Thundercat Soaps

Parts 19-22

Part 19

A few days after the wedding, Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O left to return to their duties on 3rd Earth. Ever since Lion-O's marriage to Leela two months ago, things have not been the same around Cat's Lair. Leela has been getting on the Thundercats nerves with her rules, especially the one in which all the Thundercats except for Lion-O must address Leela by saying "Lady Leela", "My Queen" or "Milady" and bowing before her when they approached her. Cheetara seems to have gotten by by not following Leela's rules. Leela understood but that was only making her anger towards the blonde cheetah go even higher.

Lion-O and Cheetara relationship is only a working relationship now. Whenever Lion-O has the chance to talk to Cheetara and ask how she is doing, she would easily change the subject to work and kept their conversations to a minimum. She couldn't even see him without thinking about their wedding and Leela, especially how she hovers over him almost all the time.

Tygra, of course play the sympathetic friend during Cheetara's hard time. He knew it wouldn't be long before he could break the defensive shell Cheetara has put up ever since her break up with Lion-O. Once a month, Leela and Tygra would have a secret meeting to talk how they are trying to break down Lion-O and Cheetara. While most people were out today, they decide to have their meeting in the control room.

"You mean you haven't done anything? It's been two months." Tygra said stunned.

"I know, but Lion-O says he can't make love to anyone unless he's in love with someone. Sickening, isn't it? What planet does he come from? He has me on one side of the bed and he's on the other, leaving a big gap in the middle. He said that if I try to make a move on him he would sleep on the floor and he has, plenty of times." Leela complained. "So, how are things with you and Cheetara?"

Now it was Tygra turn to be annoyed. "What thing? After she cried on me on your wedding night, she has been quiet about her feelings and refused to open up, let alone let anyone in."

"You know what, Tygra, I have a plan that can get us both what we want." Leela said wickedly.

Tygra sat back in his chair with a mutual look. "Do tell."


Cheetara worked at the head panel in the control room surveying Thundera and basically throwing her emotional problems into her work. She heard the doors open and sense the presence of a woman she wasn't fond of.

"Hello, Cheetara."

"Hello, Lady Leela." Cheetara said despising the fact that she had to call her by her title.

"You know, women like us should talk. I'm pretty sure we have a lot in common."

"I really doubt that." Cheetara said as she continued to monitor Thundera.

"Of course we do. We have Lion-O." She said and a wicked smile appeared on her face.


Panthro and Lion-O were driving back home after checking on the production of the cities and mining for Thundrillium. Panthro glanced at Lion-O and noticed he wasn't happy. He actually had a gloomy and sad look that said "I don't want to go home." Panthro couldn't help it but laugh at his look.

"What's so funny, Panthro?" Lion-O asked.

"You. You get that look every time when we have to go back to the lair, and you get so excited when you have to leave." Panthro answered.

"You're right about that. Leela is waiting for me when I get home and not Cheetara."

"I know, but there's nothing we can do about that. You're married to your first fiancé, and there is no way out of that."

"There is one way. I could resign as Lord of the Thundercats." Lion-O said a little too seriously.


"I rather not talk about Lion-O." Cheetara said and returned her eyes to the monitor.

"But I want to. Lion-O is a an excellent kisser and an even better lover. Has he always this good or did he have good practice with you?"

Cheetara couldn't believe how blunt Leela was and how personal she was getting. She turned to her a little shocked. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, come on don't be shy. I know you two got it on a few times. I-" She stopped when she noticed Cheetara upset expression. "You guys didn't...Oh well, you don't know what you're missing. His kisses. His touches. I beg him to stop, but he knows that I don't want him too, and did you know that he has the biggest-"

"You know what? I really don't want to hear this." Cheetara said and got up, heading for the door.

"Don't you dare walk away from your queen that way. I am lady of this lair and planet, and I'm ordering you to stop."

Cheetara stopped and looked at her angrily. "The last thing you are is a lady. You're nothing but a b-" She stopped herself in time. "I have to get some air. Excuse me." She said and left.

Leela sat back on the control panel laughing. "Oh, it is going to be so much fun, torturing you, Cheetara."

Cheetara walked down the hall. Tygra saw her coming, but she didn't see him. From the frustrated look on her face, he could tell Leela's plan worked. He waited in the corner and deliberately bumped into her.

