). And there are higher Covenants such as to Covenant with the Church to preach the Holy Word Of God (as depicted above left). And there are higher Covenants (shown top left) such as being One God.

There is One God, yet there are Covenants, glories, Oneness, yet properly; a little like a puzzle as some Christian Leaders have said, yet rather a linear puzzle as each soul of high precepts can lift others higher, toward such Oneness. Each Christian Leader can lift each Flock Member or a Flock higher like a flowing out from the belly of the Christian Leader the more perfectly living water, though according to the sum of talents as One Talent within each person or Flock, 1 Corinthians 15.38:

A bird fly or might per chance fall into a landslide and be buried, a seed of a tree can fall into a landslide and produce greater 1 Corinthians 15.44:

There are people that talk about love saying "I love you" or similar, but act freely and carelessly irresponsibly.

A person is not thrown into a landslide according to love, so it is a lower covenant precept at least by law. So it is precepts according to love. Many lower precepts are put into laws of civilizations.

Benefits abound.

In former worldly fleshy logic fairness is compensation after work.

In New Logic compensation is in the joy of the higher work growing toward higher Covenanting.

In the world with flesh are the pains and miseries, the world made a person do a job and it hurt their back for instance, so the person seeks, expects, and demands compensation.

In the Holy Spirit the New Logic thanks God for the gifts, be they a world ready for converting for the greater glory of God, or be they such as a body of flesh such as to treasure the talents of the body for God, and even if to suffer pain in the body rather than to give pain to the higher Heavenly Father; even so the Father hath given the straight and narrow that all be least harmed. The higher Covenant Holders / Sources of higher Covenant values according to if there be any even higher Covenant Holders are as sources yet are as rivers of flow outpouring goodness unto others save the highest of Heaven. And yet these are One, Highest according to the work whether in the world and flesh and/or in the Holy Spirit, except any if not One. So the lower Covenant Holders doing goodly works are as rivers, and the Christians when properly doing good as One are the source yet for the higher grace and glory of God The Father In The Holy Spirit In The Name Of The Christ: JESUS.

Of higher mission path to ascend giving proper grace, gifts, and glorifying, right to left:

{God / Source / Oneness / Christian* / Source} / {River / Convert / Flesh learning to love, share, and do good / Some amount of repentance} / {Toward no source no flow tail selfish sinner depletion}.

*Understanding need for full repentance, and that mistakes, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations (such as per definition senses) happen in the world.

Maintenance as mentioned above is toward the lower values so to design toward minimizing future maintenance. So the straight and narrow path of God is with minimal upkeep, and with maximum endurance. The Bible explains "Benefits abound" (as stated above) in 2 Corinthians 1.12 AKJV:

So the generally lower value maintenance covenanting is generally overcome of the higher Covenant of "simplicity" / joy: in the greater good or goodly conducing conduct with pure motives of Holiness and Sincerity Of God.

So hardly fall from the sky without higher purpose, do not step into landslides, do not shove others into landslides, minimize maintenance / designs: these are many items to remember. The Priests of the Old Testament were wonderful, giving many blessings unto today and into the future, though Christ JESUS revealed an even more excellent Way, rather than toward maintenance of a plethora of Biblical laws with multitudes of specified details (each and all good often), Christ JESUS invited that people do as Christ JESUS did in guiding others as His Holy Life 2,000 years ago in both the flesh at times and disappearing into the Heavenly Spirit realm at times, is the motif so a person can follow, the path Christ JESUS revealed so that rather than looking for former logic reasoning as much toward higher vision loss due to being swamped in details and maintaining those volumes of details (each and all of value(s)); a person can simply be as the motif, keeping the eye on the ball, keeping the eye on the more important matter(s), heading toward the higher Covenanting.

In other words, how a garment is woven together (see ICCDBB Sermon How To Choose The Chosen, bottom Drawing with a multitude of cloth formulas) in important, though people hardly figure the cloth formulas at the start of each day, rather people do other things, such as put on the garment and go be concerned about the more important matters such as doing what You say.

