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My Trimble Genealogy Info

My Trimble Genealogy Info

My name is Colleen Trimble Eddy and I am constantly searching for new Trimble /Wade/ Family History. If you are interested in this line, or any of this information, please contact me and I will help you as I can.

My father is Gerald Dee Trimble of Fillmore UT. His Father was Davis Trimble and mother was Blanch Wade. (Above picture)His Grandfather was Joseph Trimble. Joseph was born in 1855 in Cumberland, England. He died and was buried in Fillmore, UT. Melissa was a native Utahn. I have encountered some very interesting facts lately about the Trimble side of the family. Davis's brother was Joseph Glenn Trimble. He was married to an Isabell Hatton. When I was doing geneaology research I would put in the name Hatton and Isabel and I kept coming up with a chap named Phillip Barkdull that was born in Hatton, Milliard, Utah. I wondered aboutthe connection with the name Hatton and Fillmore was, and thought I would do some digging on how the name of the city was created. No matter what I kept coming in to this Phillip Henry Barkdull family. Well, I noticed that Uncle Glenn and Isabell Hatton had no childred, but darned if I didn't find out some neat stuff along the way. Maybe not all were blood connections, but connections to my family anyway. Isabell's father's name was William Eber Hatton. William Eber Hatton's father was William Hawthorne Hatton. William Hawthorne Hatton married a lady by the name of Adelia Almira Wilcox. Adelia's third marriage was to Mr. Heber Chase Kimball! (But then, Heber Chase Kimball was married to 43 of the ladies the HCK married was a lady by the name of Mary Fielding. Mary Fielding also married Hyrum Smith. Hyrum Smith's father was Joseph Smith. They had a child and named him Joseph Fielding Smith. Joseph Smith's father was Asael Smith, Asaels father was Samual Smith. Samual's father was Samual Sr. Samual Sr.s father was Robert and Roberts father was Robert Sr. I have to note that Hyrum Smith also married a woman named Amanda Trimble Gheen. Her grandmother was Margaret Trimble. I am yet to connect this family to the other family. Now just when you think...where is she going with this? She still hasn't connected this Barkbull dude to her family! But...I did! Blanche Wade Trimble had a sister named Myrtle Gates. Remember the hee hee of the Bill Gates fame I joked about? Well, before this Gates dude, she married a fellow by the name of IRA LYMAN STOWE. He was a nice guy! I got to dance with him at my cousin's wedding. Ira Lyman Stowe's mother was Algenora Elovice Barkdull! AEB's father was Soloman Barkdull and mother was Lucy Jane Clark. Soloman Michael Barkdull had who? Henry John Barkdull! And who did Henry John Barkdull have Phillip Henry Barkdull! The artist! Wallah! A connection to the Barkdulls of Fillmore Millard Utah. I still don't know where the name Hatton, Millard Ut came from though.

Joseph Trimble's father was Edward Trimble and his mother was Elizabeth Lennox. Edward and Elizabeth Trimble had eight children. One of which was Susan Trimble. She brought her sisters and brothers over here to the United States from England because of the hope and belief that their Mormon dreams were true. Many friends tried to pursuade the families against coming to America.

A Letter From My Dad's Cousin

Dear Colleen,

I am in receipt of your letter requesting information about the Trimble Family. All the Trimbles in Utah are not related. There used to be some Trimbles in the Kayesville area that originate in the South that are not connected.(I have met a couple of relatives, or so-called Trimble families actually Trumbeau, that believe they are related to this family that are from Kayesville, if anyone knows differently, please share this info with me! Thanks-Cokie) We do have relatives in the Bountiful Area. The Trimbles joined the Mormon Church in 1855 in Carlisle, England Area, which is near the Scotch Border. The name Trimble is derived from the Scotch name Turnbull that originated over the border in Scotland in a place called Bedrule.

Over the years the spelling has evolved a number of different ways. In 1996 my wife and I and our 7 children went to Carlisle and spent time searching the area cemeteries and records looking for information about the family. At Thursby and Westward we cemeteries we found old tombstones with different spellings. It might be spelled TRIMBLE, TREMBLE or TRUMBLE on the same stone.

Robinson Trimble was born 4 March 1778 at Thursby, Cumberland, England. His father was JOSEPH TREMBLE and his mother was SUSAN ROBINSON born 7 Nov 1755. Robinson Trimble was born out of wedlock and his parents were never married. When Robinson was 10 or 11 years old, his mother married William Thomlinson. In 1952 William Thomlinsons had Susan Robinson and her son Robinson sealed to William Thomlinson. Up until then Joseph Tremble was listed as Robinson's father on the church records. That's why you were unable to find any record of Robinson's Father.

Until we went to England no one in the family that we knew had ever been able to find out whom Joseph parents were. We were able to find out that Joseph's father was James Tremble and his mother was ANN SEWELL they were married 28 Aug 1743. I am descended through Jefferson Trimble born 28 Oct. 1851.You are descended from Joseph Trimble born 5 June 1854 and died 10 Feb 1914.