"Cheetara, what's wrong. You look upset." He said concerned.

"I am." She replied.

Tygra put his arm around her. "Come on. Let's go somewhere and talk."


Panthro slammed the breaks on the Thundertank so hard that he and Lion-O almost hit the dashboard. "You're gonna what?! Lion-O, you can't do that."

"Why not? It my decision. It's my life." Lion-O responded.

"But you're not the only one who would be affected by this. Everyone on New Thundera will be affected. You can't give up your title just because you can't marry the woman you love. I know I'm sounding a little harsh right now, but you can't do this. There is no way Cheetara would let you do this, let alone Leela." Panthro told his friend and leader.

Lion-O knew Panthro was right. "You're right. I can't take the easy way out of this. Resigning would only endanger my planet, my people. I can't do that. Being the ruler of an entire planet definitely isn't easy. Their needs have and always will outweigh my own." Lion-O admitted.


Tygra and Cheetara were taking a walk by the lake behind the lair. They sat down behind the lake and Cheetara started crying. "We used to be here a lot. This was our favorite place. We would talk about our dreams and future together, and now that woman.." Cheetara stopped at a lost for words.

Tygra pulled Cheetara closer to him, burying her head in his chest. "It'll be okay, Cheetara. I just can't believe Leela said all those things." He told her in a comforting tone. Excellent job, Leela.

"I know she had to be lying, but apart of my believes her. I just don't know what to do."

Tygra pulled her away to brush the tears out of her eyes. "Such a beautiful woman shouldn't cry."

"I can't help it. The man I love married another woman and we cannot be together. Do you know what it feels like to love someone and they can't love you back?" She asked as tears began to form again.

"No, I don't." He answered. He wiped the tears off her face, places his fingers on her chin and pulled her closer to him as he lowered his head towards her. He came an inch from her lips when Cheetara place two of her fingers on Tygra's lips.

"What are you doing?" She asked as she backed away from him a little bit.

"I was going to give you a kiss." He answered honestly.


"I thought you needed one. You looked like you did." He said as he moved closer to her.

Cheetara got up. "No, I didn't. I know I seem vulnerable right, but I don't need that kind of comfort. I--uh--I have to get back to work." She turned around and ran back to the lair as fast as she could.

"Bad move, Tygra." He told himself. "No matter. I have other ways." He said sinisterly

Part 20

It was nighttime in Claudus City. Midtown was full of lights, from the work buildings to the colleges, malls, stores, restaurants and clubs. Thunderians were shopping, working, having dinner, and just relaxing at clubs and taverns on their peaceful planet. At Cat Hall, a local tavern, Panthro purchased two drinks from the bartender. He takes the drinks to a table where his friend waits for him.

"White wine for Cheetara. Thunder Beer for me." He said as he gave Cheetara her drink and sat down across from her.

Cheetara drunk some of her wine and put it down. "I needed this, Panthro. Thanks."

"You're sure you don't want anything stronger? Like scotch or whiskey?" Panthro asked.

"Why, Panthro, if I didn't know better, I would think you're trying to get me drunk." Cheetara said in a playful tone.

"No, you got it all wrong. Besides I know you can handle your liquor. I just thought with all the problems you're going through now, you might want a stronger drink."

"I'm not going to bury my problems at the bottom of a bottle, Panthro. Did you do that when Aline died?" Cheetara asked.

"Well, I....uh..Hey, this was to get you out of the lair and get away from Leela, not to interrogate me." Panthro said almost defensively.

"Sorry, but you're right about getting away from Leela. You wouldn't believe what she did today." Cheetara said as she took another sip of her wine.

"Try me. I don't think there's anything she can do that'll surprise me." Panthro said confidently.


At Cat's Lair, Lion-O entered the control room to see Tygra at the main controls. Lately, things have been dull at the lair and being at the controls surveying Thundera was getting pretty boring too, now there was peace on the planet.

"Tygra have you seen Panthro or Che- or the other Thundercats?" Lion-O asked.

"Panthro and Cheetara went to Claudus City and the twins are spending the night at their new friend, Vasa's house. Why? Do you want to talk to Cheetara.