Old Testament multitudes of rules, rather put on the value and do the more important Covenanting (Luke 2.48 with 49). Martha was busy about many things, yet the more important concern is now, including be alert, New Logic Wise with doing, awake; and yet with rest at least for their sakes, Mark 6.31:

There is "rest", and there is similarly the not leaving of the other left undone (Matthew 23.23). For example in former logic in lives there are urgent things to work hard to get done so to speak, and relatively toward calmness, peace, and "rest" there is the Holy Eucharist, the dwelling with the Body And Blood of Christ JESUS. So "rest" has High Covenant value (Genesis 2.2) though is toward maintenance, hardly to be left undone (Mark 2:26).

Rather than exceptions and gaps, Christ JESUS is of growing properly together, hardly weeds and grain [even so for a time "let both grow together" (Matthew 13.30)], rather repentance now with Christian Baptism. The "exceptions and gaps" are similar though opposite of the many laws and details above, that is to explain allegorically toward the theme of the straight and narrow toward the higher Covenanting is that excess toward waste are toward details whether specified or not (toward exceptions). These are of values, yet when for instance in the world a new functionality of design is introduced it is normally of new delight of new beauty even if hardly superficial appearance and rather of intrinsic beauty of functionality. In other words, car parts have values, yet when the car is put together is has a greater value.

Itemized covenants have values, rather seek to give the higher more blessed Covenants, though hardly give a car as a gift to the ditch, rather let the car be to the properly worthy recipient.

Itemized covenants have values, likewise previous ICCDBB Sermons expounded how each person [in His Image (Genesis 1.27)] is to overcome Satan. With grafting into Christ JESUS is higher Covenant honing / thresholds. Accordingly and similarly is found Mark 16.17:

Honing is the casting out of demons of lesser concern to You in the former logic sense, that is, the more important part to You per se was the casting out of Satan from Your own body (full repentance with Christian Baptism), " the prince of demons" (Matthew 12.24) "the ruler of this world" (John 12.31) as far as You were formerly rightly concerned per se, that is thankfully Christ JESUS overcame Satan and You in Christ JESUS so overcame likewise unto New Logic.

That is of great value, and now greater is explained as is already known unto You as written in Your Heart, that other people have had their own Satan to overcome, and from Your point of view, having already overcome in Christ JESUS, therefore be such known to You as the minor devils. Spirits not yet of Your straight and narrow path too need be made properly oriented of things. A person is toward a thing, a body, if not Christian, and this statement is a gift unto such a person for their sake, that they properly become Christian to start to gain the higher gifts of which Christ JESUS spoke.

The casting out of the demons that harm them, is the honing along the straight and narrow Holy Path God designed. Hence the ascending in Covenants is of the discerning, the casting out of demons according to Your Holy Word Of God as of New Logic Tongues unto higher Covenants, and with the doing of proper Holy Work. Even this is with the letting such of Your Plan to so do before-the-fact, in the Will Of God, including to come in the Name Of God JESUS.

Consider the birds flying in the air (from Matthew 6.26 Berean Study),

"Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father" (from Matthew 10.29 Berean Study);

Christ JESUS "saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven"

(Luke 10.18 Berean Study & in Drawing below under lightening with Psalm 23.4 NIV).

Christ JESUS provides Holy Covenant gifts, the casting out of demons, the lifting unto Heavenly places, and many more and greater gifts: strategy writing law, guidance maps of ancient civilizations, and higher Standard Of The Church Covenants

For guiding future generations, in the above Drawing bottom center is given papyrus guidance in map form. If to make a map or a Standard Of The Church, such can be made in lower covenants / lower value missions, or such can be higher unto giving higher along the straight and narrow, such as to give upstream thanks, and such as to give witness testimony, and reports of victories in Christ JESUS for the Holy Father. In the beginning of the New Testament Christ JESUS cast away Satan, enabling Christ JESUS to then more perfectly do the higher Covenant matters unselfishly.

In the above Drawing a range of values are symbolized, yet Your source of good help is with awareness in each, with power to help immediately in each place, in each and in all imaginable ways: in God all was created for good higher purpose [(Genesis 1.31 ISV) for very good!"].