"She what?!" Panthro shouted and when everyone stopped to look at them he lowered his voice. "She asked about your sexual relations with Lion-O?" Panthro still couldn't believe what he had heard.

"Yes, and the nerve of her, too."

"I don't mean to get personal but did you and Lion-O--"

"No," Cheetara cut him off. "We were going to wait until we were married." Cheetara said quietly and looked away.

Panthro looked at the pool tables not to far from them and saw an empty table. "Come on. I see an empty table." They both got up and went to the empty table. Panthro got two pool sticks off the wall and handed Cheetara one. He set up the balls and turned to Cheetara. "Ladies first."

"Thank you." She smiled. Cheetara picked up a cue ball and aimed it in front of the 10 colorful pool balls in the shaped of a triangle. She aimed her stick at the cue ball and hit it. Four of the balls went into two different corner pockets. "But that's not the only thing that happened to me today." She aimed and hit the cue ball with her pool stick, sending a red ball to fall in the side pocket, only to have it miss. She stood up and Panthro prepared to shoot. "I met Tygra in the hallway. We went outside and I started to cry. Tygra hugged me to give me some comfort. The next thing I know he's trying to kiss me."

Panthro, shocked about what Cheetara had said, hit the cue ball so hard that it flew off the table. "You're kidding." He said in disbelief.

"No." She shook her head in a way that made Panthro believed her.


"It's not like I can, Tygra." Lion-O said frustrated as he ran his hair through his red mane.

"You know she has been avoiding me whenever possible ever since that tragedy of a wedding two months ago."

"Well, Lion-O, can you blame her for the way she's reacting?" Tygra asked and Lion-O shook his head. "It's obvious that she is still hurting and needs time to herself to heal. She's trying to get over you and your marriage to Leela. If you want to help her, take my advice and stay away from her." Tygra suggested.


Panthro stood up and walked closer to Cheetara. "What did you do?"

"I made an excuse and ran back to the lair as fast as I could." She put the pool stick down and rubbed her shoulders. "It kind of scared me, Panthro. He said that I looked like I wanted a kiss. I didn't, and even if I did, I wouldn't want one from him. I got the strangest feeling that he was lying and that he actually wanted to kiss me. Not for comfort, but for desire." She sounded a little scared.

Panthro leaned on the pool table thinking. "In a way, a lot of things would makes sense. Cheetara, do you think Tygra still may have feelings for you?"

"Feelings for me? No, of course not. We're just probably making a big deal out of nothing, Panthro. I-"

"Excuse me." A man interrupted them. Cheetara turned around and saw a very tall and attractive male lion behind her. His hair was as red as her former love, but he wore his hair down. "I believe you dropped this." He said handing Cheetara the cue ball Panthro had knocked off the table.

"Oh, thank you." She smiled.

"Wait a minute. You're Cheetara, that Thundercat that was suppose to marry Lord Lion-O, but gave him up so he can go ahead with his first engagement?" The man asked.

"Yes, I am, and you are?" Cheetara asked.

"Devon, and if I were Lord Lion-O, I wouldn't have gave you up." He smiled wickedly and looked her over. "In fact, I would've married Leela to satisfy the public, and have you on the side for the real marriage reasons if you know what I mean?" He eyed her with desire.

Before the angry Cheetara could respond, Panthro interrupted by grabbing Devon and slamming him into a nearby wall. His eyes was full of anger. "That's no way to talk to a lady, especially not a Thundercat. If it wasn't for the Code of Thundera and the fact that all these people are watching, I'll kick your sorry-"

"Panthro!" Cheetara interrupted. "Forget it. Let's go."

Panthro released his hold on Devon and begin leaving with Cheetara.

"I know you want someone to comfort you and satisfy your needs and I'm the man. Next time you come, I'll be here, and leave baldy at home."

"Baldy?!" Panthro growled angrily at that remarked and started to charged at Devon, but Cheetara grabbed him and used her strength to pull the angry panther out of the tavern.


"Stay away from Cheetara? Why?" Lion-O asked confused.

"I mean avoid her the way she is avoiding you. She needs to heal and she can't do that with you jumping in her face every hour of the day."

"I don't-"

Tygra cut Lion-O off. "Except only when all the Thundercats have to meet, I don't think you should talk to her. Every time she sees you and Leela together, she breaks apart. You've got to let her like she let you go." Tygra said very persuasively.