So too proper Christian Leadership is for very good higher purpose: that all likewise attain the higher Covenants, givingly for higher purpose in God The Father In Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit.

Whether in the body or out, whether high or low, convert and raise all for good higher purpose.

Consider how electricity with tungsten can give light. But there is the problem of "glare" which can be overcome as with more tungsten filament bodies and the body of a glass lamp ( The top Drawing is of the ascending Path Of Christ JESUS symbolized by the purple line yet 2,000 years ago He came in His Holy Body Of Flesh, the yellow symbolically; with Spirit and flesh symbols inside of Spirit and flesh symbols. In the above "Covenants of old" Drawing to the right likewise are stars within stars, and in the center is the [comprehensive (GodMath Testament) all seeing] eye looking upward [prioritized (GodMath Testament)]: Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, see PCS link above. These things together indicate cause to attain higher Covenants Of Holy Grace to properly overcome the body, the tail, that the whole of Your Body, Your Church Word (Standard Of Your Church), Your Church Will (Holy Work / Standard Of Your Church), and likewise that all people be One properly that each person, group, and rather all be a more blessed light. As it is written in Matthew 6.22:

The eye is a thing, a body. Your body is a body. Let Your whole body be full of light.

Ascend properly for the Lord.

Many people are confused by some certain Christian things, such as the Holy Communion practice with eating the flesh of Christ JESUS and drinking His Blood, similarly many people are confused about born again (from Mother's womb), being One in Christ JESUS as God, and likewise going through Christ JESUS to get to the Heavenly Father The Creator (rather than "get to", give to).

To explain, think of Your own truth, in Your Soul You know what the truth is to the best of Your talent: You have faith accordingly.

Likewise therefore You may explain unto others that they likewise know truth to the best of their talents: so if they want to tell the truth they have faith accordingly.

Here is what the Bible explains about it because of Christ JESUS, John 17.17:

The worldly sinners (and often worldly laws) are often toward selfish censorship save toward selfish bragging.

The Christian wants to tell the Truth Of Christ JESUS, via voice, text, drawings, proper symbolic gesturing, and so on [understanding conditions may apply (Matthew 10.16)]. The word "conditions" is tied to the word Covenants. Conditions can be overcome, for instance You may notice the trash was not taken out so You take it out thusly overcoming a condition [(a gift to the self yet for the greater good) such as odor, insect, and rodent control]; also for instance You may be in a traffic jam with no reasonable solution until a vehicle in front moves and then You are given an overcoming solution gift. So the first is a condition or Covenant You can overcome, and the second if from a controller or higher Covenant Holder, and other situations can apply such as intermittent, and such as whole One Holy Work Condition.

With awareness of this specifically per se, why would people visit Your Church?,

because for instance Christians glow so to speak. For instance if a person sees a group all dressed in the same type of gown they might think it is a Choir or Supreme Court or other respectable endeavor [typically (reference ICCDBB Sermon How To Choose The Chosen: movie O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU)], if a person sees people in street clothes they might think the people are a normal part of the general public, if a person sees people in gang type clothing they might think they do illegal things.

If Christian Church clothing is seen, Christian might be attracted to Your Church, if public clothing is seen people might feel comfortable already, or if they do criminal things they might see a gang and approach to interact and perhaps join.

A person came from a background. People often feel comfortable around similar, though some want a change.

Because You understand a person comes from a situation, You can make strategic Church plans.

Plans can include Evangelism, Membership, and other, for higher purpose, toward higher Covenanting.

In the above Drawing to the right beside the star is given explanation for setting the higher standard, legally, yet Christ JESUS explained an even more excellent way, and as this Sermon has specified in the giving to You in many details / gifts, there is a more excellent way as Christ JESUS explained and it is with proper Christian Baptism though hardly stops there in the One True Living God: precept on precept, Covenant on Covenant.