"Let her go? How can I let someone I love go?" Lion-O asked

"If you truly love her, you'll let her go. If you want her to be happy, then you have got to release your hold on Cheetara. She needs to get away from the lair. She told me that herself."

"She did?" Lion-O looked surprised.

"Yes. She wants to get away." Tygra manipulated the young lord.

"I didn't know that. I guess I'll have to assign more duties for Cheetara away from Cat's Lair. I love her, Tygra, and I'll do anything to make her happy. I am doing the right thing?" The lord asked his second-in-command to make sure he was right.

"It is the right." Tygra smiled wickedly at Lion-O, but Lion-O doesn't noticed.


"Have you calmed down yet?" Cheetara asked as Panthro quietly drove the Thundertank back to the lair.

"Yeah." Panthro said, but Cheetara could tell he was still upset and she couldn't blame. Devon also made her upset with his rude comment. She was glad the protective shield was down. The cool air was helping her and Panthro settle their anger.

"Thank you for standing up for me, Panthro, but I could've handled him by myself." Cheetara told him calmly.

"He had no right to say that to you."

"I know, and you need to keep that temper of yours in check, Panthro or it'll get the best of you with a price." Cheetara said a little worried.

Panthro face froze as he remembered those words being said to him once before. Panthro and Aline were walking in a mall on Thundera years ago. Aline was looking in the store windows when a white cashmere sweater caught her attention.

"Oh, that is beautiful." She said in awe.

Panthro looked in the window and saw the sweater. "If you want it, it's yours."

"You don't have to do that."

"But I want to." He kissed her on the cheek. "I'll be back." He said and walked in the store.

Aline watched him as he picked out the sweater and got in line to purchased it. She smiled thoughtfully at him.

"Hey, sweetie, can a guy get a word in?"

Aline turned around to see a man standing behind her. "No, thank you. I have a boyfriend."

"Wouldn't you rather have a real man?" He asked.

"I do have a real man, and he's going to be out of that store any minute so I suggest that you leave." Aline told him sternly.

Panthro stepped out of the store and saw the man talking to Aline. "What do you think you're doing? Get away from my woman!" Panthro said hotly.

The man saw how angry Panthro was getting and the effect of Panthro's fist would have on his body if he didn't leave Aline alone. He just shrugged his shoulders and left.

"Are you okay?" Panthro asked.

"I'm fine, but you need to keep that temper of yours in check, Panthro, or it'll get the best of you with a price." Aline said a little worried.

"Panthro! The curve!" Cheetara shouted bringing Panthro back to reality.

"Huh? What?" Panthro said and saw a sharp curve ahead. Panthro slammed on the breaks but he knew he would still hit the rail on the curve that would have them flying off the cliff. He swerve the Thundertank. The Thundertank did a 180 and the passenger side of the Thundertank knocked the rails down, which meant that half the Thundertank was on the road and the other half was hanging on the edge. Cheetara made certain not to move as she was now looking at the jagged rocks below.

"Don't worry, Cheetara. I've got it under control." Panthro said.

Under control? Look what happened when you were under control. Cheetara thought.

Panthro was able to maneuvered the tank back on the road. Cheetara let out a sigh of relief. Panthro turned to her to apologize, but Cheetara responded first by slapping the back to of his bald head. "What the heck were you thinking? Where was your mind? Didn't you see the sharp curve ahead or the sign?!" She shouted angrily at him.

Panthro couldn't blame her for being mad. After all, he did almost killed them both by not watching the road and almost going off a cliff. "I was thinking about Aline. You said something that she once told me."

"I'm so sorry, Panthro. I was upset and-"

"You don't need to apologize, Cheetara. It was my fault."

"You still find it uncomfortable to talk about, don't you?" Cheetara asked.

"Yeah, I do." He said and resume driving. "You probably feel the same way about Lion-O. I've noticed how quiet you have been lately. Do you want to leave Thundera to get away from all this?"

"No. That's the last thing I want to do. I can't run away from this. I have to face this and I am."