In the above Drawing to the right a star is in a star inside a star, all seeing when the eye is One looking on the higher Yes Amen of the Heavenly Like One Of Us Father as Christ JESUS did (see recent ICCDBB Sermons); the broken open bread releasing the living Holy Blood, Holy Living Water, and Holy Spirit; and in the top Drawing is the opening of the box inside the opening of the box inside the opening of the box inside (see ICCDBB Sermon Astrology on "fractals").

Liars have read the Book Of Revelation and have read other Bible stories involving hates and wars and have misinterpreted to lazily selfishly sound intelligent when they broadcast.

Rather Beloved One:

These higher things, these are higher values Christ JESUS taught concerning End Time

not by wars, hate, nor disasters, but rather of ascending in the Holy Covenants

"The kingdom of God will not come with observable signs. You won't be able to say,

'Here it is!' or 'It's over there!'

For the Kingdom of God is already among you."

Ascending Christ JESUS taught, with righteously proclaiming in John 6.48:

Christ JESUS is the One And Only True Way, having come from the One Truly Righteous Father In Heaven and reveals and does the putting together properly the higher Way Heavenly plan, building the road, growing, grafting, giving people helpful road signs interpreted as thresholds. Hardly of former logic of the selfish working hard to pass a grade or to please a tough customer, rather of giving when being given though precept on precept lest to lead astray recipients of Your Heavenly Gifts from the Holy Father through the Christ: JESUS. For instance, an oil company can offers oil to their own corporate office for free, and the oil company has plenty of oil and even too much so sometimes builds new bigger tanks, so You understand that the tanks are built instead of pumping the excess into their corporate office because their full pipes would burst and flood their corporate office and would break through windows and oil would flow into the street and into the water. They can plan for the future reasonably [(Hosea 13.15) as wells can become depleted] or may opt to not so expand (Luke 12.18).

The people of the secular world without higher Godly faith pattern is toward blames against each other until each expires or until the civilizations fail as the Old Testament taught, though with Christian faith is the continuing and the higher value. With Your Invitation problems can come, if so convert for their sakes and higher purpose. Rather than being of former logic without New Logic (Acts 24.12 & Matthew 16.8) guide unto higher gifts. The greater unseen goodly Physics Of God yield helps seen or unseen, realized or not realized, therefore there is honing of former logic reasoning; and rather grafting former logic reasoning unto properly growing New Fruitfulness.

Of higher Covenants of unseen Heavenly Places, You One, is to mean to harvest unseen fruit faithfully properly, to give blessings properly unto the world as according to worthiness and even for unseen to them, the higher New Logic Loving Proper Reasoning for higher purpose in the Name of the Christ Jesus. That is, reasoning toward worldly disputing, even including peaceful reasoning but devoid of proper traceability to Christ JESUS, is toward luck, chance, the flip of a coin, and the casting of lots. Rather of New Logic is the eternal, and the overcoming of the former world, with respect for the higher, toward the higher. If to say the higher Covenants, then be with the higher Covenants been accomplished in Yourself (see "talents" above per se).

That all these good things be added unto You, such that You might properly give such unto others, then include gifts they comprehend. If as to randomly give a city on the other side of the world, for instance, to a stranger here on this side of the world, they might not understand nor find value and may feel insulted, even though a gift of great value. So properly giving the gifts is hardly according to Your understanding, let it be properly for theirs, and higher.

A law abiding citizen hardly wants to go to a gang, and a gang member hardly wants to go to the law abiding citizenry. Though there are opportunities for converting. Also the general public feels comfortable being normal, so there is opportunity for helping any of gang or public or other, to feel normal, that is to feel welcome, almost to feel at home; yet also with care to lift the person from "normal" to proper excellent Christian Leadership. Gifts, benefits, and unseen greater are what the Bible explains, and such values can be explained from Your Church Standard unto their understandings. Here is what the Bible explains in John 8.42:

Of the Holy Spirit comforting in loving grace, Christ JESUS explained how to relate to people to make Christians of the Will Of the Heavenly Father God.

In the movie My Cousin Vinny, Vinny explains to the Prosecutor (

ICCDBB Sermon for Leaders in Christ JESUS July 23, 2016 AD.

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