Part 21

Tygra prepares to leave his room the following morning when he stops to look at a picture of Cheetara he had in his pocket. He smiles fondly at the picture as he thinks back to their last day together as a couple. It was years ago not to long after Tygra and Cheetara became Thundercats. They were sitting on a hill covered with soft green grass. They sat together looking at the stars and the full moon that lit up the sky.

"This night seems so calm and peaceful. I wish it could always be like this." Tygra said.

"Me too." She agreed and looked at Tygra a little worried. "Tygra, I didn't bring you out here to just look at the stars. I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked.

"Us and last night."

"You mean when we tried to make love?" Tygra inquired.

"Yes, and I'm so sorry, Tygra. I know you wanted to and I thought I did too, but my heart wasn't in it. I can't make love to anyone if my heart isn't in it." Cheetara explained.

"I know and I understand. We'll wait until you're ready." Tygra smiled.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready." She said quietly.

Tygra facial expression changed. "What?"

"I mean not with you." Before Tygra could say anything, Cheetara continued. "Our relationship isn't the same as it was once before, and I think we made a foolish mistake by trying to rekindle our relationship from years ago. We can't go back to what we once had. You and I are two different people, Tygra and you know that."

Tygra knew things were different between them but he thought they could still go on. "I thought we could try a little longer."

"We're only fooling ourselves, Tygra."

I love you, Cheetara. Tygra thought. Maybe she needs some space from our relationship. There isn't anyone better for her than me, so she'll soon come back to me with open arms. "Maybe you're right. I have been fooling myself, too. Perhaps in another time." He told her.

"Are you sure? I don't want to force a breakup or hurt you, Tygra."

"You can never hurt me." He assured her.

"That was the biggest mistake of my life." Tygra told himself as stared at Cheetara in the picture. "I should have never let it end that way. However, I don't intend on making that mistake again." He said determined and left.


Cheetara returned from her morning jog, tired and very sweaty. Running was one of the few things that could relax now in her life. She reached to open Cat's Lair doors but it opened for her. Her puzzlement ended when she saw Lion-O standing in the door way. He hands her a towel.

"I need to talk to you."

"Lion-O, I really don't-"

"Don't worry. It's business." He assured her. He closed the door behind her and escorted her to the counsel room.

"What is that you need to talk to me about?" Cheetara asked once they entered the control room.

"You haven't been on flight duties in a while so I thought it would be best if you went searching for more Thunderian refugees trying to find their way back home. Also with more people arriving on Thundera, I want you to check out these coordinates." He hands her a sheet of paper. "Those are places on want to build future cities, but I need to be sure if they are safe for Thunderians. You won't be alone, of course. Panthro, Tygra, and Bengali will be with you from time to time."

Cheetara read the list of coordinates. "Some of these coordinates have already been checked."

"Well-uh... I want you to double check. Better safe than sorry."

"You're sending me away."

"No. I just thought you may want assignments away from Cat's Lair." Lion-O explained.

"Very well. If that's all, I'll be going now." Cheetara said and left.

"I wonder if I'm doing the right thing." Lion-O asked himself.

Cheetara walked down the hall looking upset. Tygra saw her and walked to her. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.


"I'm glad I ran into you. I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. You're my best friend and I love you, as a friend of course, and I hate to see you upset. If I seem to be taking advantage of your vulnerability, then I am truly sorry. I was only trying to comfort you."

"Thank you, Tygra. I needed to hear that from you. You did had me worrying that you were still attracted to me, and since I'm single again, you would take advantage of me."

Tygra forced a hearty laugh. "You have it all wrong, Cheetara. I hate to see you hurt and all I want is for you to be happy."

"You needn't worry about me. I can handle myself, especially with my new duties."

"New duties?" Tygra said confused.

"Lion-O is sending me to search for more Thunderian refugees and he wants me check certain areas on New Thundera to make sure it's safe for Thunderians." Cheetara explained and handed Tygra the list of coordinates.

"Some of these have been checked." Tygra said reading the list.

"I know, but I know why he is doing this. He's sending me assignments away from Cat's Lair because he feels I need to get away from Leela and I do."

Yes, it worked Now to move to the second part of my plan. Tygra thought. "If only that were true." He mumbled.

"What did you say?" Cheetara asked.

"Nothing." Tygra said innocently.

"Tygra, if Lion-O's not sending me away for the reasons I think he is and you do know the truth, tell me. I have to know." Cheetara demanded.

Tygra sighed. "Why is it that I am the one with the bad news?" Tygra asked. "Last night, I heard Lion-O talking to Leela and telling her he wanted to express his feelings to her in the most erotic ways that I dare not say how and the only way it could be done is if he sends you away. He wants you to think he still loves you when he doesn't" Tygra fabricated.

Cheetara looked as if the wind has been taken out of her. "Please, Tygra. Please tell me that he didn't say that." Cheetara begged him to be wrong.

"I wish I were lying to you, but I'm not, and I hate to say that I was right, but I was. Lion-O was only playing with your feelings to get you in bed with him, and now that he has Leela, he doesn't need you to settle his urges."

Cheetara didn't want to believe what Tygra was telling but she thought he was telling the truth. Tygra has never lied to her and there was no reason for him to be starting now. "I just find it a little hard to believe, but it must be true. Leela was telling me how Lion-O was a great lover to her. I didn't believe her, but with you saying what you heard last night, it had to be true. I knew he had to make love to her to provide an heir, but I thought he would wait. Why would Lion-O do something like that? Lion-O isn't the type to play with one's feelings."

"Maybe Lion-O has a secret side hidden to all of us."

"I guess you're right, Tygra, and thank you for telling me. You are a very good and honest man." She thanked Tygra and gave him a hug, not for thanking him but because she needed to hold, what she thought, a supportive friend.


Over the next few months, Cheetara threw herself into her work, hiding her feelings that everyone thought she was happy at times when she was actually sad and depressed. Of course she didn't spend much time at the lair with her new duties. Tygra went with her on her missions a lot, trying to get close to her and saying anything and everything negative about Lion-O.

Elsewhere in space, a planet not to far from New Thundera and the Moons of Plundarr stood in space. The planet had boiling lakes, fire pits, and dismal swamps. The planet represented nothing good and everything evil. Standing high in front of the mountains, stood a mighty castle. It resembled Castle Plundarr greatly and looking out the window was Rataro. He was in his study thinking on how to get what was rightfully his from the Thundercats. A guard enters.

"You sent for me, sir." The warrior said.

Rataro turned around to see his finest soldier. "Yes, I have a mission for you, Marlo. On Way Outback, there four incompetent mutants who need rescuing. I want to rescue them. I need them for a very important job that only they can do."

"I'll gather my men, and leave right away." Marlo said confidently

"Hold on. Let me tell you who to prepare for when you arrive. There is a circus nut and a bird that watches the mutants and the Lunataks."

"I believe I can handle them. Do you want me to rescue the Lunataks as well?"

"No. They are our enemies and wouldn't be grateful if we were to help them. They would try to conquer us instead."

"With an effective plan, I can have them back in two or three day at the latest."

"Get on with it then. I cannot waste anymore time. I must get back what is rightfully mine from those wretched Thundercats, and when I do, it'll be the end of them." Rataro finished darkly.

Part 22

Two days later on Way Outback, the Lunataks and the Mutants grumbled in their prison cells, thinking of ways to escape. They tried escaping together, but with neither groups trusting each other their plans never worked. They resolved that when they escape they would not work together. Captain Bragg and his bird Crownan were sitting by the fire. Captain Bragg was sipping a cup of coffee when he saw a flashed of light in the call.

"I say, what is that?" Crownan asked staring in the sky.

As the image came closer, Slythe recognized it. "It's a mutant ship."

The ship began firing on Captain Bragg and his bird. The both ran for cover while mutant soldiers on aircraft's flew out of the large ship and grabbed Captain Bragg and Crownan and tied them in chains. Marlo stepped out of his ship and pulled out his laser sword. He went to the mutants cage and cut it open. Slythe and his gang immediately got out.

"Go to the main ship now." Marlo ordered. "Rataro is expecting you."

The mutants ran to the ship but not before teasing the lunataks for being in prison. "Hey, what about us?" Luna screeched.

"You and your gang aren't part of the plan, you old hag." Marlo answered and left, leaving Luna burning mad.

Once Slythe, Monkian, Jackalman, and Vultureman got in the ship they were chained by other mutant soldiers waiting for them. They asked why they were chained but no one answered why. In a few hours, they arrived on Plundarr where Rataro waited for them in his castle. The palace guards removed their chains and Rataro looked at them in disgust but he knew only they could do the job.

"Do you mind explaining why you chained us?" Slythe asked.

"I don't have to explain anything to you worthless mutants but I need you to do a job for me on Thundera, and you will do it or I'll send you back to Way Outback." Rataro threatened.

"What do you want us to do? We'll do anything to get back at the Thundercats." Slythe said.


Cheetara landed the Feliner at Cat's Lair after another mission in space. Panthro greeted her when she jumped out. "Welcome back, Cheetara. How did it go this time?"

"Boring. There weren't any refugees where we got a stress signal from. A false alarm maybe. After being in space for a week, all I want to do is hit the sack and not wake up until tomorrow afternoon."

"I know what you mean. We'll go on the next one together." Panthro suggested. "How about I unload the Feliner and you watch the control room until I get back. It'll take ten minutes tops."

"All right, and thanks." Cheetara said and walked in to the lair. As soon as she got into the control room, the communicator beeped. "Cat's Lair. Cheetara here."

"Cheetara, this is Mandora. Captain Bragg just contacted me. He told me some mutants ambushed him and Crownan and rescued the mutants. I can't check on it now because there has been a prison breakout."

"Don't worry, Mandora. The Thundercats will handle it. Cheetara out." Cheetara pressed the lair alarm. In less than a minute the control doors opened. Cheetara turned to see who it was. Oh, great. Cheetara thought rolling her eyes.

Lion-O saw her expression but ignored it. "What is it, Cheetara?"

"I'll tell you when everyone arrives." She said professionally.

There was an eerie quietness in the room. Lion-O wanted to ask how Cheetara was doing but the dark looks she was giving him lately told him not to. He had a feeling Cheetara was upset with him about something. It wasn't the wedding but something else that Lion-O couldn't pinpoint. The uneasiness of the two of them alone ended when WilyKit, WilyKat, Panthro, and Leela entered the room.

"What is it, darling?" Leela asked joining his side.

"I don't know." He answered looking down at her and then meeting Cheetara's eyes. "What's going on?"

"Mandora just informed me that the mutants have escape Way Outback."

"How did that happen?" WilyKat asked.

"A mutant ship came and rescued them"

"Hmm." Panthro said thinking. "It sounds to me that those blasted mutants are up to something. We better go to Way Outback and find out what's going on. Maybe the lunataks know something that we don't and we should get it out them by any means possible."

"I agree." Lion-O said.

"I'll go." Cheetara volunteered.

"But not by yourself. It could be dangerous." Lion-O said concerned.

"Lion-O, Cheetara is a big girl and can do this by herself." Leela said holding him closer to her and shot a smug smile at Cheetara.

"I don't send my Thundercats on solo missions that could be dangerous, Leela. I have been making decisions like this for years and I don't need your input." Lion-O told his wife.

"You're just doing that because she's your ex and you're still stuck on her like some lovesick idiot." Leela snapped.

"I'm going to go warm up the Feliner." Cheetara said a little hurt and ran out.

"I'll go with her." Panthro said and ran out.

"The relationship Cheetara and I had has nothing to do with this. I treat her as I would any other Thundercat. Now I don't want to hear another word about it. Do you understand?" Lion-O snapped back.

"Yes." She answered quietly.

"Good. WilyKit, WilyKat, I want you two to stand guard here." Lion-O ordered and left. Lion-O ran outside to apologize to Cheetara for Leela's behavior, but by the time he got outside, the Feliner took off.


"You want us to retrieve the Sword of Plundarr on New Thundera?" Slythe asked surprised.

"Why do you want the Sword of Plundarr?" Jackalman asked.

"Only an idiot would ask that question." Rataro said and continued. "The Sword of Plundarr rightfully belongs to the mutants and not those felines. I need the sword to attack and conquer whatever planet I want, particular Thundera, and when I get my hands on the Sword of Plundarr, no one not even the Thundrcats will stop me."


Parts 23-25: The mutants searches for the Sword of Plundarr, only to get in a fight with the Thundercats. WilyKit and WilyKat learns a dark secret from their parents. Panthro tries to stop them from learning anymore about their parents past.

Tygra and Leela are pretty sneaky.  More fanfics!

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